Kick Cooldown

Please introduce some kind of kick cool down.
It’s hell of annoying to play knife mode or specially sniper mode where users with vip chars abuse the kick to shoot insanely fast or kick insanely fast.
Due to my FPS drops I can’t record and report those players.
Please just fix this issue with a 2 seconds cool down or so.


  • Some people bought those VIPs only because of that kick interaction with reload.. and you report them?
  • It's not that irritating in sniper-mode, The jumping around is worse. If you want to be faster, get AMW-Goldsmith, like i use the most times, doesn't matter if they kick spam then, your reload is still faster. And why would you report, isn't kick-shooting legal, just frowned upon?
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    It's not that irritating in sniper-mode, The jumping around is worse. If you want to be faster, get AMW-Goldsmith, like i use the most times, doesn't matter if they kick spam then, your reload is still faster. And why would you report, isn't kick-shooting legal, just frowned upon?

    Completely true, a player pretty much stands still when using this method of shooting, sitting ducks are easy targets.

    It's in fact considered intended in this version too.
  • cemaivreti wrote: »
    Some people bought those VIPs only because of that kick interaction with reload.. and you report them?

    I'm sure if you didn't read properly, they ABUSE the kick, which gives the players with the skin an unfair advantage by letting them shoot faster WITHOUT RELOADING THEIR SNIPER AT ALL.
    Shooting a sniper like a rifle is some kind of VIP Skin benefit or what?
    And spam kicking 3 times a second also??
  • Yolomir wrote: »

    I'm sure if you didn't read properly, they ABUSE the kick, which gives the players with the skin an unfair advantage by letting them shoot faster WITHOUT RELOADING THEIR SNIPER AT ALL.
    Shooting a sniper like a rifle is some kind of VIP Skin benefit or what?
    And spam kicking 3 times a second also??

    I read it properly, they don't "abuse" it, they "make use" of that feature. By mentioning reload I meant how it's done: shoot, reload, kick, repeat. (everything done quickly)
  • cemaivreti wrote: »

    I read it properly, they don't "abuse" it, they "make use" of that feature. By mentioning reload I meant how it's done: shoot, reload, kick, repeat. (everything done quickly)

    Making use of it by gaining an advantage over other players is abusing.
    Players without the skins will never shoot as fast as them in sniper mode which gives them an obvious and unfair advantage since they dodge the reloading part completely and could kill another player in a one vs one for example way faster....
    While the other user is reloading, the vip skin users would have already shoot 2-3 times.
    Also players told me that, there is a 3 days ban for abusing this feature, which means that the issue is known and yet not fixed after ages.
    In my opinion this game started to shift towards pay to win.
  • Few years ago I remember seeing a hack that allowed you to shoot any sniper like a semi-automatic rifle, and even fully automatic.
    The kick function from the VIP characters allows you to do the same thing, kinda, only a bit slower.

    Just see it this way: Shooting 3-4 times per second using 'cheats' VS shooting 3-4 times per second using a special character not everyone can afford. What is the difference?
    What if, there was a new VIP rifle that would be released that had absolutely ZERO recoil? Would that be fair to other players?

    Some other versions already patched this, meaning they can't kick while reloading. I just want the same thing here.
  • I agree, the best solution would be a cd of a few secs on combat kick. The "feature" will still exist and could be used to speed up snipers but restricted to a fair amount.
  • Yolomir wrote: »

    Making use of it by gaining an advantage over other players is abusing.
    Players without the skins will never shoot as fast as them in sniper mode which gives them an obvious and unfair advantage since they dodge the reloading part completely and could kill another player in a one vs one for example way faster....
    While the other user is reloading, the vip skin users would have already shoot 2-3 times.
    Also players told me that, there is a 3 days ban for abusing this feature, which means that the issue is known and yet not fixed after ages.
    In my opinion this game started to shift towards pay to win.
    If you define abusing as gaining advantage over others, doesn't any VVIP give you advantage over others? Should they all be removed than?
    I rarely use this function and can easily kill players using it considering they're sitting ducks as targets.

    What a player told you is wrong. As I told you earlier, the use of the kick function to cancel the reload of a sniper is considered intended in CF West and can be used freely.

