Today, I'm officially giving up on Hoon & quitting CF completely. Can't just sit in limbo, so I've moved on to CS:GO. Tried it out a handful of times over the last few months, committing to it with Yuuki.
I wish you all the best, good luck!
I'll still be around now and then to cheer for team USA in international events, and to cheer for a few international friends (LETS GO YOUSSEF AND SNOX OMFGJHSFJKLHSIUY), but beyond that I won't be around.
Full announcement:
I wish you all the best, good luck!
I'll still be around now and then to cheer for team USA in international events, and to cheer for a few international friends (LETS GO YOUSSEF AND SNOX OMFGJHSFJKLHSIUY), but beyond that I won't be around.
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