Report Card Change
So I have seen my report card and would like to ask for a change, for Business to get an A you need to spend 150,000 or more ZP but only for this event. There are people who pre-ordered the new VIP and I'm sure spent 100k+ zp but it won't count on the report card, I propose for this to change that have spent zp from the beginning of the pre-order of the new VIP as I don't think its fair for those who already spent ZP to then miss out on a reward because some of us didn't know the report card event was going to be implemented, personally if I knew that I would have waited 1 day long so it would have counted as I have spent myself more than 150k zp this week but it doesn't count, but I hope you change this.
So I have seen my report card and would like to ask for a change, for Business to get an A you need to spend 150,000 or more ZP but only for this event. There are people who pre-ordered the new VIP and I'm sure spent 100k+ zp but it won't count on the report card, I propose for this to change that have spent zp from the beginning of the pre-order of the new VIP as I don't think its fair for those who already spent ZP to then miss out on a reward because some of us didn't know the report card event was going to be implemented, personally if I knew that I would have waited 1 day long so it would have counted as I have spent myself more than 150k zp this week but it doesn't count, but I hope you change this.
+1. I spent 150k ZP before 2 days, i preordered bullseye along with barret obsidian beast..FeelsBad that we get the school report after few days..Is there any chance of going toward the people that already preordered it? I didnt wanted to wai till last few hours until preorder ends, cuz u know, why, there is no point..but well..f*** me..
Edit: Just count into report card the ZP spent from monday this week. -
I never understood and don’t mind me why people rush to buy vip preorders you get least a week before they always end. If you been here long enough you should know how they operate, revenue is their priority like any other business. It’s not like this is some flash get it before it quantities last type of sale so I never understood why some are quick to preorder when you lose nothing waiting till its close to ending.
I see what you’re saying but this is business. Gl maybe they’ll be nice and make it so. -
oSasukeXxX wrote: »I never understood and don’t mind me why people rush to buy vip preorders you get least a week before they always end. If you been here long enough you should know how they operate, revenue is their priority like any other business. It’s not like this is some flash get it before it quantities last type of sale so I never understood why some are quick to preorder when you lose nothing waiting till its close to ending.
I see what you’re saying but this it’s business. Gl maybe they’ll be nice and make it so.
Because why should i wait? I wanted to open those crates now, i wanted that 2nd vip now so i can play, why should i wait whole week to preorder something..? Its just like when some game is coming out, you preorder and get a bonus (physical or ingame), and that bonus might be until out of stock. Does that mean i should wait till last hour and risk they wont be available? i know it isnt like that in cf, but still, it be like that.. -
blakbutcher7 wrote: »
Because why should i wait? I wanted to open those crates now, i wanted that 2nd vip now so i can play, why should i wait whole week to preorder something..? Its just like when some game is coming out, you preorder and get a bonus (physical or ingame), and that bonus might be until out of stock. Does that mean i should wait till last hour and risk they wont be available? i know it isnt like that in cf, but still, it be like that..
I totally agree with oSasuke***
Well, you should have waited just because of THIS case scenarios, is NOT the first time they do the exact same thing (to maximize profit).
Pre order started on Sep 3rd and last till Sep 10th (plenty of days). You will get the same items if you pre order the very 1st day or the last minute of Sept 10th
Of course I understand what Butcher said, he did buy it 1st day cause wanted to open crates and use the additional VIP guns, well, thats your decision buddy, you never know what the next day may bring and offer. This was a risk you took by action your decisions.
For me this suggestion is a total NO NO! -1
In my particular case I waited enough to decide if I'm going to get the pre sale or not and now I have the opportunity to have both rewards with 1 purchase (cause I knew CF West would do this).
Hope you note down this particular case scenario for the next time that it may happen. -
I totally agree with oSasuke***
Well, you should have waited just because of THIS case scenarios, is NOT the first time they do the exact same thing (to maximize profit).
Pre order started on Sep 3rd and last till Sep 10th (plenty of days). You will get the same items if you pre order the very 1st day or the last minute of Sept 10th
For me this suggestion is a NO NO! -1
In my case I waited enough to decide if I buy the pre sale or not and now I have the opportunity to do both with 1 action.
Hope you note down this particular case scenario for the next one that may happen.
One word for you: acehole. -
We should wait from buying pre-orders because of these situations?
I disagree. This is terrible timing/schedule management. If they really wanted maximize profit why even overlap a bit the 2 events?
Any company with a large community would have received backlash and be judged severely if no compensation was given.
