AK Iron Beast charge shot

I got the AK IB with the pre-order event the other day. I found having the charge shot was annoying when I just want to use the stab attack. NBD I'll disable it, that's an option, right? Nope, when you disable the special attack it leaves the charge shot on and disables the stab. It should be the other way around.


  • Bumping this because another thread reminded me of it and it's completely idiotic that you can't disable the utterly useless charge shot.
  • h8z8 wrote: »
    Bumping this because another thread reminded me of it and it's completely idiotic that you can't disable the utterly useless charge shot.

    The charge has the same Range as the stab. It's also instantaneous, it's basically a better version of the Stab. use it at stabbing range and you'll see what i mean.

  • The charge has the same Range as the stab. It's also instantaneous, it's basically a better version of the Stab. use it at stabbing range and you'll see what i mean.

    Nah, I get that it works more or less like an instant melee. In HMX though the charge shot doesn't work to finish mutants. It doesn't count as a knife kill like the slash does. Most of the time it doesn't matter but in certain situations it's not ideal. You gotta burn off the charge shot first then melee the mutant and that's not ideal. Also, it's just weird that there IS a disable function, but it only disables the melee and not the charge shot. It should be the other way around.