Revival of the fittest (ZM Revival Token Ribbon)

Currently you can only earn Revival of the fittest ribbon by purchasing 1000 tokens.
Seeing as we can now earn tokens from zombie maps, I think it should be also given to players once they collect 1000 revival tokens in their inventory.

Also, hopefully a special ZM ribbon that would be given to players who collected all ZM ribbons currently available (Like a bawss, War machine, Bulwark, Brain check, Revival of the fittest and any additional as they are introduced)


  • +1 As it is now, the revival of the fittest is a ribbon only for people with a lot of money, ribbons should be for everyone.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • +1! To my knowledge most of the players that have the survival of the fittest ribbon obtained it by a bug. That's simply not right!
  • +1

    Good suggestion

    I think with time ,this ribbon will be achievable for everyone;just like what happened with the santa hat and xmas in july ribbon one month ago
  • In this way, it would be unfair to the players who bought it before. My suggestion is that zombie elements can be given according to the purchase rate. For example, AN94-Transformer, Attack and gold drones.
  • OtokuTr wrote: »
    In this way, it would be unfair to the players who bought it before. My suggestion is that zombie elements can be given according to the purchase rate. For example, AN94-Transformer, Attack and gold drones.

    There are probably some who bought 1k but I’m not sure of any names but there are who bought 1 and got the ribbon due to a bug. Least this way it balances it out since those who got it via bug already wasn’t fair.
  • oSasukeXxX wrote: »

    There are probably some who bought 1k but I’m not sure of any names but there are who bought 1 and got the ribbon due to a bug. Least this way it balances it out since those who got it via bug already wasn’t fair.

    Dear friend; It is neither right nor ethical to make a claim because of an old error. If you have a purchase-oriented alternative for game continuity, of course I will. Sincerely wish you a good day.
  • OtokuTr wrote: »

    Dear friend; It is neither right nor ethical to make a claim because of an old error. If you have a purchase-oriented alternative for game continuity, of course I will. Sincerely wish you a good day.

    Your suggestion isn't super effective either, ribbons are not like achievements, there aren't different tiers to clearing them.

    The ribbon is simply to expensive to clear for now, something in it's requirements should change.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    Your suggestion isn't super effective either, ribbons are not like achievements, there aren't different tiers to clearing them.

    The ribbon is simply to expensive to clear for now, something in it's requirements should change.

    This "Revival Token" was a necessary material to win the game when the zombie mod was first added. It's been a long time and has become easier with zm3 upgrades. I'm not talking about the need for "Revival Token" here. Yes, it's expensive if you take it. We can't deny that. You know that a ribbon related to the purchase. Do you have any ideas for balance?
  • OtokuTr wrote: »

    This "Revival Token" was a necessary material to win the game when the zombie mod was first added. It's been a long time and has become easier with zm3 upgrades. I'm not talking about the need for "Revival Token" here. Yes, it's expensive if you take it. We can't deny that. You know that a ribbon related to the purchase. Do you have any ideas for balance?

    I think you can count the players that actually bought 1000 revive tokens to get the ribbon on one hand, so it wouldn't be fair you'd have to "balance" this ribbon out for just a few players in comparison to the whole community.

    I'd be fine with the ribbon being 1000 revive tokens obtained instead of bought and I guess no one else would complain about it either.
  • OtokuTr wrote: »
    In this way, it would be unfair to the players who bought it before. My suggestion is that zombie elements can be given according to the purchase rate. For example, AN94-Transformer, Attack and gold drones.

    "In this way, it would be unfair to the players who bought it before."
    As time goes on, things that were exclusive to zp get less exclusive as new zp exclusive things are introdouced. I thought you noticed that by now.
    BEFORE M4A1-C-Crystal was really hard to obtain -> NOW its so common people dont even use it
    BEFORE ZP crates were only obtainable by money -> NOW they are given out for free daily
    BEFORE Christmas ribbons were exclusive to zp purchasers -> NOW xmas crates are given out for free.
    BEFORE 1k zm ribbon took 20 minutes per win -> NOW you can win that surf map within 4-5 minutes EASY
    BEFORE cop was an item exclusive to ZP crates -> NOW its free with every 3rd Elemental Temple zm box.

    I think you get the gist of it.
    I already own the token ribbon, but I think it should be fair enough to let people earn it since you can now get revival tokens from zm boxes.
  • CopyCat3 wrote: »

    "In this way, it would be unfair to the players who bought it before."
    As time goes on, things that were exclusive to zp get less exclusive as new zp exclusive things are introdouced. I thought you noticed that by now.
    BEFORE M4A1-C-Crystal was really hard to obtain -> NOW its so common people dont even use it
    BEFORE ZP crates were only obtainable by money -> NOW they are given out for free daily
    BEFORE Christmas ribbons were exclusive to zp purchasers -> NOW xmas crates are given out for free.
    BEFORE 1k zm ribbon took 20 minutes per win -> NOW you can win that surf map within 4-5 minutes EASY
    BEFORE cop was an item exclusive to ZP crates -> NOW its free with every 3rd Elemental Temple zm box.

    I think you get the gist of it.
    I already own the token ribbon, but I think it should be fair enough to let people earn it since you can now get revival tokens from zm boxes.

    If what you're saying is coming towards you, go ahead. But I want to say you can't convince me.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    I think you can count the players that actually bought 1000 revive tokens to get the ribbon on one hand, so it wouldn't be fair you'd have to "balance" this ribbon out for just a few players in comparison to the whole community.

    I'd be fine with the ribbon being 1000 revive tokens obtained instead of bought and I guess no one else would complain about it either.

