Some ideas for GP content?!
Hi boyz & girlz and things
I'm sure lots of you are upset with the lack of GP content in the game (I mean we gets 1-2 gp crates a year-and every single new crate is even worse than it prior)
Since our "omni GM's" can't think about ideas for GP content I thought we might help them
Here are only few ideas on a nutshell that took me 5 minutes to think about :
*SG552 camo crate
*M4 adv crate
*Multiple GP crate : m4 black+knife black on the same box
*Country name cards for gp
*Maybe a new character for gp
*Make old zp crates that have no value any more these days into gp crates (I mean ak scope/ak knife/m60 be honest 90% of current zp bm should of been gp-except zm weapons I don't see any thing there that is "zp worthy" ).
It;s only few ideas that took me less than 5 minuets to think about.I'm sure our GM's can with a bit of struggle to think about something.
We are tired of only zp content in the game,it's a f2p game made for 14-15 year olds for god sake.
I'm sure lots of you are upset with the lack of GP content in the game (I mean we gets 1-2 gp crates a year-and every single new crate is even worse than it prior)
Since our "omni GM's" can't think about ideas for GP content I thought we might help them
Here are only few ideas on a nutshell that took me 5 minutes to think about :
*SG552 camo crate
*M4 adv crate
*Multiple GP crate : m4 black+knife black on the same box
*Country name cards for gp
*Maybe a new character for gp
*Make old zp crates that have no value any more these days into gp crates (I mean ak scope/ak knife/m60 be honest 90% of current zp bm should of been gp-except zm weapons I don't see any thing there that is "zp worthy" ).
It;s only few ideas that took me less than 5 minuets to think about.I'm sure our GM's can with a bit of struggle to think about something.
We are tired of only zp content in the game,it's a f2p game made for 14-15 year olds for god sake.
Yeah, let's turn unique, 8 years old weapons into cheap trash, that everybody can own. Good idea.
Indeed, game need new GP content, but some of your requests are ridiculous (I'm talking in general, not only about this post). If you want unique stuff, pay for it. If you want functional weapon, go to GP shop and buy AK-47. -
Thanks for the awesome feedbacks guysYeah, let's turn unique, 8 years old weapons into cheap trash, that everybody can own. Good idea.
Indeed, game need new GP content, but some of your requests are ridiculous (I'm talking in general, not only about this post). If you want unique stuff, pay for it. If you want functional weapon, go to GP shop and buy AK-47.
What do you mean with "unique"?what's so unique at ak scope or rpk gold or m60 adv?As I said 90% of the zp black market is not zp worthy ,more than 90% should of be gp long time ago(maybe there used to be valuable back at 2009 but not any more).
And the free weapons/crates/events/mp/copuns/zm rewards etc are what making 99% of the players to keep play this game,give the players 1 day without events and look how dead and empty the game is.If you here to cry about how "unfair" it is that weapons that people used to pay for back at 2010 and now they are for free...then I really suggest you to stay away from the internet (for your general health bro)
Have a nice day keng -
+1 on this, good suggestions like M4 Adv and black knife.
I also support the idea of having old ZP crates that nobody cares about, available in some other way like (Coupons, EP Shop, etc)
Here are some ideas that I would add:
GP Crate Weapons (Advanced and/or Silencer versions with a new skin)
Pindad SS2 Silencer
SG552 Silencer
G36K Silver/Gold
TAR21 Silencer
Type89 Advanced
Steyr AUG A1 Silencer
K1A Camo Silencer
We have enough pistols/snipers/shotguns in GP crates that we should focus on other weapons. -
Thanks for the awesome feedbacks guys
What do you mean with "unique"?what's so unique at ak scope or rpk gold or m60 adv?As I said 90% of the zp black market is not zp worthy ,more than 90% should of be gp long time ago(maybe there used to be valuable back at 2009 but not any more).
And the free weapons/crates/events/mp/copuns/zm rewards etc are what making 99% of the players to keep play this game,give the players 1 day without events and look how dead and empty the game is.If you here to cry about how "unfair" it is that weapons that people used to pay for back at 2010 and now they are for free...then I really suggest you to stay away from the internet (for your general health bro)
Have a nice day keng
Unique weapon == weapon own by small part of playerbase. It means that weapon can be seen in game very rarely.
