Fps Drop Problem Hm Zm

Hello all.
I started this thread because in 10 years i tested stabillity and any performance in this game.
In past while i used Windows Xp Sp 3 i played the game perfect.I mean any map of Hero Mode included Merida.
While was smoking in cage or hole,my fps never decrease.
While i bombard with hero grenade launcher my fps remain stable.
My videocard was Nvidia 7600 gs with ram 4gb 667 mhz,hard disk normal but buffer 60 mb,processor Single core Pentium 4 3 ghz then changed to dual core 3 Ghz.
So sistem was medium in 2010 2012 2013 and game works perfect with no fps drop.
Also resolution was 1280-1024 lcd.

After Windows 7 and 10 was unleashed i changed my whole system.
Asus plus monitor Acer 1920-1080 resolution,led,HQ,Dvi,60 hz.

System specs
Processor Intel Pentium x64 bit i3 3600 mhz gen 4.
Video card dedicated nVidia 730 gt,64 bits,2 gb memory,ddr 3 low profile without cooler.
Ram memory Samsung 4 gb ddr 3 1600 mhz.
Hard disk Toshiba 1TB,60 buffer no bad sectors,protected by ups.
Power source 300 wats.
Windows 10 Pro Original Electronic Licence
Updated daily with latest update package.
Game is added to exclusion firewall and Defender antivirus exception.

No programs running in background task manager checked advanced.

When i play Hero mode and i am smoked or when i bombard with hero gun fps get low from 200+ to 40 50.

In Zombie mode Crater Dawn while zombie female rise with smoke,fps get low from 140 160 to 40 50.

In Zombie mode Elemental Temple after someone bombard in my face with Ak 47 buster,fps drop from 160 140 to 18 20 30 max.

I tested these maps with video settings from lower to higher and fps problem exist.
I turned of Save replay and nothing happen.
I turned on off Fps Optimization and was useless.
I get nervous and turned off more services in windows 10 ,nothing happen :l

After i do all of these i get more nervouse and i upgraded sistem with new videocard Asus Radeon R7 240 ddr 3 128 bits 2 gb memory.
Same fps drop problem.LOL.
I tought is because of bits 64 from nvidia gt 730.
Is not.
Again,i get upset and added 4 gb ram,totaly 8 gb same 1600 mhz ddr 3.

Any game until 2015 wich i tested works good at high video stuff option.
Example:i play Nfs The Run wich have a nice graphic at high everything and i finished the game perfect with no fps problem.

These years i asking more players about their fps and 90% told me have same problem like me.

​​Few said have fps 6...
Few said have 40 max
Few said have fps 70 100 and dropped in smoking and bombarding.

Also when i start the game Merida i have fps 220 but with 6 players.
When map is full my fps is 120 - 160 max and drop more.

If i am lonely in map and shot with Gatling Vip near to wall,after i spend 100 bullets,fps get down from 200 to 60 70 100 aproximative ofc.

I asking other 10% of players high ranks with i7 processors,nvidia GTX 1050+ 8 16 gb ram and they said have a stable fps 240 and sometimes get low to 200,never to 100 or 40.

Now what should i do?

1 Waiting developers start being intersted about poor peoples like me and make game have a stable fps min 60?

2 Should i collect money for a new pc specially for gaming i7,16 gb ram,video nvidia gtx 1050 ti+,and monitor gaming 75 hertz 125 hertz 1 ms reply time with hdmi support full hd led 23 inch?

I am not thankful with my gameplaying.

For me,middle don't exist.

For me is varriant 1 or 2.

Whats yours people?
What advice could you give me?
Wait or no?

Please help!


  • I don't think the developers are going to do option 1 any soon, so it's better to save money until you can do an upgrade. As games will only evolve with time, it's better to have a computer with more power, even if you don't need it to play CF just yet.

