How we didnt get accepted since we have filled the registeration after the announcement by exactly 27 minutes. Since it was written in the rules , first comes first serve ,i have got screenshots of exact time "Announcement , When i registered." team : Raseup5iveYO
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Thats pretty sad since there are over 10 teams in this bracket who are barely scrimmers. raseup5ive deserves to have a spot tbh they got 2nd place in 2017's egy cup i'm sure they are much more better than majority of the teams in this bracket and they deserve a chance if you ask me
Thats totally unfair tbh, Rasuep is the former Anubis team, they had good achievements before and they are considered as a top tier team in Egypt, I guess GMs shall consider re-looking at the registration times and hopefully they can get in because they deserve to be in such a big Local tournament in Egypt
here comes an admin telling us '' Please note that teams are chosen on a combination of first come first serve, as well as completeness of information.'' it really feels like that we are dealing with bunch of robots we want to hold a professional conversation not a god damn line that's being copied and posted on all our tickets and threads for god sake.
This discussion has been closed.
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