I'm not here for crying. You asked for opinion and I gave you one. Please, have some respect for people with different opinion, as I respect you (and no, wishing nice day in so ironic way is not the example of showing respect). If you found my answer offensive, maybe it's you, who should "stay away from the internet for your general health". -
I would like to see something fun like a list of 7 day comedy phrases for when you die or go on a kill streak . Maybe just in certain rooms or for the ace at the end of each round of s&d etc. Maybe change the list of phrases that you can buy every month. Help lighten things up a bit in game and use up lots of this dead GP we all hanging on to.
SG552 camo: Eh, I'd rather not. The gun is pretty bad imo. Something else maybe, but I'd rather they spend their time on something else than add this particular gun to the game.
M4 Adv crate: Seems kind of pointless with the new upgradable M4, but I'm not against adding it simply for collecting. I'm neutral on this.
Multiple GP Crate: No. Please god no. With the current GP gun win rates, you'd be buying thousands of crates to win both. I'd rather it was single weapon crates.
Country name cards for GP: Why not? +1
New character for GP: Again, why not? +1
Old ZP crates for GP: No. I'm strongly against this one, and here's why:
If you want the old players who own these weapons to stick with the game (And thus buy more crates and the like), don't re-release their most prized weapons for everyone to own with GP. I'd be incredibly annoyed if they released some of my old weapons for GP.
I should point out that it doesn't matter what the GMs think of, they have to pass the ideas along to the devs. The GMs can't say "Oh let's add this today", because unfortunately, that's not how the process works.
It may be a f2p game, but ZP content is what keeps it running.
All in all, a couple suggestions I wouldn't mind seeing added, but also a few that I'd be against. -
Hi boyz & girlz and things
I'm sure lots of you are upset with the lack of GP content in the game (I mean we gets 1-2 gp crates a year-and every single new crate is even worse than it prior)
Since our "omni GM's" can't think about ideas for GP content I thought we might help them
Here are only few ideas on a nutshell that took me 5 minutes to think about :
*SG552 camo crate +1
*M4 adv crate +1
*Multiple GP crate : m4 black+knife black on the same box -10 I dont want Duplicates like MegaCrate the last limited Crate
*Country name cards for gp +100
*Maybe a new character for gp +10
*Make old zp crates that have no value any more these days into gp crates (I mean ak scope/ak knife/m60 be honest 90% of current zp bm should of been gp-except zm weapons I don't see any thing there that is "zp worthy" ).-1000 what its old or limited should stay like that
It;s only few ideas that took me less than 5 minuets to think about.I'm sure our GM's can with a bit of struggle to think about something.
We are tired of only zp content in the game,it's a f2p game made for 14-15 year olds for god sake.
I agreed, we need new GP Stuff - GP Crates and GP Weapons/Char -
+1 for all, well maby +0,5 for the multiple weapons crate, because with my luck I'll get more dupes.
As for people crying/complaining about unique weapons getting rereleased to the public for less than they paid for it, x years ago. Those people are a little selfish and alot childish/naive about how the world works. I wrote a lengthy example to explain how selling/buying stuff really works, some time ago, using watches as an analogy, search and read if you wan't.
It boils down to this. As a buyer, you can't expect an item to be Unique or rare forever (especially online). As new stuff get's released a company wants consumers to buy the new stuff (If it's harder to get, more people will spend more money to get it, human nature). They also wan't old customers to buy the new stuff and to make that more plausible, they usually make the stuff that the consumer already owns (That was rare up to now and might make the consumer less willing to buy new stuff), available at a reduced price.
Rereleasing old stuff also means that they save time by not having to E.g make new skins and still make alot of players satisfied, giving them stuff that they don't have, that only a small group of people have had until now.
Be happy that you own something that others haven't been able to own for many years. Be happy that you had bragging rights for years. Just because others are getting it now, shouldn't mean that your bragging rights for having it before them are diminished. If you are still complaining... Grow up.
That said, some items like competition uniqe prices, should not be released outside of the competition. But they can release a weapon with similar stats, but diffrent skins. (Not the M4-Super Duper Sight with Radiant Competition skin, but the regular M4-Super Duper Sight) Making both sides, if not happy, atleast ok with the decisionJackPain (Sweden)
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