In my case it even cuts some profit since I spent 126k on the pre-order and wouldnt mind spending the extra 24k just to get an easy A on the report. But I will not spend 150k just for an A. -
blakbutcher7 wrote: »
Because why should i wait? I wanted to open those crates now, i wanted that 2nd vip now so i can play, why should i wait whole week to preorder something..? Its just like when some game is coming out, you preorder and get a bonus (physical or ingame), and that bonus might be until out of stock. Does that mean i should wait till last hour and risk they wont be available? i know it isnt like that in cf, but still, it be like that..
It’s how they been doing it on CF though, I get it you want to use some of those things but this is nothing new z8 always does it like this. Which is why some people I know usually wait last minute make sure they get more “bang for their buck” or “2 birds with 1 stone” type of scenario like is happening right now.
It sucks and timing is not a coincidence at all but they might be willing to make exception so who knows. Send a ticket and ask if you haven’t because this thread might die without a reply. -
Andrew1798 wrote: »
One word for you: acehole.
Well, I did share my opinion, I respect yours and never typed any form of insults to anybody. Hope you can take/respect everybody's opinion.
I know you are mad, but thats the way it is, hope you can maximize the items you get for ZP next time. -
We should wait from buying pre-orders because of these situations?
I disagree. This is terrible timing/time management. If they really wanted maximize profit why even overlap a bit the 2 events?
Any company with a large community would have received backlash and be judged severely if no compensation was given.
In my case it even cuts some profit since I spent 126k on the pre-order and wouldnt mind spending the extra 24k just to get an easy A on the report. But I will not spend 150k just for an A.
Well you will get to know how CF West play their cards. I been around for the whole 10 years of the game and you have the chance to learn some tips and tricks to get more for your ZP -
If you been here long enough you should know how they operate, revenue is their priority like any other business. It’s not like this is some flash get it before it quantities last type of sale so I never understood why some are quick to preorder when you lose nothing waiting till its close to ending. Mycfavisit
Well, I did share my opinion, I respect yours and never typed any form of insults to anybody. Hope you can take/respect everybody's opinion.
I know you are mad, but thats the way it is, hope you can maximize the items you get for ZP next time.
I do not respect your opinion, why would I? You think it's common sense and decency to wait until the ending of a presale so you can make the most out of something - that's completely wrong! It's not buyer's fault that they can't properly schedule something like this.
They are at wrong for overlaping these events even by 1 day without giving compensation and you are even worse for defending something like this and trying to justify their ghetto tactics. -
"That's how they usually work / They have always been like this " is NO reason to accept/defend this.
To the ones talking about profit: Why even overlap the tiniest bit of the events? If they really wanted profit just make Card report start later or the pre-order sooner and people would have to spend a lot of extra ZP for the the grade A.
To the ones talking about "How they work": You shouldn't defend something wrong just because it's how it usually is. I can't come with with a great analogy right now but imagine having a great friend, he's great in everything and all but everyday he steals a coin from you without saying anything and you being like: "Meh its just how he usually is". Makes no sense. Stop the guy and confront him about this situation.
They had control over the 2 events (Pre-order and Report Card), some companies will refund you for stuff they didnt even had control over, example of steam in which they refund you partially if you bought a game recently just before it went of sale (while they had control over when the sale happened, they had no control when people would buy the game while Z8 had control of the pre-order, it was a defined time interval).
In the end, I'm not expecting to be heard and nothing will probably change. Not sending a ticket because the last two I sent I felt ignored and I moved on. -
I'm not defending the way they operate, my opinion is to give everybody (who may not be aware of this) a heads up on how CF West usually manage events/promotions, if you want to note it down... cool, if not, not a problem.
At the end, no matter how many threads people open to discuss how bad they plan/action events/promotions, they will not change a bit and of course the will never let us know ahead of time, since that is the way they manage things.
I'm against the way they release news/events/patches and everything but been here for quite some time and there is only 1 way of taking advantage: KNOW their ways.
Nobody can tell YOU when to spend or NOT your ZP, so if you wanted to pre order the 1st day, well, you have to live with this decision and the things you could not get by waiting 2-3 days more, this was you own decision. -
You are defending them when you tell other players that it was our decision and fault that we decided to buy the pre-order early. That's literally what I expect a Mod to say if any replied to this thread.
And knowing their ways and playing around them is not the only way. If something is bugging me, I want it fixed and not just adapt to it.
The community is not big as it should be and when they do stuff like this they are just hurting themselves in the long run.
As a "new player" (not really new, just new account since I lost my old one) do I want to tell my friends and groups "Hey, come play Crossfire. It's cool and all but the updates are kinda greedy/thristy for money?"
Heck no.
Game has potential so they shouldn't commit mistakes and make themselves look bad in the eye of the player.
