How to stop the use of hack/cheating !?

Firstly, excuse me for my English.
I started playing Crossfire 10 years ago and some players have been using cheating programs for 10 years. So a lot of my friends stopped playing the game. Crossfire stands in a simple vicious circle. Hackers find a system vulnerability and write a hacking program. GMs are closing the gap. Then everything starts all over again.

I have three suggestions to solve this problem. I hope the GMs (or any other official) read this.

1) Protect your game files.
All the files of the game are on the user's computer. Many games now have game files on the servers. This makes it more difficult to write the hack tool of the game. All of CrossFire's files are on our computers. That means giving us all the files we need to write the hack tool.
Game files must be moved to the server.

2) Encourage to complain
Many players (sometimes me) do not complain when we encounter a player using hack tool. Because we think it's a waste of time. This can be changed. Give gifts to anyone who complains about the use of hacking and whose information is correct. (Example: x1 crate[anyone] or a small amount zp)

3) Login requirements for servers
Many users who use hacking have a low rank. This may not be welcome, but many players will be comfortable.
Requirements for some servers should be increased. Old players will remember. To enter some servers, you had to reach a certain rank.
This is still the case for two servers. NA-Delta and EU-Delta (formerly Delta and UK-4).The rank required to login to these servers must be increased. (Example: Major 1 and higher).

4) In-Game Report System
I thought it was right for you to add this topic on forum discussions. If a report system is created within the game, players can submit the notification while watching repetitions without exiting the game. This is both more practical and faster.
Report system should be added to the replay section.

Note: Again I am sorry for my English. I am still learning.

What do you think about these suggestions?


  • Not all low ranks are cheater buddy some Hight ranks are cheat too I found some hacker in Rank match with cheat there ranks is higher mine.
    TBH I 100% agree with your suggestion.
  • KyokoChan wrote: »
    Not all low ranks are cheater buddy some Hight ranks are cheat too I found some hacker in Rank match with cheat there ranks is higher mine.

    Yes, you are right. Some high ranking players use hacking. Unfortunately :/
  • As long as illegal versions still alive , hacks will flood us.

    Cut the snake head .....

    End story
  • IGN_Galaxy wrote: »
    +1 But on the rank let us make it

    Colonel 1

    It is too high but it is OK for me :)
  • Based on your OP you have a very bad idea about hacks.
    1. It doesn't matter where the files are. CF updates the computers files if you change them. That's why you can't get personal killmarks anymore. Hacks like wallhack or aimbot uses server offsets and not the files on your computer. They can't work with simply using the files. And all files are decrypted anyway so even cheats like weapon changer only happen locally and don't really change anything.
    2. It'll create a whole new bunch of issues and mistrust. People will be pissed when they report 100 hackers and 99 of them were legit. They'll cry and claim Z8 doesn't ban anyone because they don't want to give out crates. And people will report everybody trying to get as many crates as possible. This is a bad idea. Z8 also can't and won't provide any proof on people being banned or not.
    Or some smartasses like mecould create smurfs with a hack, cheat in a game, send in the replay from main account and get infinite ZP/crates.
    3. This is just not true. There are so many people who are high rank and cheat. I've come across a couple of these which were successfully reported and banned (besides one high dude on EU who speedhacked in a HM game and didn't get banned). Highs just know better how to hack and don't go hamwild aimbotting in an S&D. They do it in a mode without replays.

