M4 laser to people who collect all the 3 zm ribbons


I somewhy can't manage to finish this new zm map;it doesn't matter how hard I try I just can't,I tried with twinkies with zmtyrants with defenders with all the top zm player in the entire game ..and still can't get even 1 clear.and my heart is getting broken with the 100 revives that go away with each single game.10 minuets on this map gave me enough headache for a year .

So I thought about idea - why not give the m4 laser(basic edition not gold)as a reward to people who collect all the 3 zm ribbons?i think it's fair enough and would give to "lower rank players" (who would never be able to finish it if top teams can')to also get a chance to get this great weapon;and would make the game more active for long awhile (will give the players another goal to achieve that will make the game active for half of year at least).
