Wave or Mutant event

It's been a while since we had a Wave or Mutant (preferably HMX) event. (Mutant Escape doesn't count). So i think it's time now.
Would be nice to be able to fill the Wave badges and ribbons, as not many play Wave anymore + it's fun. An HMX event needs no further reasons, it's just time for one now.
JackPain (Sweden)


  • I honestly am not a fan of Wave because of how unbalanced the mode currently is. I do wanna see some more Mutation related events!
  • Wave, since ppl dont play it anymore, its so funny to play,
  • Utmost wrote: »
    I honestly am not a fan of Wave because of how unbalanced the mode currently is. I do wanna see some more Mutation related events!

    Yeah, blaster and shock are definitely OP, but i think it's fun anyway.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • i'd be okay with a Super Soldier event like SS TDM or SS S&D but not wave. Wave simply takes too long and is always a group of stacked players who know wave playing against like 3 random nabs whenever it's not wave mode players playing with each other but rather an open public room. Then you join one of those rooms and it still takes forever and a day to complete. It just simply isn't worth it i'm sorry.

    The only way i'd ever want to see a new wave mode event....is if they make some serious attempt at making it better and I dont foresee that happening.

    As for a mutation event. Maybe. personally not my cup of tea either but at least it's semi-playable as long as there's not too many AFK bots in the room.
  • Wave pay2win.... and in hmx would be only bots in my room
  • minorninja wrote: »
    Wave pay2win.... and in hmx would be only bots in my room

    How is Wave anymore pay2win then any other game-mode? What can you pay for that you use in Wave and not any other game-mode? The stones/crystals are free in monthly mixup, and so are the class-badges which you win by playing. Have i missed some super-stuff for Wave that exists? I mean i know there is VIP weapons, but i feel they have less of an advantage in Wave, then they have in another game mode like S&D.

    As for bots in hmx, that is true, but in any event, there will be some kind of bots. In hmx bots in your room is actually a +, as they are just free kills that don't drag down the team they are in, as there is no real teams in HMX.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Ixith wrote: »
    i'd be okay with a Super Soldier event like SS TDM or SS S&D but not wave. Wave simply takes too long and is always a group of stacked players who know wave playing against like 3 random nabs whenever it's not wave mode players playing with each other but rather an open public room. Then you join one of those rooms and it still takes forever and a day to complete. It just simply isn't worth it i'm sorry.

    The only way i'd ever want to see a new wave mode event....is if they make some serious attempt at making it better and I dont foresee that happening.

    As for a mutation event. Maybe. personally not my cup of tea either but at least it's semi-playable as long as there's not too many AFK bots in the room.

    Yeah super soldier would also be fun, i actually never played SS S&D, only TDM. I kind of like that Wave takes a long time to finish, but if you are on limited gaming time it can be a problem. As i am unemployed at the time and don't have anything much to do, then to game. Wave is a perfect way for me to kill time and fight boredom.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • I suggested Wave & HMX events, because there haven't been any for some time (No sheep or Parkour either, for which i am very happy) and i am kind of tired of TDM, FFA and S&D (Very tired of S&D, since ranked season). Also we had Ghost, ZM and King events not so long ago. Some kind of Knife Only event, would also be fun and different right now (Yes i know we had a knock-out mode event just now, but that doesn't count).
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • There have already been way too many events geared specifically for MM/ZM. I do think it would be nice to have events related to wave mode, but I don’t think we need any more events for modes rarely anyone plays anymore.
  • Mr.Grinch wrote: »
    There have already been way too many events geared specifically for MM/ZM. I do think it would be nice to have events related to wave mode, but I don’t think we need any more events for modes rarely anyone plays anymore.

    That's kind of the point, an event will make people play a mode they usually won't play. Only having events for S&D/FFA/TDM will make the game boring in the long run, even if those are the most played game modes (And HMX probably).

    We haven't had an HMX event since before christmas, while we had events in almost all other modes + ranked, that's why i think it's time.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    How is Wave anymore pay2win then any other game-mode? What can you pay for that you use in Wave and not any other game-mode? The stones/crystals are free in monthly mixup, and so are the class-badges which you win by playing. Have i missed some super-stuff for Wave that exists? I mean i know there is VIP weapons, but i feel they have less of an advantage in Wave, then they have in another game mode like S&D.

    As for bots in hmx, that is true, but in any event, there will be some kind of bots. In hmx bots in your room is actually a +, as they are just free kills that don't drag down the team they are in, as there is no real teams in HMX.

    Vips to increase clip in your weapon...
  • minorninja wrote: »

    Vips to increase clip in your weapon...

    Ahh, but they do that in any mode, and i see it as a lesser problem in Wave as you have more health and can restock ammo. But i know what you mean.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    It's been a while since we had a Wave or Mutant (preferably HMX) event. (Mutant Escape doesn't count). So i think it's time now.
    Would be nice to be able to fill the Wave badges and ribbons, as not many play Wave anymore + it's fun. An HMX event needs no further reasons, it's just time for one now.

    I hate Wave Mode for a Special Reason, because there mostly like in Knife Modes Players with only 100 Pings, where most of your shots on them Dont get Counted because they "port" arround the Map with their high Ping but they can Kill you with 3 Hits, thats killed this mode for me, i dont even play knife mode for same reason, you can jump back but they still kill you, and on my screen theres 4 meters distance already, but i still fall to the ground, and until this isnt getting fixed i wont touch any of this modes
  • Any wave mode event would be fun and great to revive at least a little this almost dead mode.
  • Quake444 wrote: »

    I hate Wave Mode for a Special Reason, because there mostly like in Knife Modes Players with only 100 Pings, where most of your shots on them Dont get Counted because they "port" arround the Map with their high Ping but they can Kill you with 3 Hits, thats killed this mode for me, i dont even play knife mode for same reason, you can jump back but they still kill you, and on my screen theres 4 meters distance already, but i still fall to the ground, and until this isnt getting fixed i wont touch any of this modes

    I haven't thought about it playing Wave, but i agree with you when it comes to knife-only. I don't care much about it when i'm playing regular knife-only, but in ranked it destroyed the mode. It was also a problem in S&D ranked, don't know how many times i got teleport killed or did no damage even when seeing my bullets hit an enemy in this last season.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    I haven't thought about it playing Wave, but i agree with you when it comes to knife-only. I don't care much about it when i'm playing regular knife-only, but in ranked it destroyed the mode. It was also a problem in S&D ranked, don't know how many times i got teleport killed or did no damage even when seeing my bullets hit an enemy in this last season.

    yep its because the game isnt Server Synchronized, its more computer to computer Synchronized, or at least it feels like it, you can see all gun mags as just half full because half of the shots wont get counted i like to call them Ghost shells, last time i played Wave is long long ago, and i wont thinking about going back even for a event because it frustrates me more that lagging counterpart which eats in this mode at least 2-3 mags to get him killed, and thats not worth my nerves
  • Beside the problems with Wave mode, its a funny mode, and its a way to get a Ribbon
  • Vitorjun wrote: »
    Beside the problems with Wave mode, its a funny mode, and its a way to get a Ribbon

    Indeed. Without events the Wave ribbon will take longer to get than upgrading the ZM-AK to gold, without buying crystals.
    JackPain (Sweden)