    I'm sitting on a system comprising of:
    AMD FX -6300
    16 GB of 1600mh RAM
    MSI Radeon RX 460 2GB
    Main HD (I have many): a 3TB 7200rpm Seagate
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    When I'm playing CF i have around 100-120 FPS depending on mode, but i am stable, no drops.
    I am going to upgrade when i can afford, even if i can play CF stably, as i use my computer for more things than gaming CF.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    I don't think the developers are going to do option 1 any soon, so it's better to save money until you can do an upgrade. As games will only evolve with time, it's better to have a computer with more power, even if you don't need it to play CF just yet.

    I'm sitting on a system comprising of:
    AMD FX -6300
    16 GB of 1600mh RAM
    MSI Radeon RX 460 2GB
    Main HD (I have many): a 3TB 7200rpm Seagate
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    When I'm playing CF i have around 100-120 FPS depending on mode, but i am stable, no drops.
    I am going to upgrade when i can afford, even if i can play CF stably, as i use my computer for more things than gaming CF.

    I saw you in game.
    So you belive if i'll buy a gaming pc with i7 processor and ddr5 video card my fps wont dropped to 40 after i bombard or camping in smoke?

    Mr Kanadian said start thread about this issue and his developers check periodic our problems meet in game and maybe they will check what is the main problem.

    Come on!Sincerely our pc specs are higher than what this game asking.

    Of course i use my pc for other things wich is less important than this game and work amazing.

    I open 4k clips on youtube without any problem and my screen is HQ not HD,5 ms not 1 ms,60 hz not 75 or 125 - 174.

    So i believe our video cards have 80% chance to play crossfire better with more fps stable.
    I think something is limited in graphic archive or a good patch for graphic will be welcome for us.
    There is a problem inside of game files.
    I tried run crossfire in Windows Xp Sp3 compatibility mode and didnt started.

    Why in windows xp i meet no fps problem?

    Maybe Windows 7 and 10 is not good optimized or game itself is not good optimized for playing in new OS.

    I will test another thing and came back with result.
    I will partitioned my 120 gb SSD to 30 GB and copy game there.

    ​​​​​​Maybe is a problem with Administrator problem because while i try copy something where game is installet program files x86 i see that security message if i am sure i can copy a file inside of folder.

    If i still have same fps drop problem i will format ssd and install windows in normal partitioned hdd then i will install crossfire in a free ssd without right administrators.
    Please,who have Pc with i5 i7 processors and ddr 4 5 videocard,post here your fps if is stable or getting from high to low.
    Maybe may help help me.

    Thanks Jack for advice!
    Good night.
  • I think the game engine needs to have a major overhaul instead of the tiny fixes that they make over and over again. As soon Windows 10, will be the only supported OS from Microsoft and this game needs to be able to work a lot better with Windows 10. There is probably someway to tweak the game to get better FPS stability, but software is not my thing, so i don't know how. When i need to tweak games, i usually just find some how-to-guide and follow it.

    If you see me in game and try to write to me, don't feel bad if I'm not answering. I'm bad at writing when i am playing, mostly i get so swallowed up by the game, so i don't see if someone is trying to reach me in chat.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • agree. its so annoying also when some boss come the fps freeze for 1-2s and its annoying alot specialy in crater dawn wave 16 when boss come fps drop and sometimes u cant jump to not let him push u
  • IMHO this is what happens when they only want to focus on adding new content to maximize their profit, they literally just copy paste code to have new content, make some quick tests and deliver it to us. You can see how many issues we are experiencing after every new patch update (its our daily meal every month). I hope they can focus on game stability and performance rather than having profits all the time with ZP content.
    Dont bother spending $$ on new PC setup (unless you play other games)
  • Yes.I don't buy new pc because my pc already have 70 80% performance for play any game and also i play crossfire only wich have simple graphic.I meant have no antialiasing,shadows,sync vertical or blur effects.
    In crossfire europe everyday was an GM online and check maps gameplaying and ban hackers instantly.They check game performance and ask me if game work good.I always told them what bugs i meet and they said will solve any issues.
    Crossfire West is forgotten.Windows 10 is the OS future but game sincerely is not optimized properly.