    The game shifted to pay to win AGES ago, when the first VVIP's got introduced. I find it funny you're only realising it now..
    Y0ungAngie wrote: »
    Few years ago I remember seeing a hack that allowed you to shoot any sniper like a semi-automatic rifle, and even fully automatic.
    The kick function from the VIP characters allows you to do the same thing, kinda, only a bit slower.

    Just see it this way: Shooting 3-4 times per second using 'cheats' VS shooting 3-4 times per second using a special character not everyone can afford. What is the difference?
    What if, there was a new VIP rifle that would be released that had absolutely ZERO recoil? Would that be fair to other players?

    Some other versions already patched this, meaning they can't kick while reloading. I just want the same thing here.

    You're missing the point here. It's not like a player can move freely when using this function, you pretty much stand still when using it. It only becomes truly efficient when you use a macro to do it, which most players using it do. Using a macro IS against the rules. As long as it's not used with a macro, players might be able to shoot fast, but are sitting ducks as targets.

    Regarding the "other versions already patched it", only China did. All other versions consider it intended.
  • Yolomir wrote: »

    Making use of it by gaining an advantage over other players is abusing.
    Players without the skins will never shoot as fast as them in sniper mode which gives them an obvious and unfair advantage since they dodge the reloading part completely and could kill another player in a one vs one for example way faster....
    While the other user is reloading, the vip skin users would have already shoot 2-3 times.
    Also players told me that, there is a 3 days ban for abusing this feature, which means that the issue is known and yet not fixed after ages.
    In my opinion this game started to shift towards pay to win.

    And players without Barrett VIP (and a few other versions of the barrett) will never deal 1000 HP Damage in HMX either, will you also report them for having an "unfair advantage" over other players?
    I understand it might be frustrating to play against snipers who use the kick feature, however just as Utmost mentioned: it's intended. And you can actually aim easily on them because they have to stand still while doing it, it's not even a big deal.

    The last thing I want to tell you is that I find it very disrespectful to report players who PAY in a dying game, that's what keeps it alive for them and other people who don't spend ZP. Of course, hacking is a different subject, but those guys you are talking about - they just use what the game gave them, they don't abuse anything.
  • You guys are missing the point that abusing the spam kick is a reason to get banned for 3 days, which obviously proves that it's FORBIDDEN.
    Yet the issue still exists....
    Comparing weapons has nothing to do with a feature that allows u to shoot way faster than others.
    I'm not saying they should remove the kick, BUT to fix this issue.
    Your last point makes no sense at all since many players INCLUDING ME, that invested a lot of money into this game are annoyed buy this BUG.
    Actually a friend of mine who abused this kick feature in a knife match told me, he once got banned for 3 days for abusing it and that he is surprised that they still didn't fix it.
    VIP chars and weapons give some advantage, like shooting through wooden boxes and walls, more ammo, throwing knifes, faster reload, but yet other weapons have the feature also (Camo weapons reload usally faster, f.e D.E Camo and gold weapons even have more ammo than VIP weapons).
    So basically the only big advantage over others is the EXP boost which has no effect to others in game except 20% EXP more for other players.
  • I just read through the rules a second time and there is nothing that says you are not allowed to use spam kick as much as you want. Actually, it doesn't say much about in-game activities at all. It also took me some time to find the rules, hidden away as a pop-up at the login page.

    I was sure i remembered a forum thread with the rules, but it seems like that has have to been in the CF-EU Forums. The only one i could find here was Forum Rules.
    They really should make a thread with all in-game rules specified (If there is one, i can't find it). I tried to google it, but the only thing that came up is competition specific rules.

    If someone got banned for using spam-kick it is really strange, it's the first time i hear of it ever happening here.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    call me hayace? dog
  • Yolomir wrote: »
    You guys are missing the point that abusing the spam kick is a reason to get banned for 3 days, which obviously proves that it's FORBIDDEN.
    As I mentioned earlier IT IS CONSIDERED INTENDED.
    Yolomir wrote: »
    Actually a friend of mine who abused this kick feature in a knife match told me, he once got banned for 3 days for abusing it and that he is surprised that they still didn't fix it.

    You're mixing up two different ways to use the kick function. One is using it to cancel your reload when sniping, thereby shooting more fastly. The other is using E in combination with ctrl to be able to kick very fast, being able to spam kick on your opponents.

    They are both allowed. But not in combination with a macro, what your friend probably did, resulting in the 3 day ban.