I am tired of this.

I mean, if you think swearing needs to be censored and whoever does it needs to be banned, you need to take a good hard at yourself. Swearing is NOT bad, rather this game is. We are not bunch of children. If you're just following policies, then I think we got a bigger issue than just the game.

A little background about me, I first started playing this game in 2008 and played on and off since 2015. I recently picked this game back up and started playing once a day or two and this is what I complied to be some of the cancerous "features" about this game.
  1. This UI is bollocking atrocious. This is a 12-year-old game, but it still looks and operates exactly the same when it came out. Long delays when switching between shops, inventory, and lobby... Flashing stuff everywhere, I have no idea what is going on with events/missions/weird meters.
  2. shnookerdooky GP guns. Why do they all suck aside from a select few (AK47, M4, AWM, etc.)? Why do they get so little update? They're basically the same selection from 12 years ago. It's like you're asking to get butt bollocked if you're using them. Why can't they be good? shnookerdooky recoils, shnookerdooky spray patterns, shnookerdooky damage, unuseable accuracy, why? They're still guns, why can't they be good in good hands?
  3. VIP guns. I personally bought 2 VIP guns a couple of years ago but I tend not to use them. But who the bollock thought this is a good idea? Absolutely no skill required what so bollocking ever, no recoils, laser beam accuracy, super fast reload/switching, spray and headshots. Like they cost sooooo much and basically, everyone has them. It's funny when some of them can't use the VIP guns in weapon master or elimination, they get bollocking wrecked.
  4. shnookerdooky damage model. This kinda ties back to the GP guns being absolutely useless. Why does it take 5 headshots for SMGs to kill? Why does it take 3 headshots for some rifles to kill? It's like they're intentionally pushing us to use ZP or VIP guns.
  5. Why the flying bollock do you need to "pull" (since apparently the word for the action is bad and needs to censored) your gun EVERYTIME or do the fancy switch you switch between them???? THAT IS NOT HOW GUN WORKS, instead, GP guns have such a long gun switch, by the time you can actually fire your gun, you already got sprayed to death by some VIP guns. This is also true for melee weapons, why do you need to wipe your axe when you switch, why you need to flip your knife when you switch, why do you need to tap your hand with the hammer when you switch, why do you need to do all of those useless crap, when ZP/VIP melee weapons are pretty much instant?? bollock OFF!
  6. Server lags/shnookerdooky hitbox. You die 5 meters away from someone who meleed you; even tho you hit them with your melee weapon first but you still get killed somehow; you get headshotted 2 seconds later after getting into cover; you headshot someone with an AK but it didn't register so you get killed; someone jumps out and immediately kills you without headshot and you find out their ping is 500+; you get stuck in between people or someone bounce you off of platforms causing you to die; you clearly hit people in zombie/hero mode, you even see the hit mark but they don't get mutated. Those are so bollocking frustrating.
  7. Some games are literally unplayable due to people. You walk about and get immediately headshotted from nowhere, or you get bodyshot and die in 2 seconds from someone across the map with VIP guns. The less the people more the fun...
  8. Rooms and stuff. Why don't you people start the game when there're enough people??? Why wouldn't you join a room when I start one??? Why do you leave immediately after you join??? What the actual bollock?
  9. Literally, no one speaks English. Absolute no communication, either Chinese or Brazilians and their pings are usually through the roof.
  10. Crates... I bought 250 GP crates and I got nothing. I bought $50 (60 crates) worth of ZP crates and all I got is a brick that is crap. In no other games would this be acceptable, the lucky gauge is a joke, all it does is give you 2x whatever you got, what the bollock am I supposed to do with 2 days of name card? What the bollocking scam.

Those are just fractions of all issues from minor annoyances to outright unacceptable ones. The developer doesn't give a crap about this game, there wouldn't be THIS MANY issues and reskins/pay to win guns if they cared about the game. All these showed is that they are either lazy as bollock or greedy as bollock. I'm guessing both and being a spawn of Tencent doesn't help either.

Also, what the actual blood hell is YOUR problems with swearing words/'bad' words? Does that really help reduce toxicity? Shouldn't YOU pay more attention to making the game better, rather than this trivial shnookerdookies?


  • If you hate the game so much, just leave.

    1. I agree the UI is a bit too flashy, but its still easier to use than games done today. Such is the way of asian games though.
    2. I'll admit they arent generally good, but noteable GP guns that can be used well are the KSG, Calico, FAD, KS-23. I also agree and wish that we had more useful GP weapons.
    3. VIPs are garunteed perm weapons at best, but I do think the game would have been better off without a perk system. Again, not CFWests fault, as this version has no say in what can and cant happen, being an underling to CFCN
    4. Each weapon is different for a reason for balancing. Rifles are powerful, but slower and heavier with bad recoil compared to light, fast SMGs that can be used with ease. Its how most FPS games work.
    5. This seems like a you problem so Ill skip.
    6. High pingers always have the advantage, which sucks.
    7. I also dislike fighting high skill players in PvP, but its not our fault that we're bad.
    8. Skip
    9. Join an english speaking clan or something. Most people dont even speak in the game tbh.
    10. https://forum.z8games.com/forum/crossfire/crossfire-barracks/40656-feeling-ripped-off-by-the-black-market

    You cant swear because its a rule. You don't need to agree with it, but dont act surprised when you get an infraction.