    Ignorance hurt me alot , game owner and developers...
  • I have a question:
    My monitor is 23 inch,5ms,60 hertz,not gaming and non hd just hq and dont have hdmi entrance(input).
    Maybe this is a problem of fps drop because videocard have hdmi output.
    After i buy Asus R7 240 2gb memory,ddr 3,128 bits i didnt changed my cable to dvi for my screen.
    I have a cable who enter in videocard as hdmi then in monitor is adapted to dvi.
    I didnt tried simple dvi cable after i get new videocard.

    My question is:
    I found a gaming monitor Asus 24 inch,1ms,ultra hd,75 hertz and hdmi output.
    Please tell me,if i'll buy this new screen i will not have problem with fps and gaming performance will increase?
    I mean,videocard will be used as maximum performance because of reply time 1ms,75hz,uhd,hdmi?
    Or should i try normal dvi in my screen before try this?
    Will increase fps if i buy new screen with that configuration?
  • Check first,second and third image fps.13 fps from 130 is normal when they bombard me near with ak buster?
  • Checking google difference between hdmi vs dvi.
    For my 60hz screen dvi and hdmi signal are the same but missing audio on dvi.
    Hdmi support up to 75 hz refresh rate.
    So i will buy a screen with 75hz up and 1ms reply time and test fps because as i see in that explain site more hertz and less repply time,increase fps,buffer is better and eyes will be more protected by uv.
  • Depend wath category of gamer you are!!..

    First of all what is : FPS and 75HZ(hertz) monitor what is there function and how it works.....
    -Fps are generated by your video card in frame per second ,it mean how many image can be viewed in 1 sec, and sent to your monitor.
    -Hertz are refresh rate of that image that can be seen on your screen monitor ,its all about your (response time and clone image).

    Notice: if you have a good Grafic card example :2060 RTX 6gb it will generate you 212 fps per second it mean that game card can provide you 212 image per seccond.
    So if you have a monitor with that refresh rate examle : 60,75,100 HZ ,in game you can se 212 FPS but your real fps will be 60,75,100 it depends on your monitor refresh rate .

    It's a lot to explain, all details and write with all specs ,i hope you can understand better, to have more clear your view on how it works.

    Example: 60 hz = 60 fps real in game ,75Hz=75 fps , 144HZ=144fps , 240hz=240fps
    if you have 75HZ monitor and a good GPU that can generate more frame per second,it dosent mean that you will have 140 FPS,your real fps is 75 couse of your refresh rate monitor 75hz ,the other 65 fps are clones of your first image.
    -Clone image :is when your Refresh rate are to high ore low and image are cloned ( 1 -1 then 1 -1 again and not 1-1 ,1-2,)so it depends on wath monitor you use Free sync,G-sync ore variable like me is the best.

    Crossfire is a frenatic game shooter, OC your CPU,and GPU

    If you a professional gamer you will buy a gaming monitor whit 240hz G-Sync refresh rate.....and a good GPU.
  • Awesome players and awesome answers.
    I understand now verry clear.
    So i must have patience until my pc will burn or being damaged.
    So the case clossed and solved my problem.
    As i thought today in my mind : next time when i'll buy new pc it will be for Gaming with higher specs and Gaming screen with higher specs...1000 euro.That was a wish wich i must remove it from my brain.I think this never happening because i dont like spend too much money for a single game wich i played:Crossfire.

    This is evolution of games and pc's/you want play a new good game with high quallity and good performance,buy low price car for vacation or job,spend money on expensive pc then die as stupid.

    I want insult who made computers and games but i keep my mouth shut for not receive ban.

