How many Crates should I buy in B.M to make sure I win one of the permanent items?
First, Just if you was wondering, B.M stands for Black Market. So, Today I opened like 100 Crates to win an Item, But I did not win it, But I saw many posts in the forum recommend opening 100 Crates to make sure you win it, But why I didn't? The item I was trying to get is D.E Camo, But the 100 Crates trick didn't work, Any suggestions of how to increase chance of winning a permanent item in the Black Market?
Every crate is individual and chances for GP crates are insanely low. I have bought the C7A2 and Thompson crates from level up bonuses. 100 each. Won both guns on first 10 crates. Since then bought well above R93 crates and got nothing.
It is a gamble. There is no "make sure to win it" since the chance is abysmall. 100 crates do not make anything sure.
The only way to increase chances is buying ZP crates. But then you're better off buying VVIP weapons. -
In the end the Black Market is RNG, meaning it's completely random at what point a rare item is dropped. There is much reason to believe the GP crates have a lower win rate though, 100 crates often doesn't cut it. There is no strategy other than keep buying crates until you win it.
On ZP crates you can however make use of the lucky spin. We've been told it increases the win rate. -
First, Just if you was wondering, B.M stands for Black Market. So, Today I opened like 100 Crates to win an Item, But I did not win it, But I saw many posts in the forum recommend opening 100 Crates to make sure you win it, But why I didn't? The item I was trying to get is D.E Camo, But the 100 Crates trick didn't work, Any suggestions of how to increase chance of winning a permanent item in the Black Market?
A few weeks ago I said on the forum that I always open 200 GP crates with auto spin and I always win.
But sometimes you got bad luck, I recently lost about 2,000,000 GP on Steyr elite crates and no win. Then last week I bought 50 of those stery elite crates again, that was all my of GP left and I won 3 steyr elites, this pissed me off so much because I had recently just a lot of ZP crates for nothing (this was why I got 2,000,000 Gp), and this makes me think if I bought 50 more ZP crates then i would have won 3 ZP items instead of 3 styer ilites. -
In black market the common denominator is luck and spend large amounts of gp, the recent weapons that won i obtained late at night, in less than 30 crates each (weapons I didn't plan to win), but the weapons I really want to win i still don't get them, ak47 camo like 1 M gp nothing, and I don't win it, desert eagle camo like 250k gp and nothing, m16scamo either. the only thing I could say is (not 100% effective), spin the crates late at night with the lucky bar to the max, also buy various types of crate and open them all, recommend auto spin. I repeat it's not 100% sure but I think it helps, I hope you win something.
First of all, it's all about luck. But here are my personal observations:
GP crates - usually at least one winning in 250 crates in ONE stack
ZP crates - usually at least one winning in 120 crates in ONE stack
By 250 crates in one stack I mean spinning 250 crates of the same type in a single row. -
SilverGhost9 wrote: »In black market the common denominator is luck and spend large amounts of gp, the recent weapons that won i obtained late at night, in less than 30 crates each (weapons I didn't plan to win), but the weapons I really want to win i still don't get them, ak47 camo like 1 M gp nothing, and I don't win it, desert eagle camo like 250k gp and nothing, m16scamo either. the only thing I could say is (not 100% effective), spin the crates late at night with the lucky bar to the max, also buy various types of crate and open them all, recommend auto spin. I repeat it's not 100% sure but I think it helps, I hope you win something.
Your translator might not be functioning properly my dude -
First of all, it's all about luck. But here are my personal observations:
GP crates - usually at least one winning in 250 crates in ONE stack
ZP crates - usually at least one winning in 120 crates in ONE stack
By 250 crates in one stack I mean spinning 250 crates of the same type in a single row.
I buy 200 crates each time and autospin them, I won many GP weapons just like that (i now only have 3 weapons left to spin). So I agree with you on this.