    The only things I'd like to be changed is a proper report or Overwatch system like CSGO. If you encounter a cheater you press a button in the menu, it records a portion of the replay (which need a huge improvement) and put them to the TV function thingy. People watch over it anonymously and decide if he cheats or not. If you reported correctly a bunch of times, and only then, you get 1 crate per 20 overwatches or so. Or just some GP.
  • Based on your OP you have a very bad idea about hacks.
    1. It doesn't matter where the files are. CF updates the computers files if you change them. That's why you can't get personal killmarks anymore. Hacks like wallhack or aimbot uses server offsets and not the files on your computer. They can't work with simply using the files. And all files are decrypted anyway so even cheats like weapon changer only happen locally and don't really change anything.
    2. It'll create a whole new bunch of issues and mistrust. People will be ****ed when they report 100 hackers and 99 of them were legit. They'll cry and claim Z8 doesn't ban anyone because they don't want to give out crates. And people will report everybody trying to get as many crates as possible. This is a bad idea. Z8 also can't and won't provide any proof on people being banned or not.
    Or some smartasses like mecould create smurfs with a hack, cheat in a game, send in the replay from main account and get infinite ZP/crates.
    3. This is just not true. There are so many people who are high rank and cheat. I've come across a couple of these which were successfully reported and banned (besides one high dude on EU who speedhacked in a HM game and didn't get banned). Highs just know better how to hack and don't go hamwild aimbotting in an S&D. They do it in a mode without replays.

    The only things I'd like to be changed is a proper report or Overwatch system like CSGO. If you encounter a cheater you press a button in the menu, it records a portion of the replay (which need a huge improvement) and put them to the TV function thingy. People watch over it anonymously and decide if he cheats or not. If you reported correctly a bunch of times, and only then, you get 1 crate per 20 overwatches or so. Or just some GP.

    I don't think the files on the server are being used. Because if this is true, the servers are hacking. You could also use speed hack with some intermediate software that is used in some applications. You can even see it on the Internet. So I don't think this has anything to do with the servers.

    The prize can be changed or quotaed. I know Z8Games doesn't give anyone information about these issues but you have to encourage it somehow. For example, 10 hackers can receive an award when they complain. So he doesn't know who was punished in private.
    There will be those who want to abuse this situation, but it is already Z8Games' task to identify them and more. I personally think that those who use cheating are not given enough punishment. In some games, the penalty for cheating is as severe as not being able to enter the game again from the computer being used.

    Yes, unfortunately, high-ranking players also use gimmicks, but often rank low. It's not 100% useful, but I believe the effect will be great.

    Apart from all these, in-game report system can be brought. I'm gonna add this up.
  • 1) You have no idea how any of this works, do you?
    2) So you're proposing for z8 to fund a riot against themselves?
    3) Will never been done. People suggested it since 2010 so its already dead in the water.
    4) This would require a lot of improvements. While doable, it would only give z8 more work and nothing to show for it. Even the current report system is forgotten about and reports are not reviewed untill somebody reports the same player on discord.
  • This is what I sent to the GMs tell me what you think.

    SO I find it a little disturbing to see all those hackers just whipping us and just do a tick and it's over
    and also i find it even more disturbing that you guys don't even care about hackers you just tell us to
    well here is what i ll say...i don't have time for reporting i just want to play and enjoy what i have before it's gone and the way i see it you guys [GMs] don't care about the game and you gave up on it...why?
    CFHD is on it's way to western so what will happen to your game huh?
    the fate of your game is to be extincted like all other games that were awesome in the past now they became history
    why do i send you this message?
    because i don't want the game to be extincted i see in this game what no one other sees
    i see what? the simple modern look and graphics
    that's not a point of strength it's weakness but when your weakness keeps your beloved around you and supporting then that's Strength
    Crossfire is not just FPS game or multiplayer game nah..i call CF the mother of all FPS games and that's the truth

    yes i do sometimes go play call of duty or PUBG or whatever but..i always come back to this game because this is where it all started
    i ll get to the point i made a long speech sorry :P

    How To Hit Em Where it Hurts
    I have some advises that i personally thought of and will be useful for the game play

    1-Report while playing:
    Yeah why not just add an option in the Menu right below kick vote and call it [Report]
    when i play and see a hacker just in the starting of the game i say oh damn i just started well,why don't you add a report in game it will be useful and quick i don't have time for reporting in site and then open the game again and also when i'm playing and I click report a person the way i see it, it should send you a recording from starting of game till the moment i click report so you can see everything that happened from my starting till i click report that will be epic for you guys and it should be helpful.

