Spend ep

What is better?
awm invictus(pretty skin),desert eagle(good too),85 crates of m37 or cheytack m200
and why?


  • This depends on your point of view:
    • If you like to play sniper and not yet own a Cheytac, I'd recommend going for the Cheytac since the AWM Invictius is just like any other AWM-A, only with a skin. Other than that, the monthly mixup reward for this month is also a AWM-A.
    • The M37 isn't of much use since it doesn't have slug and isn't as strong as other shotguns you can obtain for free (for example the KSG from GP crates). However, you like to obtain the "My Arms Breath Fire" ribbon: this shotgun counts.
    • The Desert Eagle has a faster reload and more bullets, thereby making it a excellent secondary.
    So in the end, either get the Desert Eagle or try for the Cheytac.
  • Every de bought during the finals is an extra boost for the Raptors, so why not!
  • I went for the Deagle, if you go for boxes you are not sure to get any weapon. But when i get more EP i will buy 50 M37 (For the ribbon) and 50 Cheytack boxes (though, i don't like that sniper very much, but i don't have one for collection). You will also have other chances to win EP box weapons, all around this year atleast, but the Deagle, AMW and M14, may not come back for a while.
    JackPain (Sweden)