Private group chat.

there one idea to improve the private chat(wishper).

So basicly the idea is to improve the private(wishper) chat to create group i have some idea to how it would be implanted just let me know what you think.

-The group chat(wishper) cant have more than 5 players in.

- The chief of the group chat had to have all the players in hes friendlist.

- Name your group chat: ex;Ranked.

- To invite players in the goup chat you have to send a request, the request is notified in Notice > Systeme, then just like ranked players had to accept or denied the request.

- All the message in group chat pop in the wishper section, i explain, when you have created the group a wishper was opend(just like when you wishper a friend) the wishper got the name of the group chat: Ranked.

- The chief can kick someone of the group chat.

- When you leave the game you also leave the group chat.

That all! :)

The idea was in case if you create a group chat but maybe a group chat can created(with you as a chief of group) when you play ranked and when someone join the ranked group he get a group chat request.

let me know what you think, if you have more idea to improve mine feel free to share it :)