    Thank you all of you for your good contribution and for help me avoid spend money more for higher screen on low pc.
    Goodluck-Cheers-Happy Life

  • Btw I spend on My New pc 3200 Euro... So... I wish you the Best.
  • Your CPU is the main bottleneck (problem), but you dont need to buy i7.
    I recommend i5 quad core, but even some i3 are enough. (you can find i5-4670K on ebay used for about 75 EUR)
    For GPU I would recommend at least gtx 1050 ti or gtx 1060 or something in that range. (770,970 if you can find them used for cheap)

    Also i would add another 4 gb ram to the system in order to eliminate any bottlenecks in that area. (not a MUST, but highly recommended)
    Also if you're looking to throw money, you can make your system run a lot faster, and game load faster if you buy a ssd (you can find WD GREEN SSD 120GB on ebay for about $25 incl. shipping)

    This will make your FPS not go under 170-200 99% of the time GUARANTEED!
  • bestvirux wrote: »
    Btw I spend on My New pc 3200 Euro... So... I wish you the Best.

    Nice.If you have money its a shame to not buy pc like your.But i am medium person and i will wasting maximum 700 euro max because i dont like play other games just crossfire property.Also i need money for another things like:gold wich never lose his price,my familly wich is the best thing what hapen for me and food.But everyone are free to do what they want with their money and i don't like judge them anymore like in the past.Everyone has a life and is free to live how want.Wish you the best <3
  • CopyCat3 wrote: »
    Your CPU is the main bottleneck (problem), but you dont need to buy i7.
    I recommend i5 quad core, but even some i3 are enough. (you can find i5-4670K on ebay used for about 75 EUR)
    For GPU I would recommend at least gtx 1050 ti or gtx 1060 or something in that range. (770,970 if you can find them used for cheap)

    Also i would add another 4 gb ram to the system in order to eliminate any bottlenecks in that area. (not a MUST, but highly recommended)
    Also if you're looking to throw money, you can make your system run a lot faster, and game load faster if you buy a ssd (you can find WD GREEN SSD 120GB on ebay for about $25 incl. shipping)

    This will make your FPS not go under 170-200 99% of the time GUARANTEED!

    I checked in game resources ussing Adrenaline software provided from Amd site so i will make a printscreen and i will show you who has fault for my fps problem dropping and who use resources.
    I seen always gpu in gameplaying zm elemental temple at 98% and with everything to low settings video 1920-1080.
    Processor 30 40 50% max
    Ram 3 gb max from 8gb.
    I have ssd 128 where windows and game is installed.
    I made delete,disable permanent all files windows defender from win 10 pro but same thing.
    SSD is ussed about 30 40 % max while playing.

    So who is my enemy now in this game? Not videocard wich is low profile? Asus Radeon R7 200 series,128 bits,2 gb memory,ddr3....and screen 60 hz,5 ms,dvi,HQ...
    So everything is clear inside of my brain.
    My enemy is video card.
    Look indexing in win 10 pro latest updated with electronic license and with videocard driver update daily.

    Now you understand,videocard and screen are the biggest most problem in the world for gameplaying?
    Even crossfire evolved and now have a better graphic than in 2008.
    Now game size of folder where is installed have 11 GB and in 2008 was 4 gb.
    I track sometimes what they improved in game.They added some graphic quallity in newest maps,they said remove bugs and is not true.If i enter in wall,i get error.Why i enter in wall?Zombies pushing me..lol.
    Also i seen people who get disconnected and send them to loby :D and crying,insulting GM,etc.

    The most problem for some people who play crossfire is this:
    Spend 2000 euro on zp but they even not buy a gaming low price pc at two hand.
    This is real stupidity not game itself.

