Coming back to this game after 3 years, I got questions, need answers.

1) What are EP?

I only remembered there were 3 currencies, ZP, GP, and BP. But BP eventually got removed so obtainable items such as ak and m4 silver are now unobtainable.

2) Is it possible to reach 26,000 MP for an permanent item in the Mileage store in 1 month with just constant everyday playing the game.

I know there are missions that earn you 100 MP per completion but that doesn't seem enough to earn me up to 26,000 MP. Most of my MP comes from the everyday login. Unless that comes every week I don't see myself getting a permanent item in the Mileage store.

3) Are these new free zp crates events common these days or did they started doing that?

I remember playing this game back in 2013 or so, getting zp crates or anything that cost zp really was difficult. This new "Roll Call" event really is an accomplishment for Crossfire in general if they continue putting up events such as these. It gives the players a sense of wanting to play for the gamble of it, of course.


  • 1) What are EP?

    I only remembered there were 3 currencies, ZP, GP, and BP. But BP eventually got removed so obtainable items such as ak and m4 silver are now unobtainable.

    2) Is it possible to reach 26,000 MP for an permanent item in the Mileage store in 1 month with just constant everyday playing the game.

    I know there are missions that earn you 100 MP per completion but that doesn't seem enough to earn me up to 26,000 MP. Most of my MP comes from the everyday login. Unless that comes every week I don't see myself getting a permanent item in the Mileage store.

    3) Are these new free zp crates events common these days or did they started doing that?

    I remember playing this game back in 2013 or so, getting zp crates or anything that cost zp really was difficult. This new "Roll Call" event really is an accomplishment for Crossfire in general if they continue putting up events such as these. It gives the players a sense of wanting to play for the gamble of it, of course.

    EP - Is called Event Points,you can earn it through many events,like Monthly Mixup,or special event on weekends like we have last month,you get 10 EP for every minute of playtime all day long or 50 EP under specific time
    You can spend EP in shop

    2)Well,yeah but at beginning of new month,your MP is reseted
    3)Common,but now win rates are really really low,i have no luck getting anything :/
  • Hey

    EP is Event Point. You get them by playing in events.

    26.000 mp in one month ain't a problem. Every month The amount is reset and you get to keep 12.000. So atleast the next mont you start with 12.000.
    But i have no problem of reaching 26k in 1 month. You earn mp just by being logged in.

    The have, as far as i know, ZP crates you can get for free every month, by playing in event.
    The best one is Weekend party, where u get a total of, if remember right, 48 crates.

    By logging in and complete 1 daily mission for 27 days in one month give u 5 crates and some crate tickets for free spinn.

    Hope this answer helped you!
    see you later in game.

    ign: Oden
  • 1) EP means Event Points. EP is earned by the players' activity in the game, but currently it only counts between each fridays to sundays. The more you play during the weekend, the more EP you get to be able to buy crates or temporary weapons/items. The maximum EP you can obtain per weekend is 25K EP. You can check your current EP, available crates, and more here:

    2) Yes, it is possible. But, like you said, only as long as you keep constantly playing the game everyday and claiming your rewards aftwerwards.

    3) Things evolve, so these free ZP crates events are more common these days, but this doesn't mean that all the events are good or interesting to all the players. It's up to you if you like them in order to get rewarded. Without spending money, if you actively complete the events, you can win some nice things from time to time.