Coupons from Black Market

Hello everybody,
many of you ask for new coupon weapons on a regular basis. I do have over 1000 unopened ZP crates plus around 2000 GP crates with a chance for coupon waiting. Plus the free ZP Tickets of course.

​​​​​​To find a proper solution for the issue of max. 150 coupons I thought of a few different solutions:

1. Increase the maximum amount of coupons.
2. Add more stages like 200 coupons for a special permanent weapon (up to 10000 for a vip maybe?)
3. Add a timed circle like we have in MP shop so we know when new weapons come to the coupon rewards.
4. Change the coupon rewards more frequently, maybe even with old rewards we had long times ago so new users can also get them
5. Make the lower rewards better so we use our coupons for BP or something.

Even if just one of these ideas gets real it would help a lot.


  • +1 to all suggestions, as it is now, it sucks. We need change!!!!!
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • point 3 would be really nice. but for the rest -1 cause veteran players should have all old coupon weapons. so if they come back for coupons only new players will be happy. and the rest like me think : i have 28 golden anaconda. please change coupons....
    also i dont believe that u have 1k zp crates in ur storage. u could buy bag 5 6 7 from coupons and start spin.
  • egypig wrote: »
    point 3 would be really nice. but for the rest -1 cause veteran players should have all old coupon weapons. so if they come back for coupons only new players will be happy. and the rest like me think : i have 28 golden anaconda. please change coupons....
    also i dont believe that u have 1k zp crates in ur storage. u could buy bag 5 6 7 from coupons and start spin.

    First of all I already have Bag 5 to 7 permanently. Second the amount of crates is gathered since Hornet Collection came out. And lastly why do you think the ideas are bad but point 3? You only brought an argument about the 4th point.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    1. Increase the maximum amount of coupons.
    2. Add more stages like 200 coupons for a special permanent weapon (up to 10000 for a vip maybe?)
    3. Add a timed circle like we have in MP shop so we know when new weapons come to the coupon rewards.
    4. Change the coupon rewards more frequently, maybe even with old rewards we had long times ago so new users can also get them
    5. Make the lower rewards better so we use our coupons for BP or something.

    Even if just one of these ideas gets real it would help a lot.

    So here's my thoughts on these:

    1-I'd be fine with that. I think we should be able to earn/hold more coupons than the tiers require to exchange for anyways.

    2-I'd be fine with more stages as well. Though I think a 200 would suffice. Believe it or not...a 10,000 coupon thing wouldnt be THAT hard to hit for someone who spends after new patches and while it'd be a nice save up benefit for those that are extra unlucky in the BM I doubt they'd be willing to give away VIPs that way.

    3-As nice as this would's likely not possible. I don't think, at least not currently and in the past, that they knew right away when or what the next coupon weapons would be. Not sure how much of a role they get to play in deciding the coupon stuff and how much of a role the actual devs play in it but i think it's pretty much more of a "give everyone time enough to achieve them and figure out what could be next then we'll decide when to update the coupon section". That being said....if it was a forced/set time frame they might work on the details more. But as we all know....if there's any chance something might change in the release/update....they dont like to give details until it's going into place.

    4-I'd be fine with more frequently at least twice a year. maybe 3 times a year. But problem is if they did that we'd likely have fewer new rewards and it'd likely end up like the MP shop where we see the same things like Orchid show up time and time again. And personally, I feel some of the old coupon weapons should remain classics for those who managed to get them back in the day.

    5-I'll agree somewhat to this. A fair bit of the lower rewards have disappointing times on them for the coupons you're giving out. While I don't mind so much the 10 coupons stuff like Unlimited ZM Mag, Name/Chat color, mutation spike etc.....the cosmetic items ought to be more lengthy in time if one were to redeem them.

    I'd also like to say that it's time the entire coupon section got a mix-up and not just the main prizes. While i think some of the main usefuls should stick around for players like Unlimited ZM Mag, name/IGN colors, stabilizers and some of the others....I think it'd be nice to see Enchantments for rings replace something along with maybe adding in trade keys. The temporary weapons need mixed up as do the cosmetic items.

    A final idea that might help out would be to create a set of special weapons that are only available to the coupon section and toss them into a 'Coupon Crate' that you can only redeem through coupons. That would likely give people something to spend their coupons on continuously though it would also likely make people mad too cause....another crate. It would of course be available alongside the permanent redeemable weapons.
  • Your suggestions are quite good, would like to see (if possible) a notification whenever the coupon system will change (this will help us a lot). I think 2 (max 3) times a year would be nice to have for new perm weapons arrival.
    If somehow we can have that schedule, most of us would stop opening new thread about "new perm coupons weapons"
    Since they released the Perm bags I also agree that we need a new set up of temp items in the coupons system and increase the time for each one.

    Would like to see new items like: Temp nades (15days for 10 coupons), New char gear (15 days for 10 coupons)
    Additional time for: ZM Unlimited Mag, Color Chat and IGN 15-30 days for 10 coupons
    Remove: Baseball cap, Angel, Panda and temp Bags (we already have perm and Black Friday discount price)