    You have to chose before complain and crying.
    My opinion is this and i have few advices:
    1 Don't play Crossfire anymore.
    2 Play Crossfire with your low pc but don't buy zp guns or press ctrl in my face.
    3 Play Crossfire and buy zp then cry because your pc is low.
    4 Play Crossfire and don't buy zp but good gaming pc.
    5 Play Crossfire and buy gaming pc,gaming monitor and more zp.
    6 This is my <3 advice for myself and for all:Uninstall Crossfire,Change Security answer to 89wtycwycyw478tyctyigj,change email to ufhyuagfuaghfiasig@yahoo.com with pw ufshgfuarufghragharghapoghhg,change pw Crossfire to ejfoahguarhgjuahguarghasgird then forget about all of these,Burn Pc+Speakers+Monitor+Support of these,pray to God for peace and forgiveness and atleast go in Jungle and stay there until Jesus will come and climb you in Heaven for show you the real happines:God Father.

    Now you understand you have an addiction for Crossfire,Pc,Phone,Music,etc?
    We live in bad age and is verry hard to leave all of this hell things.
    So you will chose sure 1 from option 2 3 4 5:never 1 and never 6.You know why?Because mistery.No wars now in the world but inside our heart with electronics.God fight with us for save us from these things and we don't want help Him.

    This game and others keep your mind focused at creation not at Creator.
    So moderator will disable my thread because i give bad repputation for Crossfire.
    I wait this.
    Warning:if you do this you can ban me permanent from playing or in time i will repeat my behavior:Insulting Staff,GM,Owners then they will decide disable my account.
    Im tired and i want retired.They didn't made an option for delete account...
    I hope God will destroy all internet connections soon and attract people to Him with His Heavy Power.Or we will die all forever because games and pornography and many sins wich we like them alot.
    Everything is bad in this world if you see with God Eyes.
    Everything is good in this world if you see with Devil eyes.

    What eyes you will chose to use?
  • Viorelos wrote: »

    I checked in game resources ussing Adrenaline software provided from Amd site so i will make a printscreen and i will show you who has fault for my fps problem dropping and who use resources.
    I seen always gpu in gameplaying zm elemental temple at 98% and with everything to low settings video 1920-1080.
    Processor 30 40 50% max
    Ram 3 gb max from 8gb.
    I have ssd 128 where windows and game is installed.
    I made delete,disable permanent all files windows defender from win 10 pro but same thing.
    SSD is ussed about 30 40 % max while playing.

    So who is my enemy now in this game? Not videocard wich is low profile? Asus Radeon R7 200 series,128 bits,2 gb memory,ddr3....and screen 60 hz,5 ms,dvi,HQ...
    So everything is clear inside of my brain.
    My enemy is video card.
    Look indexing in win 10 pro latest updated with electronic license and with videocard driver update daily.

    Now you understand,videocard and screen are the biggest most problem in the world for gameplaying?
    Even crossfire evolved and now have a better graphic than in 2008.
    Now game size of folder where is installed have 11 GB and in 2008 was 4 gb.
    I track sometimes what they improved in game.They added some graphic quallity in newest maps,they said remove bugs and is not true.If i enter in wall,i get error.Why i enter in wall?Zombies pushing me..lol.
    Also i seen people who get disconnected and send them to loby :D and crying,insulting GM,etc.

    The most problem for some people who play crossfire is this:
    Spend 2000 euro on zp but they even not buy a gaming low price pc at two hand.
    This is real stupidity not game itself.

    You have to chose before complain and crying.
    My opinion is this and i have few advices:
    1 Don't play Crossfire anymore.
    2 Play Crossfire with your low pc but don't buy zp guns or press ctrl in my face.
    3 Play Crossfire and buy zp then cry because your pc is low.
    4 Play Crossfire and don't buy zp but good gaming pc.
    5 Play Crossfire and buy gaming pc,gaming monitor and more zp.
    6 This is my <3 advice for myself and for all:Uninstall Crossfire,Change Security answer to 89wtycwycyw478tyctyigj,change email to ufhyuagfuaghfiasig@yahoo.com with pw ufshgfuarufghragharghapoghhg,change pw Crossfire to ejfoahguarhgjuahguarghasgird then forget about all of these,Burn Pc+Speakers+Monitor+Support of these,pray to God for peace and forgiveness and atleast go in Jungle and stay there until Jesus will come and climb you in Heaven for show you the real happines:God Father.