Note: If the two events didn't overlap at all I would be fine 100% with it and I couldn't care less. Now I hate is that some players get a bit extra because they decided to wait because it is typical? -
You are defending them when you tell other players that it was our decision and fault that we decided to buy the pre-order early. That's literally what I expect a Mod to say if any replied to this thread.
Note: If the two events didn't overlap at all I would be fine 100% with it and I couldn't care less. Now I hate is that some players get a bit extra because they decided to wait because it is typical?
No one defending them, you’re welcome to check my post history. Why you hate those players? They were like you and learned over time z8s tactics. Know how they operate even if it’s not liked and use it to your advantage like said above.
No matter the business you always get something “extra”, like knowing to wait near end of summer for price drops on massive electronics and clothes or to shop for new cars near the end of the year when they getting rid of the vehicles to make room for next year model. Some people want things here and now and willing to spend and others wait and save, nothing new only difference is those businesses are willing to make customers happy.
Not sure how long you been here but tons of others expressed their opinions about this game along with me so you’ll eventually realize it isn’t worth the time to get z8 or devs to change. Tons of things need changing your welcome browse old threads from years back none of the major ones got addressed so people have just learned to live with it and adapt.
Thing you need realize this isn’t a game like Fortnite, Apex, runescape or any other game with a heavy run community. Here this game could have cheaters season after season, bugs, glitch spots, garbage servers and people will still drop money. If we had some sort of structural community maybe but we don’t, we had few speaking facts and few wanting pixels.
You said it your tickets ignored that’s z8 for you.. tons have tried to see different changes in this game, I’ve received enough infractions some deserved and some power tripping and temp ban to know it’s pointless. Sorry it sucks but not sure what you want me to say or any mod since they don’t work for GMs. If you don’t get a reply then you guys will know for the future. -
You are definitely defending them when you have that conformist attitude.
In no post of mine I said that I hated anyone/anything nor I showed anything similar. I just disagree with the conformist attitude. If you hate me for having a different opinion I don't know what to tell you but you shouldn't?
No hate at all, just respect for the first time I see a civil discussion in these forums since I started to check them out.
And please stop the argument of the business because you aren't even thinking about it.
First if they were really hungry for money they wouldn't overlap the 2 events.
Second if I miss out a sale on clothes or electronic in real life by just a few days because I bought it too soon you can definitely return it and then buy the thing in sale.
Third they hurt their own reputation by making weird mistakes like this. You guys keep talking about the profit but it isn't. Like I said and I keep repeating myself because no1 seems to enjoy this truth: why even overlap half the events if they wanted profit? Why not just not overlap at all?
And I can see some people argue: well with the overlap people might spend extra on the preorder for the grade A... But that just goes back to my original complaint which is WHY are the 2 events so poorly timed. Why aren't they fully overlapped or not overlapped at all??
Talking about other companies also doesn't make any point in my opinion to this discussion. The game is far from perfect like you said but conforming with it and not wanting it to get better is the wrong attitude. I say let people create tons of threads complaining. If the problems are fixed the respect from the player is earned and the game grows.
About the tickets ye. I don't know what tickets people send because it could be extremely subjective but I rather speak on the forums where everyone can see. I would love also to hear a GM on this because I doubt they would just give us the cold shoulder aka "deal with it".
I'm on the phone so I might have missed something. -
i never bought zp but to be honest, what PorBiejin stated was and is (!) the truth.. ofc it's everyone's choice to pre order on the first day to open crates, use other vvips bought together with the preorder and so on and that's where most of the people complaining about "bad timing" stop thinking,
you spend the same amount of zp as others who pre order later to get an advantage in any kind of event (ofc you never now if they announce an event)
but in comparison to the others who pre order later, you get the chance to open these crates earlier and play with weapons you might win, so should they complain about the fact, that they waited and possibly won a weapon out of these crates some days later and because of that, they couldn't play with the weapons they get anyway, earlier ? stupid, right ?
imagine buying zp on the last day of a month and one day later, there is an event where you get 20% more zp, would you complain, too ? take responsibility for your actions and accept the hard truth, that you gambled and lost :rolleyes:
think first, complain later.. -
i never bought zp but to be honest, what PorBiejin stated was and is (!) the truth.. ofc it's everyone's choice to pre order on the first day to open crates, use other vvips bought together with the preorder and so on and that's where most of the people complaining about "bad timing" stop thinking,
you spend the same amount of zp as others who pre order later to get an advantage in any kind of event (ofc you never now if they announce an event)
but in comparison to the others who pre order later, you get the chance to open these crates earlier and play with weapons you might win, so should they complain about the fact, that they waited and possibly won a weapon out of these crates some days later and because of that, they couldn't play with the weapons they get anyway, earlier ? stupid, right ?
imagine buying zp on the last day of a month and one day later, there is an event where you get 20% more zp, would you complain, too ? take responsibility for your actions and accept the hard truth, that you gambled and lost :rolleyes:
think first, complain later..
