Please bring the M4A1 Gold / AK-47 Gold back !!! ._.
I am playing almost since the beginning of CF and I didn't expect CrossFire to go along this path...
I mean I was addicted to Hero Mode as it came out and zombie mode even more.
The game was a chill game until the VIP's came.
Please CF think about a way to play this game without an army of VIP-users...
I mean I was addicted to Hero Mode as it came out and zombie mode even more.
The game was a chill game until the VIP's came.
Please CF think about a way to play this game without an army of VIP-users...
swisseagleCF wrote: »I am playing almost since the beginning of CF and I didn't expect CrossFire to go along this path...
I mean I was addicted to Hero Mode as it came out and zombie mode even more.
The game was a chill game until the VIP's came.
Please CF think about a way to play this game without an army of VIP-users...
Not going to happen, without VVIP users, the game wouldn't have enough of an income these days. If it was a pay by month game, it would be a different story. There is no way they can take away the VVIPs now when probably 2/3 of the players own a VVIP. If they did, the players wouldn't stand for it and leave = servers have to close.
I don't see why people are complaining about VVIP users, sure it gives a little bonus (A higher handicap, if you will), but it's not like it's super unfair. There are some people who go overboard though (Like those who have super-mags for their cops, by having 6 VVIP handguns in the other bags), but most VVIP players are neither better or worse players compared to those who doesn't have VVIPs. If you suck, it might give you a little push, if you are good it doesn't matter what weapon you use.
I also remember the time before VVIPs and there were complains of unfair advantage for every new weapon released anyway. People have a hard time accepting that there are others that are better than them, so it's human nature to complain and push blame onto anything and anyone they can. It's a big question of large egos, a problem that is spread through all sexes, ages and places where you grow up.
I remember the same discussion from when i was competing in short and long-range shooting. We were a pretty poor club in the beginning and a lot of my friends complained about other competitors having better gear and that was why they won, when they won. The truth was, they was just better. We trained more and soon we beat them, with our older and cheaper stuff. Then we got sponsors and new expensive stuff, it didn't make us better shooters, just helped a little. At the same time we heard the newer competitors complaining about us being good, just because we had better equipment. And the road circles around and around.
Just adapt and play harder.JackPain (Sweden) -
Nowadays you can get a free perm VIP just for playing (ranked - AK47 Asgard, yeah thats a "perkless vip", it was originally a VIP) , and its an AK ... top damage/shot because it's not like you're going to shoot people only through boxes with M4 Vips anyways.
And as for Hero Mode, HMX, etc, just wait untill the next zombie mode map, then you will also have something free against Gatling Gun VIP owners.
I'll tell you when the game was chill, the chillest it will ever be. In the first month of its release. Not because of GP, ZP content but because everyone was new so everyone was on the same level (skill wise not rank wise) -
-1 like i said it before in other Threads of that kind, let the old M4 and AK/D.E Gold in Peace, its the only Weapon Skin that "honors" old Veterans nothing more, we dont get as veterans that "honors" us for playing and supporting this game for so long
-1 like i said it before in other Threads of that kind, let the old M4 and AK/D.E Gold in Peace, its the only Weapon Skin that "honors" old Veterans nothing more, we dont get as veterans that "honors" us for playing and supporting this game for so long
I agree with you, also GM made theire parts, they came out with ultimade gold version and golden strip version of the AK ,M4 and D.E so there is nothing to complain about, every one had a chance to get a « golden » weapons, if you missed that chance well too bad for you -
swisseagleCF wrote: »I am playing almost since the beginning of CF and I didn't expect CrossFire to go along this path...
I mean I was addicted to Hero Mode as it came out and zombie mode even more.
The game was a chill game until the VIP's came.
Please CF think about a way to play this game without an army of VIP-users...
About the title - I agree .they could at least make those old golden weapons m4/ak/de to back as 60/70/80 ribbons rewards or something.or for 100k ep each in black friday or something (just random thoughts ).
About the thread content -I agree with you about the vip weapons that ruined the game,to be honest most of normal thinking people are agree with you that this game has become pay2win.just watch the comments and opinions about the game on other social medias where there are no "mods".and they can talk freely,Painanator wrote: »
Not going to happen, without VVIP users, the game wouldn't have enough of an income these days. If it was a pay by month game, it would be a different story. There is no way they can take away the VVIPs now when probably 2/3 of the players own a VVIP. If they did, the players wouldn't stand for it and leave = servers have to close.
Well ye,I agree with you,but please don't forget that games are in the end made for fun,and that's 99% of the games are running without generate any profit at all ,,not to mention that there are lots of other "free" games with 0 hackers that's gives much better and smooth gaming experience than CF...unlike this game where we actually pay them hundreds of $ a month and get bad experience/hackers/broken servers with tons of issues ,errors.lags.fps drops etc/lack of help from support.these kind of issues are not acceptable for a game that's make so much money from their players.Nowadays you can get a free perm VIP just for playing (ranked - AK47 Asgard, yeah thats a "perkless vip", it was originally a VIP) ,rank wise)
Well ye there are ways to get "free" vips just by play the game,don't forget there are also the jewels from the new zm map that we can sell(personally I know some egyptians who farm the new zm 24/7),and also ways to "trick" the trade system. -
adigagever92 wrote: »Well ye,I agree with you,but please don't forget that games are in the end made for fun,and that's 99% of the games are running without generate any profit at all ,,not to mention that there are lots of other "free" games with 0 hackers that's gives much better and smooth gaming experience than CF...unlike this game where we actually pay them hundreds of $ a month and get bad experience/hackers/broken servers with tons of issues ,errors.lags.fps drops etc/lack of help from support.these kind of issues are not acceptable for a game that's make so much money from their players.
I would say you are wrong about games being made for people to have fun. For us players that is the reason. For companies, games are made to make money. To believe anything else is to delude your self. There are probably some game indie developers that make games without thinking about profit, but even those games need money for at least server costs. I have yet to this day not seen an online game that doesn't try to make money in some way. Even private owned and run online games have the same problem. For an online-game to be run without profit, the one who runs the game literally needs to loose his/her money to make it happen.
I'm not saying i like it being this way, not at all. But the truth is, as long as there is a need for money to exist, there is a need for ways to generate it
I have been playing online since the Quake 2 era and to this day i haven't tried one game in any genre, private or company owned, free to play or pay to play, that has been without hackers/cheaters. It's only a question of less or more hackers
I don't like the hackers, errors and all the other issues the game has. But it is a free to play game, with an option to pay, there is no one that forces you to pay for the premium content. You can play the game without premium stuff. So we players (even if we have paid for something in game, by our own will) can't really demand anything from Z8. We can choose to not pay anything, we can choose to quit playing the game. We can't really do anything else. If we choose to keep on playing, i think we will have to accept all the problems with the game. Some will be solved for a while, but will pop up again later.
That said, I'm not saying that we shouldn't complain about the problems, it's one of the few rights we have as players.:)
JackPain (Sweden)
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