Show on/off function on 'Char-items' and Imperial Beast weapons

Hello everyone!

I noticed some stuff that bothered me for a while now.

Show on/off function:

For example the Trixie character has an eyepatch or a mask but if you equip an item like glasses or a hat, it just dissapears. A 'Show on/off'-function would be a nice feature.

Imperial Beast weapons:

I don't know, where I saw this, but there was a picture of those weapons on the Crossfire mainpage WITH a Imperial Beast Namecard. Would be nice to actually see it ingame.

Plus the D.E.-El Dorado-Imperial Beast doesn't have the 'Spam'-function, when you hold leftclick. Why not? I mean you hold both D.E.s in your hands. Why not use them? Such a shame, if you just use one instead of both weapons. Same thing with the noble gold one btw.

I think this is my first thread here so please don't be too harsh with me. :)

Best regards,

