Auto/Manual Switch Players

During matches in CF people tend to rage quit leaving me against 5 people so it would ve 1v5, so to make it fair it would be a great idea to auto switch players in game to make it fair so it wouldnt be 1v5 it would be 2v3. Or 3v2 depends on the score. And sometimes the people i play is with want to change team but they dont want to lose their score so it would be a great idea to be able to switch teams in game without losing your score.
If its an auto switch nothing happens to your score
But if its a manual switch you lose a kill or if you already died and you want to switch nothing happens. ;) cool idea right?


  • I think a lot of players would hate this, as many join as a team from the start. It seems like it can be miss-used by players who know each other and gets switched to play on different teams. Them writing info about the teams position etc...

    For a player always joining solo like me it doesn't matter that much. I don't care if a player i know pops up in the opposing team, in ranked we are enemies, so i go all in to kill.
    JackPain (Sweden)