But this method didn't work for me on the steyr elite as described above. This thing is so much tougher to win. -
SilverGhost9 wrote: »In black market the common denominator is luck and spend large amounts of gp, the recent weapons that won i obtained late at night, in less than 30 crates each (weapons I didn't plan to win), but the weapons I really want to win i still don't get them, ak47 camo like 1 M gp nothing, and I don't win it, desert eagle camo like 250k gp and nothing, m16scamo either. the only thing I could say is (not 100% effective), spin the crates late at night with the lucky bar to the max, also buy various types of crate and open them all, recommend auto spin. I repeat it's not 100% sure but I think it helps, I hope you win something.
If you keep spinning small stacks of 30 or 50 crates then you may lose millions for one weapon. -
in my experience GP Crates tend to have lowest win rates since they are for basic game points. I tend to win those (to a few exceptions) within 200-500 crates though i have had a few of them take me 2000-3000 crates before winning the perm weapon from the GP crate before.
For ZP Crates I usually define them in a few different categories....
regular ZP crates the ones that stick around and you can buy 10 for 8k ZP. These are likely the highest win rate outside of specially set crates. I generally have had higher luck than most in the past few years and typically win at least 1 weapon in 50-100 crates on these.
Limited time & increased cost crates. These are the ones that generally cost 10k ZP for 10 crates and are often limited to only being around for a couple of weeks. These seem to have lower win rates than the regular ZP crates in my experience but not by too much. I usually win 1 within 100 crates personally though doesnt surprise me if I don't.
Noble class ZP crates: these are the VIP reskins pretty much. Be it Noble, Punk, Scorched, Prime etc. These seem to have pretty low chances of winning. When they were releasing Noble weapon crates they used to do a 'Cursed Crates' event with like every release. The top 10 people who spun the most without winning any weapon would get both.....the lowest numbers when talking with those people who got the cursed crate event was generally around the 300 crates mark and I had found that to get one win with noble crates you'd expect at least 150 crates if not 200.
But again...crates are ultimately random luck. So you could always win in 10 or it could take you 1000.
I also found no differences in my experience from spinning all at once, time of spinning, or where you spin, or whether you use auto or manual spins. Though everyone has their superstitions. I do generally always spin in NA 1 (alpha now) ch 7 but it hasn't really changed much. Just a lot of the time there's space in that channel to get in. My ultimate superstition on it is that each player has lucky periods and sometimes different weapon types will be what you're more likely to win. For example not too long ago I was winning almost all snipers when I did win (around the time we originally got the Horus crates). I've had time periods where i've won mostly melees or mostly SMGs or mostly pistols when i've won. And Generally for me outside of Black Friday zone the late fall and early winter tends to be a dry spell for me. Late summer often is as well. Though it's likely just coincidence it is something i've noticed for me personally that it tends to hold true. -
I buy 200 crates each time and autospin them, I won many GP weapons just like that (i now only have 3 weapons left to spin). So I agree with you on this.
But this method didn't work for me on the steyr elite as described above. This thing is so much tougher to win.
As I said, it's about luck, there is no rule. I have won almost all weapons from GP BM, including Steyr Elite, but I don't remember how many crates it needed. -
1000 crates. z8 do not profit in anyway when you use the gp BM so it is hard to win, last time i bought 300 crates no win, other 300 crates no win, then i decide to go for 1000 total so i bought 400 more and I WON when there is 20 crates left. so i would say 2000 crates will give you almost 100% win chance.