    I respect your thoughts.
  • -1 on this, it would be very very easy for all players to reach 1K revives getting them from ZM boxes
    But I can add: there is an option/opportunity for those who don't own this ribbon to get it at Black Friday sale by spending the half of current price (only 60K zp instead of 120K)
  • PorBiejin wrote: »
    -1 on this, it would be very very easy for all players to reach 1K revives getting them from ZM boxes
    But I can add: there is an option/opportunity for those who don't own this ribbon to get it at Black Friday sale by spending the half of current price (only 60K zp instead of 120K)

    +999999 sorry por but u wrong here, there are thousands of players who gott the ribbon by buying 1 revive token and bug; and maybe less than 10 that really used to buy 1000 revive tokens , and for those less than 10 u dont agree on this?
    its time to change requiriments for this ribbon already, who would buy now 1000 revives knowing that a lot of players got the ribbon by buying just 1 revive?
    And more than that , ribbons are almost useless, instead of giving some nice weapons for 60,70,80,90, 100 ribbons we get an reskinn of a weapon that most veterans have already , for 75 ribbons and a melee for 100 ribbons.Well i cant describe in words how dissapointed i was when they announced we get ak goldmine for 75 ribbons.
  • winnnetou wrote: »

    +999999 sorry por but u wrong here, there are thousands of players who gott the ribbon by buying 1 revive token and bug; and maybe less than 10 that really used to buy 1000 revive tokens , and for those less than 10 u dont agree on this?
    its time to change requiriments for this ribbon already, who would buy now 1000 revives knowing that a lot of players got the ribbon by buying just 1 revive?

    Yes, I get your point, I did a quick math and if you go by "free" ZM boxes [Crater Dawn Crystal Box] which drops 5x Revives some times, it may take around 1K boxes to get 1K revives since the drop rate is not that often (I calculate on average 1 drop each 5 opened boxes).
    The problem starts because this is NOT the only way of getting Free Revives and as you can see our Dev Team is more than lazy to add more specific new requirements on the game, so the suggestion will be in the trash for sure.

    I did not know about the 1 Revive Buy Bug, I honestly spent 120K ZP back in the day (2012-2013) to get 1K revives and earn the Ribbon.
    And we all know how CF West handles the bugs/exploits case scenario situations (like EP and such)...

    Also the option from Black Friday offer is fair enough as well, obtain the Ribbon by spending half the price that others did.
    At the end like other users said, Revives are impractical these days, the feature is just dead since ZM enhancements in weapons and rewards.
  • PorBiejin wrote: »

    Yes, I get your point, I did a quick math and if you go by "free" ZM boxes [Crater Dawn Crystal Box] which drops 5x Revives some times, it may take around 1K boxes to get 1K revives since the drop rate is not that often (I calculate on average 1 drop each 5 opened boxes).
    The problem is that this is NOT the only way of getting Free Revives and as you can see our Dev Team is more than lazy to add more specific new requirements on the game.

    I did not know about the 1 Revive Buy Bug, I honestly spent 120K ZP back in the day (2012-2013) to get 1K revives and earn the Ribbon.
    And we all know how CF West handles the bugs/exploits case scenario situations (like EP and such)...

    Also the option from Black Friday offer is fair enough as well, obtain the Ribbon by spending half the price that others did.
    At the end like other users said, Revives are impractical these days, the feature is just dead since ZM enhancements in weapons and rewards.

    Well, if u are one of the 10 players that really bought 1000 revives im sorry for u and inderstand ur point, but listen what happend to me, just a month ago in 5 july i spent 90k zp on zp xmas crates for the xmas in july ribbon and guess what , next day i learned that we could get the ribbon with santa hat or rudolf helmet with 1000 ep 10 crates, what about that? This is life, swallow and move on.
  • winnnetou wrote: »

    Well, if u are one of the 10 players that really bought 1000 revives im sorry for u and inderstand ur point, but listen what happend to me, just a month ago in 5 july i spent 90k zp on zp xmas crates for the xmas in july ribbon and guess what , next day i learned that we could get the ribbon with santa hat or rudolf helmet with 1000 ep 10 crates, what about that? This is life, swallow and move on.

    Yeah, I had to spend 120K ZP for the Ribbon (my decision). I'm not against updating/changing the requirements for this particular one, just don't want to see an easy way to get it. From what I wrote later, I double check and if you see numbers are pretty decent if anybody want to get 1K revives (taking only in count the ones rewarded from ZM boxes). Maybe this would be a smart move for CF West and a new way of getting the ribbon.

    Regarding the Xmas In July Ribbon, yeah... I see the sad part of your story, I was in the same situation but I waited a bit on it and confirmed that EP crates (GP) also counted towards the Ribbon, I've spent +50K EP on this to get a dupe'd Santa Hat (sitting in Winning Storage) just to earn the Ribbon. I wished you could learned this before spending your ZP...

    Lesson learned, that's why I wait till lasts days of any event or wait for other players to share their reviews/experience. You never know when you will be able to take advantage of it.
  • I'm surprised to actually find someone paying the full price, you of all people should know how ridiculous it is having to spend 120k ZP just to obtain a ribbon...

    As I mentioned earlier, you're probably one of the few. Though I have tremendous respect to the dedication you had towards obtaining this ribbon, I find the price you paid ridiculous.

    Maybe a better solution would be that if the requirements of the ribbon are changed, the players who already obtained the ribbon before that would get a extra reward, some awakening jewels perhaps? I know this doesn't filter out the players that got this ribbon by some bug, but that's simply impossible to do.