
Hello all,

I have been playing Crossfire since 2010.
Now, the problem is that I cannot play CF like in the old days.
It does not attract old players that’s why I think many of them left playing CF.
I have thought about the solution and finally, I came up with some ideas.
I hope they will be useful.

First and foremost, black market radically, must be changed. It does not appeal to old payers!
I know it is too much difficult to change all weapons and to put new ones.
I also thought about it. What about that changing black market every month or more into different CF’s black market?
For instance, next January black market will be CF China’s black market or CF Espanol's or CF Endonesia.

Secondly, old maps, that removed, must be improved and than be brought back again.

Lastly, playing HM mode, especially Merida, is getting worse although we love to play it instead of playing HMX.
I mean the mutants are so weak against the soldiers.
That’s why soldiers who become mutant at the beginning, exit the game or rejoin the battle.
That makes HM mode unplayable. Improvement must be balanced between Mutant and Soldiers.
At this point, I offer you to add new qualities for mutants that without ZP.
Or I offer you to decrease the Zp that we have to pay for buying mutant that with ZP.

I am looking forward to your comments,
My best regards