Extremely bad example since that's not the current situation. Here these 2 events overlap by a few days, if they announced the back to school event IMMEDIATELY after the 10th when the preorder ends then no one would have said anything. Do you understand that? -
i never bought zp but to be honest, what PorBiejin stated was and is (!) the truth.. ofc it's everyone's choice to pre order on the first day to open crates, use other vvips bought together with the preorder and so on and that's where most of the people complaining about "bad timing" stop thinking,
you spend the same amount of zp as others who pre order later to get an advantage in any kind of event (ofc you never now if they announce an event)
but in comparison to the others who pre order later, you get the chance to open these crates earlier and play with weapons you might win, so should they complain about the fact, that they waited and possibly won a weapon out of these crates some days later and because of that, they couldn't play with the weapons they get anyway, earlier ? stupid, right ?
imagine buying zp on the last day of a month and one day later, there is an event where you get 20% more zp, would you complain, too ? take responsibility for your actions and accept the hard truth, that you gambled and lost :rolleyes:
think first, complain later..
"Play with those weapons earlier vs Getting an extra bonus" Not everything in this game should be seen as a roulette where every single action you take is throwing dice.
BUT EVEN IF IT WAS! It would be a huge lack of respect for new players who aren't familiar.
Also your example is different.
If that happen there would been events in the middle of the month and thus making the earlier buyers getting actually something that they knew that you could only at that time. Would still be a bit weird but that would be totally fair trade.
NOW, if the whole month passed by and there was not 1 event during it where you could spend your ZP and then it would be just dumb and if you defend this then I'm sorry but you are defending Z8 with no good reason.
We are talking about 2 events that immediatly together where some who waited the first event are getting extra just because they waited because "Z8 always does it" (no, don't talk about profit again because I already answered that line atleast 2 times now)...take responsibility for your actions and accept the hard truth, that you gambled and lost :rolleyes:
I'm sorry but the players gambled where? No1 gambled a thing because most of the pre-orderers didn't know a thing. They did'nt see it as "gambling". -
I'm sorry but the players gambled where? No1 gambled a thing because most of the pre-orderers didn't know a thing. They did'nt see it as "gambling".
well you stated the perfect argument for the reason, why no one should get the event task if they spend it too early, no1 knew it, bad luck or whatever you wanna call it, deal with it, you knew what you would get in the exact moment when you spend it and you accepted it.. as i mentioned "imagine buying zp on the last day of a month and one day later, there is an event where you get 20% more zp, would you complain, too ?" maybe.. but why should z8games give you something you don't deserve because when you made the deal, the odds were against you in comparison to another point of the future.. ? -
Andrew1798 wrote: »
Extremely bad example since that's not the current situation. Here these 2 events overlap by a few days, if they announced the back to school event IMMEDIATELY after the 10th when the preorder ends then no one would have said anything. Do you understand that?
ofc i understand that, but it's their choice when they announce the event, so instead of being glad for the players who get 2 birds with 1 stone, you just cry because of your impatience.. idk.. no one forced you to pre order on the first day, so my example was quite good to understand for everyone who understands economics -
Scantrax please read the whole thread before commenting. I literally answered every single thing you are saying.
Also you are severely hurting the game when you try to shut down players when you say "deal with it". That conformist attitude is so negative for the game because you are accepting to be treated bad AND you are defending Z8 too. They won't even feel like they need to reply because they have you "wannabe mods" (Ye I'm using this word because at this point it really feels like) saying stuff that actual mods would NEVER say because it would just hurt their reputation.
I can't imagine a mod coming to this thread and simply: "Deal with it. It happens".
Their respect would drop so much that I doubt they would do it / meant to plan events like this.
Also your example was terrible because it's 2 different situations and I showed it how in my last post. -
Z8 did wrong here. Absolutely noone should screw their actual paying customers like that, ever. And to people who defend/accept this type of behavior, even more so because it happened before, you're also the part of the problem. Your acceptanse to this utter disgust is why companies can allow themselves to do such a thing. That is wrong. And how rotten your ego must be that you're pretty much talking down to people affected by this. It's not "our" fault, it's the fault of who did this (Z8), learn where to throw blame.
