What your Rarest Weapon
Well the red dragon guns was not so rare in cfeu, so they should not be rare here either. I have seven of them.
The Divine was quite common in EU to.. Have them all.
So i guess my best is:
M4A1-C Violett crystal, was extremely rare in EU.
AWM Rusty
HK 416C ADV, Didnt even exist in NA, took them some weeks to get it working here.
M4A1 Lilly
AWM Pink?
Well that's mine. Nice to see what all u guys have.
Maybe a GM can man make a top 100 list. That would be great! -
Not fully sure here. so many weapons and without a full on rarity listing by the GMs we're only going by guesswork of what we've seen around vs reality. But I'd have to wager that i'm in the same boat with Claire here in that I also have a AK-47 Knife Falcon and I'd say probably less than 12 have that unless it was released on EU before hand in a different way. A couple of others worth mentioning would by my colt chroma and my Super Shorty-Blue Dawn. Colt Chroma being a collection reward for the Chroma 2 stuff which EU players just had a chance to spin for recently here on West and as of right now only 17 players have it completed. But the Super Shorty-Blue dawn is the same kind of thing as the AK47 Knife Falcon in that it was in a bingo and most people went for the Jungle Knife, Kar, or 9a91. Though I believe EU players also had a chance at the Blue Dawn weapons so not sure how it compares with them.
Wait would the Kriss Super V Ares JHP be considered Rare I own it and based on the ppl who own the ares Collection 22ish could be more since I only own the Ares SMG.
You know this would be a Great Event idea. You submit a Bag only the primary secondary and melee will count and must Perm The players with the most Unique bag win prizes. -
I think my rarest weapons are Ak-gold mine, kriss super v platinum, psg red dragon and awm camo. I do have the regular combat axe permanent but i don't consider it that rare.. i'm quite sure there are many veterans that have it. I also have golden sheep hat and backpack, but those are items.
M4A1-Meow (actually there are not so many owners of it and crates are already removed);
Soccer Ball - Gold (guess there are not so many ppl who were too mad to complete whole that event for it);
Witches and
Santa hat.
Also proud owner of +5.2 seconds kill streak time. -
Desert Eagle Gold
AK47 Beast Noble Gold
M4A1-S Beast Noble Gold
Really I would have thought you might have more rare weapons
In term of usage I think the Brick melee type are also rare
Like I don't think everyone uses a Gold Bar like I do. -
Well the combat axe was actually obtained by many back than. The Wide Nade (which was obtainable through badges from what I've heard) should be quite rare.
Some of the weapons mentioned here were actually quite common in EU. E.g. the OM Nemsis and DE Divine. I on the other hand have no clue what weapons are most rare in CF West, but looking at it from a EU player's point of view my top 3 would be:- Knife Ultimate Gold
- Jungle Knife Blue Knight
- Desert Eagle Snake
The wide nade is still obtainable through badges, although there is no permanent version for the normal one, its for 30 or 90 days still i believe.
OT: Idk, mine is probably Combat Axe, M4A1-Gold or FR-F2 Halloween.
They would be rare having today's player base in mind but for sure not rare if you include the players who no longer play. -
AK-47-S-Cherry Blossom
M4A1-C-Violet Crystal
SCAR Heavy-Camo
Dragunov-Tigr 9
D Eagle-Golden
Dual Colt-TrickNTreat
BC Axe
Oh and ofc my Santa beard -
Really I would have thought you might have more rare weapons
In term of usage I think the Brick melee type are also rare
Like I don't think everyone uses a Gold Bar like I do.
I wasn't a hard ZP buyer. The deagle is from years ago, the ak was only a preorder compensation for the axe vip and the m4 was only in bingo. -
Not fully sure here. so many weapons and without a full on rarity listing by the GMs we're only going by guesswork of what we've seen around vs reality.
Can't agree more with this, would be very interesting to have a factual overview of the rarity of weapons in game. In EU this was requested very often and eventually I think we even got a top 10 of the rarest weapons in game. -
Really I would have thought you might have more rare weapons
In term of usage I think the Brick melee type are also rare
Like I don't think everyone uses a Gold Bar like I do.
Sadly to say, the gold bar was not so rare in cf eu, I have 3 of them... -
Looking through some posts here, I think many of the weapons mentioned aren't particulary rare, but rather not used because they're just not good (SL8) or everyone has a better version of it (Galil arm, M14).
Is the M4-C Aqua aurora actually rare? How was it released in NA? Think it was a normal capsule in EU for a while at least I got it on my 2nd acc but can't remember how I obtained it :P
Without really knowing much about NA, just judging by how often I see them I'd say mine are, in no particular order:
-MG36 (GP capsule in EU, but I think it wasn't available permanently in NA)
-M4a1-C ronove
-M4a1-C Aqua Aurora
-AK-47 Halloween (the OG one)
-M4 Spring and M4 Royal dragon (were pretty rare in EU, think both were regularly re-released here though)
-M4a1-S Digital Camo
-Barrett M82A1, M66 and Axe Legendary Dragon (Last black friday sale said they're all on the rarest tier so there's that)
-M4a1 Pink
Would be extremely cool if we had a proper weapon database which displays exact numbers of how many people own it. I think z8 would also profit since it would quite possibly make people waste more money trying to obtain those rare weapons if they're ever available again. -
Sadly to say, the gold bar was not so rare in cf eu, I have 3 of them...
I said based on Usage brick type weapons are rare. Most ppl only use Axes and NSDS with the odd few using other melee weapons type.
No one uses the AK47 Ice blade in knife form since it doesn't deal Stab damage it deal Slash damage making it pointless since people are more likely to survive the damage in it knife form and it take time for it to switch to knife and vis versa
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