Bug and suggestion

So i come back to this game after a long break and try out the new polling rate addition which is pretty cool but i have to turn it off and on every time i relog on cf which is annoying, so that needs a fix.

now on to the suggestion. i noticed in cf china that the cops you get from free events only have 4 bullets in the chamber. i feel like it should be the same way here to show some respect to the ppl who dropped alot of money for their zp weapons. especially for TMPs and other broken weapons.


  • I agree the polling rate issue needs to be fixed next maintenance, same goes for ALT TAB.

    As for the events that give free COP Derringer pistols and other exclusive items for free: I completely agree we need the same content in West. BR actually gave out a 6 bullet COP upon buying a certain amount of crates, we need that too!