    Now you understand you have an addiction for Crossfire,Pc,Phone,Music,etc?
    We live in bad age and is verry hard to leave all of this hell things.
    So you will chose sure 1 from option 2 3 4 5:never 1 and never 6.You know why?Because mistery.No wars now in the world but inside our heart with electronics.God fight with us for save us from these things and we don't want help Him.

    This game and others keep your mind focused at creation not at Creator.
    So moderator will disable my thread because i give bad repputation for Crossfire.
    I wait this.
    Warning:if you do this you can ban me permanent from playing or in time i will repeat my behavior:Insulting Staff,GM,Owners then they will decide disable my account.
    Im tired and i want retired.They didn't made an option for delete account...
    I hope God will destroy all internet connections soon and attract people to Him with His Heavy Power.Or we will die all forever because games and ****ography and many sins wich we like them alot.
    Everything is bad in this world if you see with God Eyes.
    Everything is good in this world if you see with Devil eyes.

    What eyes you will chose to use?

    You still believe in creator?
    Thats mean you dont know nothing about universe and science, go and studdy how world was created, and stop read this comics book that make you believe in this b..(*_*) .. It.
    Its a game, so if you dont like it you can easyle quit.

    OPEN YOUR MIND.... its called Evolution.. Accept it
  • Viorelos wrote: »

    I checked in game resources ussing Adrenaline software provided from Amd site so i will make a printscreen and i will show you who has fault for my fps problem dropping and who use resources.
    I seen always gpu in gameplaying zm elemental temple at 98% and with everything to low settings video 1920-1080.
    Processor 30 40 50% max
    Ram 3 gb max from 8gb.
    I have ssd 128 where windows and game is installed.
    I made delete,disable permanent all files windows defender from win 10 pro but same thing.
    SSD is ussed about 30 40 % max while playing.

    So who is my enemy now in this game? Not videocard wich is low profile? Asus Radeon R7 200 series,128 bits,2 gb memory,ddr3....and screen 60 hz,5 ms,dvi,HQ...
    So everything is clear inside of my brain.
    My enemy is video card.
    Look indexing in win 10 pro latest updated with electronic license and with videocard driver update daily.

    Now you understand,videocard and screen are the biggest most problem in the world for gameplaying?
    Even crossfire evolved and now have a better graphic than in 2008.
    Now game size of folder where is installed have 11 GB and in 2008 was 4 gb.
    I track sometimes what they improved in game.They added some graphic quallity in newest maps,they said remove bugs and is not true.If i enter in wall,i get error.Why i enter in wall?Zombies pushing me..lol.
    Also i seen people who get disconnected and send them to loby :D and crying,insulting GM,etc.

    The most problem for some people who play crossfire is this:
    Spend 2000 euro on zp but they even not buy a gaming low price pc at two hand.
    This is real stupidity not game itself.

    You have to chose before complain and crying.
    My opinion is this and i have few advices:
    1 Don't play Crossfire anymore.
    2 Play Crossfire with your low pc but don't buy zp guns or press ctrl in my face.
    3 Play Crossfire and buy zp then cry because your pc is low.
    4 Play Crossfire and don't buy zp but good gaming pc.
    5 Play Crossfire and buy gaming pc,gaming monitor and more zp.
    6 This is my <3 advice for myself and for all:Uninstall Crossfire,Change Security answer to 89wtycwycyw478tyctyigj,change email to ufhyuagfuaghfiasig@yahoo.com with pw ufshgfuarufghragharghapoghhg,change pw Crossfire to ejfoahguarhgjuahguarghasgird then forget about all of these,Burn Pc+Speakers+Monitor+Support of these,pray to God for peace and forgiveness and atleast go in Jungle and stay there until Jesus will come and climb you in Heaven for show you the real happines:God Father.

