Change/remove the required amount of players for progress to count for ZM

So we know how all the events go and back then they used to count for played time in ZM, right? Except after the previous week incident (and editing certain part 3 days late) where the requirement of "Minimum of 6 players is required" was added. What harm does it do? Well, some players prefer to play ZM and when event is just time based (not kills/games or etc.) it's understandable. Same goes for Shotgun Week reprint, where all seems normal, except "Minimum of 8 players is required". And last time I checked, none of the ZM maps support up to 8 players (yet), so it leaves them once again left hanging and out of the playerbase.

In other words, there is simple solution/suggestion to the problem:

>Remove player amount (or reduce it to 4) for ZM maps