Just piles of sheep. -
ofc i understand that, but it's their choice when they announce the event, so instead of being glad for the players who get 2 birds with 1 stone, you just cry because of your impatience.. idk.. no one forced you to pre order on the first day, so my example was quite good to understand for everyone who understands economics
I just figured I was typing in Chinese or anyone with a logically reply or something it’s like they don’t even both reading. Oh well lol “impatience” sums this up I guess.
I find it funny though for years this goes on though when that person misses up once they get mad though when others have made similar threads while back wonder where they were to support us. Guess it isn’t anyone’s problem until you’re the one that misses out. Which is why I brought up the “community” example last post. Why you think we have a “siding with z8” attitude simple goes on for years and people still buy zp but when they are affected they speak up then continue to buy zip.
Since I’m siding with z8 I hope to get that pixel ribbon very soon.:) Jokes aside want change speak with your wallet since you clearly see like your tickets this thread is getting ignored. So don’t get upset that “we’re siding with them” people have just learned of their sketchy tactics since they realized like you countless threads made in past and continues. Plus it’s just a vip I decided to wait till Black Friday to buy. Why? Simple that’s probably the best time get most from your zp. I don’t see the need to get upset about missing on some crates. -
Tell me where is this "impatience". Just like the "gambling" scantrax was talking about. How were the players impatient? For buying the pre-order 2-3 days in of a 10 days pre-sale? Since when there is a difference in buying day 1 and 10 when there's nothing announced a priori? How should have the players known of this happening?
This is a huge disrespect for new players and stops the growing of the game/community.
And what the hell is this elitist negative atitude that older players have?
You talk about hipocrisy indirectly:oSasukeXxX wrote: »I find it funny though for years this goes on though when that person misses up once they get mad though when others have made similar threads while back wonder where they were to support us. Guess it isn’t anyone’s problem until you’re the one that misses out. Which is why I brought up the “community” example last post. Why you think we have a “siding with z8” attitude simple goes on for years and people still buy zp but when they are affected they speak up then continue to buy zip.
Let the devs/Z8/mods speak for themselves. Their communication with the community is absolutely terrible as we can see with already in this event with broken trackers, misinformation and unannounced changes. They NEED to change this.
I will indeed start voting with my wallet because I don't support this lack of communication from Z8 but I know it will be pretty useless since there is a sheep herd of elitists defending Z8 actions if it benefits them and not the newer/non-informed players. -
Tell me where is this "impatience". Just like the "gambling" scantrax was talking about. How were the players impatient? For buying the pre-order 2-3 days in of a 10 days pre-sale? Since when there is a difference in buying day 1 and 10 when there's nothing announced a priori? How should have the players known of this happening?
This is a huge disrespect for new players and stops the growing of the game/community.
And what the hell is this elitist negative atitude that older players have?
You talk about hipocrisy indirectly:
,well I'm pretty new in the forums so I'm not being hypocrite since this is one of my first events. Also you are talking negatively about where was the support of the players when others have voiced their opinions. Well what the hell are you doing now trying to shut down the ones voicing their opinions now? Way worse.
Let the devs/Z8/mods speak for themselves. Their communication with the community is absolutely terrible as we can see with already in this event with broken trackers, misinformation and unannounced changes. They NEED to change this.
I will indeed start voting with my wallet because I don't support this lack of communication from Z8 but I know it will be pretty useless since there is a sheep herd of elitists defending Z8 actions if it benefits them and not the newer/non-informed players.
How are players suppose to know?
They do their sketchy tactics all the time even after many threads made so people just started waiting before rushing to buy. It harms new uninformed people like it has for so long, it’s just one of those things you learn dealing with z8.
Yes it is a disrespect to new players along with every other player sucks but we all learned like this. Maybe make a thread awareness for potential new players.. idk
Wasn’t referring to you I figured you’re new by the passion and obviously pointing out the wrongs any person who’s new experiences. Though all I mean is even though we hate z8s tactics, others have been asking for so long. Devs won’t reply they too lazy, z8 dies what they always do stay quiet till we start “going off topic” or flame then close thread, and mods they’re players so they can’t do anything.
About your opinion...
I wish they’d change it but it’s been years, no one shutting down your opinion if I was my posts would get deleted. All I said is it’s how it’s been and mostly likely how it will be because they still receive money, now if more people spoke with their wallet z8 would wise up fast. If I wrote something that sounds like I’m “shutting down” your opinion which I doubt then sorry.
You got your answer you just don’t like it so not sure what else you want unless we break forum rules z8 will reply to close thread. Only reason I keep replying is you seem to keep typing the same thing and my answers for most part are the same so I decided to start addressing some of your replies at the start, I’m getting tired of writing the same thing so good luck is all I can say. Tc
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