Trade Market suggestion improved

So my suggestion is to be able to gift wrap (with % fee on it) (#1 Fee) our weapons ZP based(Only duplicates) in loot boxes with question mark on it ( so we would buy

mystery boxes) (#2Fee) with a fix sum (1000zp=>1.000.000zp)(not with irregular sums so it would be harder to identify our own crates 1111zp 1337zp)(same fee % as the

one we have currently have 15%or greater )(pricing should be made according to VIPs pricing RIFLE type between range 60000zp to 125000zp ,SNIPER 50000zp to

100000zp MG 40000zp to 85000zp Shotguns&SMG 30000zp to 70000zp Pistol&Melee 20000zp to 60000zp) VIPS excluded from system, GP based weapons excluded

(item shop,starting weapons,transferred weapons from CFEU ) Coupons weapons excluded from system, weapons from Events excluded ( Katana-G,Jin Gu Bang,

Nunchaku,) weapons from Ribbon system excluded, Vip weapons offer at pre-sales (B-Axe, AK-B, D.Blade,M4A1 Violet) the trade market own weapons(M4A1 CAT ,KRISS

SUPER V NOBLE, AK TRUMPET and future weapons) Upgrade weapons(M4A1 royal guard and future weapons) excluded too, awakening weapons(ak and future

weapons too) , Noble weapons excluded from system MP weapons( rifle,secondary,melee and future weapons) excluded form system and 1 time ONLY / Month

(Condition and Fee if we want to change) (#3 Fee) to be able to trade such item. So 3 Fee's implement so no1 abuse system and a way to get rid of duplicates.