Well, there is NO guaranteed way to get a weapon in BM, here are some tips that you might find useful:
1. Get the Crate Tycoon Achievement and equip it to "increase the win rate"
2. Use auto spin
3. Use the server day change time to start spinning (11:59pm EST)
4. Probably if 100 batch did not work, use larger batches 200+ (for GP crates)
5. Use the lucky bar gauge on the ZP crates that contains a weapon you really want to win
6. Spin whenever you notice there is a large amount of users spinning the same crate: right after a patch, after any event that awards crates, after any EP shop offer
Once again, those are not guaranteed tips for wining a permanent weapon but may give you better chances. -
Well, there is NO guaranteed way to get a weapon in BM, here are some tips that you might find useful:
1. Get the Crate Tycoon Achievement and equip it to "increase the win rate"
2. Use auto spin
3. Use the server day change time to start spinning (11:59pm EST)
4. Probably if 100 batch did not work, use larger batches 200+ (for GP crates)
5. Use the lucky bar gauge on the ZP crates that contains a weapon you really want to win
6. Spin whenever you notice there is a large amount of users spinning the same crate: right after a patch, after any event that awards crates, after any EP shop offer
Once again, those are not guaranteed tips for wining a permanent weapon but may give you better chances.
Adding to your tips:
1) I find it easier to win when the servers are deserted.
2) I think the game can read your mind, or at least guess what you are thinking based on your behavior LOL. So, always pretend you are quitting before openning your ZP crates; this may increase your win chance because no game companies want to lose players, especially those who pay to play. To do this you first unequip all of your bags (after a lost game), delete all temporary weapons, resell a few of your GP guns, then click on the quit option, then pretend to realise you still have some ZP or ZP crates left and you want to spend/open them before quitting, then you cancel "quitting option", go straight to the blackmarket and auto-spin very fast as if you are angry LOL, remember not to switch between different crates during the spinning process because you are now angry and don't carea about winning or losing; you are just spinning to get rid of these ZP or ZP crates before you quit LOL. This works for me many times, even though I lost a lot of ZP recently I did win many of weapons before that using this method (probably this method doesn't work anymore due to recent patches - the game can no longer read your mind).
P/s: [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] once said "the game lets you win when you accepted defeat, by doing that it creates a chain of slaves" , I find it very true. -
jackiearchen wrote: »1000 crates. z8 do not profit in anyway when you use the gp BM so it is hard to win, last time i bought 300 crates no win, other 300 crates no win, then i decide to go for 1000 total so i bought 400 more and I WON when there is 20 crates left. so i would say 2000 crates will give you almost 100% win chance.
I actually won tommy gun with 20 crates... I guess I am lucky, Also if z8games actually make GP crates very hard to win it, then they are trying to make crossfire as pay-to-win as possible... -
Adding to your tips:
1) I find it easier to win when the servers are deserted.
2) I think the game can read your mind, or at least guess what you are thinking based on your behavior LOL. So, always pretend you are quitting before openning your ZP crates; this may increase your win chance because no game companies want to lose players, especially those who pay to play. To do this you first unequip all of your bags (after a lost game), delete all temporary weapons, resell a few of your GP guns, then click on the quit option, then pretend to realise you still have some ZP or ZP crates left and you want to spend/open them before quitting, then you cancel "quitting option", go straight to the blackmarket and auto-spin very fast as if you are angry LOL, remember not to switch between different crates during the spinning process because you are now angry and don't carea about winning or losing; you are just spinning to get rid of these ZP or ZP crates before you quit LOL. This works for me many times, even though I lost a lot of ZP recently I did win many of weapons before that using this method (probably this method doesn't work anymore due to recent patches - the game can no longer read your mind).
P/s: [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] once said "the game lets you win when you accepted defeat, by doing that it creates a chain of slaves" , I find it very true.
Thats seems very interesting Ill put this in use thanks -
Adding to your tips:
1) I find it easier to win when the servers are deserted.
2) I think the game can read your mind, or at least guess what you are thinking based on your behavior LOL. So, always pretend you are quitting before openning your ZP crates; this may increase your win chance because no game companies want to lose players, especially those who pay to play. To do this you first unequip all of your bags (after a lost game), delete all temporary weapons, resell a few of your GP guns, then click on the quit option, then pretend to realise you still have some ZP or ZP crates left and you want to spend/open them before quitting, then you cancel "quitting option", go straight to the blackmarket and auto-spin very fast as if you are angry LOL, remember not to switch between different crates during the spinning process because you are now angry and don't carea about winning or losing; you are just spinning to get rid of these ZP or ZP crates before you quit LOL. This works for me many times, even though I lost a lot of ZP recently I did win many of weapons before that using this method (probably this method doesn't work anymore due to recent patches - the game can no longer read your mind).