    Now you understand you have an addiction for Crossfire,Pc,Phone,Music,etc?
    We live in bad age and is verry hard to leave all of this hell things.
    So you will chose sure 1 from option 2 3 4 5:never 1 and never 6.You know why?Because mistery.No wars now in the world but inside our heart with electronics.God fight with us for save us from these things and we don't want help Him.

    This game and others keep your mind focused at creation not at Creator.
    So moderator will disable my thread because i give bad repputation for Crossfire.
    I wait this.
    Warning:if you do this you can ban me permanent from playing or in time i will repeat my behavior:Insulting Staff,GM,Owners then they will decide disable my account.
    Im tired and i want retired.They didn't made an option for delete account...
    I hope God will destroy all internet connections soon and attract people to Him with His Heavy Power.Or we will die all forever because games and ****ography and many sins wich we like them alot.
    Everything is bad in this world if you see with God Eyes.
    Everything is good in this world if you see with Devil eyes.

    What eyes you will chose to use?

    You're burnt out man.
  • bestvirux wrote: »
    Btw I spend on My New pc 3200 Euro... So... I wish you the Best.

    Did you build it yourself or was it a finished build? Steep price anyway.
    I remember paying about 2500 Euro for the build i did over ten years ago (Got some money after my fathers death) and i bought the best parts i could find, which at the time was an AMD build (My first with AMD). 3 months later Intel released their new stuff and my computer wasn't top-class anymore. You could buy the same stuff i had bought for about half the price. Since then I have started buying the next to newest generation of stuff just when they are about to get rid of it. I don't get to have the best stuff anymore, but i save a lot of money and haven't had any troubles playing new games anyway.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    Did you build it yourself or was it a finished build? Steep price anyway.
    I remember paying about 2500 Euro for the build i did over ten years ago (Got some money after my fathers death) and i bought the best parts i could find, which at the time was an AMD build (My first with AMD). 3 months later Intel released their new stuff and my computer wasn't top-class anymore. You could buy the same stuff i had bought for about half the price. Since then I have started buying the next to newest generation of stuff just when they are about to get rid of it. I don't get to have the best stuff anymore, but i save a lot of money and haven't had any troubles playing new games anyway.

    I Buildet by my self with my friend ,2 pc gaming,if you have some question ore need some help you can pm me,btw i work with Amazon ,so i can explain you more tricks on how you can deal always new stuff with out investing,
    And yeah my Build is Intel.
    Im done with AMD ..10 years used ,
  • bestvirux wrote: »

    I Buildet by my self with my friend ,2 pc gaming,if you have some question ore need some help you can pm me,btw i work with Amazon ,so i can explain you more tricks on how you can deal always new stuff with out investing,
    And yeah my Build is Intel.
    Im done with AMD ..10 years used ,

    I'm upgrading small stuff whenever i can afford it, which right now (when I have only sick pay until some time in the future), isn't that often. I have built several computers both for my self and others. I have mostly used AMD builds for my self as those are usually cheaper and i seem to be cursed with bad luck whenever i do a Intel build for my self, the same thing with Nvidia GPU's. I never have any trouble when i build and install for others, they work really good, but as soon as i do a build for my self with Intel/Nvidia, I am overrun with problems. Often it has been factory defects (sometimes I get defective hardware again, when i have sent in the defective hardware), sometimes the software gets corrupted for some reason i don't see. (Often when I am finished Installing and updating all software, which means i have to do it all over again, after spending the maximum time i could)

    Tomorrow I'm going to install my first SSD, as i have weighed price for GB against irritation of slow startups for software and windows, and come to the conclusion that now is a good time to enter the world of digital hard-drives. So if i disappear from the forums for some time and people wonder why? There you all have an answer why.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Dont disappear buddy,stay with us:o,you are not the only one ho has problems with intel,my friend get some problems, 2 times.
    my CPU work on 5.0GHZ, i got evrything OC ...and my temperture is 52 when i play BF5.,its evrything stable...I hope you will enjoy SSD ,wish you the best ;),