    2-Ban IP And account:
    what is the Definition of a hacker in CF
    Hackers in CF are 2 types
    first one: is someone who is a total noob and just wants to kill the Pros just because they have VIPs or Skills or because he just can't play well
    the second one: he is a devil who knows how to play and even he might be a pro player but he just loves to see people suffering or he loves to try hacks on players in game and when you report him he will just move on to the next account and he will keep going he might have 10 accounts or even more so instead of blocking his account from playing why don't ban account Permanently
    and his IP address Temporarily
    like the PUBG banning it bans IP address Permanently To discipline them
    why don't you use it as a Discipline too but instead of banning IP Permanently you can make it Temporarily
    but if the hack was detected 3 times or more then it will be a permanent Ban.

    Oh and by the way the hack that is used right now is called [REMOVED to not Share with anyone who wants the hack name]
    o please just make a move and do anything to save the game if you really want it to survive [stop adding modes and starting making moves] the game is Dead but you can make it right and i know it just Believe in yourself and in the game.

    If you Read all this Speech well Thanks a lot and you really care for the players and opinions.

    Note: Couldn't upload record of game it's large i guess.

    also Note: This Message is sent to all GMs if a GM didn't get the message then probably he has to clean his/her Mailbox :P

  • After a long time, I write again. Lastly, GM's saw what we write.
    With the last update, In-game report system can be used and the system is sending a message about the result of the report.

    I hope, this system helps to stop hackers. But, It is not enough. GM's have to ban hackers IPs.
  • GKXCF wrote: »
    After a long time, I write again. Lastly, GM's saw what we write.
    With the last update, In-game report system can be used and the system is sending a message about the result of the report.

    I hope, this system helps to stop hackers. But, It is not enough. GM's have to ban hackers IPs.

    They can only cast this as an account ban. If the IP ban is thrown think about the internet cafe?
    Is everyone forbidden to eh?

    Like a HWID System C++ ;)
  • GKVTurkiye wrote: »

    They can only cast this as an account ban. If the IP ban is thrown think about the internet cafe?
    Is everyone forbidden to eh?

    Like a HWID System C++ ;)

    Certain conditions and allowance may be obtained for the cancellation of the penalty. Also, this was a system that existed before. It worked perfectly. (In Subagames) At least that's what I think.

    Also, as the files of CrossFire are open, new hacks will emerge regardless of the protection program. This is a vicious circle for CrossFire.

    So, I think penalties must be harsh for now.
  • GKXCF wrote: »

    Certain conditions and allowance may be obtained for the cancellation of the penalty. Also, this was a system that existed before. It worked perfectly. (In Subagames) At least that's what I think.

    Also, as the files of CrossFire are open, new hacks will emerge regardless of the protection program. This is a vicious circle for CrossFire.

    So, I think penalties must be harsh for now.

    If we want the game to be good things fall on us as players? Including, for example, people who cheat and elevate themselves. We are not working on this issue at all, whereas the in-game reporting system came. I'm sure a lot of people are banned now.

    Just wait!
    We just have to give the game officials time.
  • GKVTurkiye wrote: »

    If we want the game to be good things fall on us as players? Including, for example, people who cheat and elevate themselves. We are not working on this issue at all, whereas the in-game reporting system came. I'm sure a lot of people are banned now.

    Just wait!
    We just have to give the game officials time.

    I don't understand your attitude. We are already waiting. Waiting does not prevent us from offering suggestions.

    So we just make suggestions. If possible, don't defend the game officials. if they want that, they can do it. The purpose of the main forum is just to make suggestions. GM's has not to realize them.
    So if you have any suggestions, say that. If you don't have any suggestions don't be a hindrance.
  • I agree with you on all of this except : Give gifts to anyone who complains about the use of hacking and whose information is correct. (Example: x1 crate[anyone] or a small amount zp)
  • I agree with you on all of this except : Give gifts to anyone who complains about the use of hacking and whose information is correct. (Example: x1 crate[anyone] or a small amount zp)
    As a result, the system can now count it. This can be accomplished.