P/s: [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] once said "the game lets you win when you accepted defeat, by doing that it creates a chain of slaves" , I find it very true.
I don't know..if you are quitting wouldn't you just quit and uninstall instead of going through all of that trouble of deleting things?
and I'm not sure about opening when everyone else is...sometimes I'm opening crates then right after I'll see someone else win something. Someone said there is a win about every 200 crates for zp so I open crates that have things I don't really want first and fill up the lucky bar then spin the better crates. for GP crates there is no lucky bar so it'll just be random luck. There are people that seem to get a lucky streak though winning 3-4 guns in a row and from different crates so there has to be some tricks. -
First, Just if you was wondering, B.M stands for Black Market. So, Today I opened like 100 Crates to win an Item, But I did not win it, But I saw many posts in the forum recommend opening 100 Crates to make sure you win it, But why I didn't? The item I was trying to get is D.E Camo, But the 100 Crates trick didn't work, Any suggestions of how to increase chance of winning a permanent item in the Black Market?
[USER="26788011"]MGTOW[/USER] is speaking doodoo. It's just based on luck. Many people think there is a trick like unequipping all items from their bags etc etc. It's just people's mentality or experience with crates. Maybe you have tried a '' trick '' which worked for you once so you will keep doing it meanwhile you were just lucky on that moment. I won from ZP crates in 10 crates and I haven't got any perma weapon in 100+ crates. Just buy like 30 crates a time and goodluck. -
Adding to your tips:
1) I find it easier to win when the servers are deserted.
2) I think the game can read your mind, or at least guess what you are thinking based on your behavior LOL. So, always pretend you are quitting before openning your ZP crates; this may increase your win chance because no game companies want to lose players, especially those who pay to play. To do this you first unequip all of your bags (after a lost game), delete all temporary weapons, resell a few of your GP guns, then click on the quit option, then pretend to realise you still have some ZP or ZP crates left and you want to spend/open them before quitting, then you cancel "quitting option", go straight to the blackmarket and auto-spin very fast as if you are angry LOL, remember not to switch between different crates during the spinning process because you are now angry and don't carea about winning or losing; you are just spinning to get rid of these ZP or ZP crates before you quit LOL. This works for me many times, even though I lost a lot of ZP recently I did win many of weapons before that using this method (probably this method doesn't work anymore due to recent patches - the game can no longer read your mind).
P/s: [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] once said "the game lets you win when you accepted defeat, by doing that it creates a chain of slaves" , I find it very true.
Ha Ha I love the way your brain works. You have really thought this out. I wonder how many people will actually try this now. -
Adding to your tips:
1) I find it easier to win when the servers are deserted.
2) I think the game can read your mind, or at least guess what you are thinking based on your behavior LOL. So, always pretend you are quitting before openning your ZP crates; this may increase your win chance because no game companies want to lose players, especially those who pay to play. To do this you first unequip all of your bags (after a lost game), delete all temporary weapons, resell a few of your GP guns, then click on the quit option, then pretend to realise you still have some ZP or ZP crates left and you want to spend/open them before quitting, then you cancel "quitting option", go straight to the blackmarket and auto-spin very fast as if you are angry LOL, remember not to switch between different crates during the spinning process because you are now angry and don't carea about winning or losing; you are just spinning to get rid of these ZP or ZP crates before you quit LOL. This works for me many times, even though I lost a lot of ZP recently I did win many of weapons before that using this method (probably this method doesn't work anymore due to recent patches - the game can no longer read your mind).
P/s: [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] once said "the game lets you win when you accepted defeat, by doing that it creates a chain of slaves" , I find it very true.
And will that trick work without deleting my temporary items or selling my GP Items?
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