Parkour restrictions

Hello, I'm a fan of parkour mode and the new map is really nice. Easy to complete but hard to master imo but it made me question some aspects of it. There are some restrictions on the game mode that I don't understand and would be great if anybody could explain them to me.

1 - Why is there a minium number of players to start (which is 2)? Why can't I just start a map by myself to I can train and/or improve my best time?

2 - Why can't I join a game that has started already? I feel like might be an obvious reason that I'm missing for this one but I'm not getting there.

My suggestion since I don't know if there is any meaning behind the restrictions I meantioned above:
- Remove the minimum number of players;
- Let people join games that already started;
- Make that the match doesn't end when someone reaches the top;
- And to accommodate these changes increase the time limit which currently is 20 min.

(I know this isn't the place for suggestions but what I really want is the answer of the 2 questions above)

Thanks in advance for the replies/answers.


  • W0W...What a well writen post. What a breath of fresh air.

    You clearly know how to get you point across.

    To answer a couple of your questions, at least as I see it...

    - Remove the minimum number of players; I think they have this minimum to give a competitive edge.

    - Make that the match doesn't end when someone reaches the top: Again I think they want you to be first to the top so when a player makes it there, its over.

    Your point about trying the map on your own is valid and you should be able to make a room by yourself and play alone but....server space :(

    Anyway thats my thoughts on your post. I hope someone can give you more definitive answers to your questions.

    Good to see you enjoying this game and happy jumping:)
  • I am strongly against having this mode be competitive so I'd be quite happy to see the ability to start on your own. They did it with Zombie Mode (blessed) so this should follow suit tbh
  • I think to answer your questions is because it's essentially coded that way due to the competitive aspects of the game. While it could probably be made to do Solo in a type of work around or change setting (think having a parkour single bot mode tdm. but with the bots sitting some non-existent space thus allowing solo play on parkour) As for starting a game that has already started....that's strictly for a competitive thing for sure. Like how could one expect to finish if everyone else is already halfway done or more....although honestly I don't think it'd really be a problem and in some cases if people are really bad at it and you join their room you could catch up to them even then but its the whole in a race everyone starts at the same time type thing.

    I completely agree with the idea of making it so it can be solo'd for practice runs. And i'd agree with the idea of making it so it doesnt end shortly after the first person crosses and thus allows everyone in the room to finish in their own time however, i believe that is perhaps a hard coded issue they might not be able to get around. As the game likely is set up in a way that they can't end the match for just one person with a match complete scenario. The best they could likely do is force them out and consider it an 'abandonment' as if the player left the match....but as we know that means their results aren't saved though I think that could be worked around as you can save a reply and leave other matches and your death do get counted when you abandon and the honor factor gets effected then. So they can save data when you leave. Another option there is to make it so that there's a 'course' after the finish line. By that I mean once a player crosses the finish line they get moved into a 'After Party' course where players can perhaps fight (likely not possible without messing up other aspects of parkour mode...) or maybe it has various interactive things that allow players to mess around with IE jump pads and various spaced jump spots for people to continue practicing their parkour while they wait for everyone to finish or the overall match time to run out. This could help players from getting bored while they wait for their bad parkour buddies to finish the map.

    Alternatively there's also no reason they couldnt introduce sub-sections to this mode. Think as if you have HMX and HMX Parasite....they could have Parkour and Parkour Competitive. regular Parkour could be started with a single person or a party and would allow it if in group where the match doesnt end until time runs out or everyone crosses finish line. Then Competitive could be like how parkour is now though I think if we have a competitive version it'd also be neat to have an 'entry fee' of some kind. And the winner takes all. Although problem with that is there's nothing to really wager if you will that's worthwhile. GP is near worthless to many and nothing really important to buy with it....and to do it with ZP would limit the players who could and would essentially in their minds turn this into an actual gambling thing that you 'dont get anything out of' (note they get away with crates from some gambling regulations because you technically always get stuff out of it even if it isn't the rare/perm things....)
    I would be willing to bet though that if they introduced the idea of Parkour and Parkour Competitive that you'd mainly be seeing the competitive side being played and that the only time it wouldn't normally would be when new maps are first released and when a person just wants to solo. And that the benefits of having it have sub-modes is outweighed by the extra coding needs to make it work thus not worth it to the Devs to implement....but maybe....
  • Wow.Thats some reply roght there.covers well the points and it really doesnt leave room for other questions.I support the idea of practice mode on Parkour, or solo play, call it however.
  • I support only the idea to remove completely this useless mode from crossfire, there are a lot better and older modes like wave that still have just two maps until now.I thought we play a first person shooter game , and we dont need this mambo-jambo mode.
  • sometimes hard to end one time , this mode funny but need practice .
  • winnnetou wrote: »
    I support only the idea to remove completely this useless mode from crossfire, there are a lot better and older modes like wave that still have just two maps until now.I thought we play a first person shooter game , and we dont need this mambo-jambo mode.

    To be honest it would be way better if we removed everything besides the core modes sd/td/gm/mm and ofcourse pve zm and re-introduce the other modes as timed exclusives.
    This game is trying too hard to be everything.