about system lucky in black market + crate tycoon

any version other like vietnam + philippines + china + europe- no found crate tycoon and lucky very high because crate tycoon fake i spin 100 crate brass knuckles auto no win90 crate scar light liquid no win 50 crate on brick gold no win i don.t know what this game really this game pay to win really and lucky 0 when any version better than west in lucky in any thing but this version west trash in lucky really i want unistall this game if any person test any version like vietnam or europe will notes a very big difference really players i don.t know why buy crates zp in this game really this system lucky single bad lucky this version only change this system to capsules shop like cf europe not west please when someone spining crates my amount 100k zp and no win 110 crate and no win? really i certain if i spining in cf europe will win all guns but in west 0 win rate please change this system gm i playing this game from 6 years and i know all version and vietnam better version in this game really in sales and events and win rate and mods


  • It’s 50/50 you either get it or you don’t....my bad that’s runescape. You must of done something to make the black market ai mad.
  • bobo2019 wrote: »
    any version other like vietnam + philippines + china + europe- no found crate tycoon and lucky very high because crate tycoon fake i spin 100 crate brass knuckles auto no win90 crate scar light liquid no win 50 crate on brick gold no win i don.t know what this game really this game pay to win really and lucky 0 when any version better than west in lucky in any thing but this version west trash in lucky really i want unistall this game if any person test any version like vietnam or europe will notes a very big difference really players i don.t know why buy crates zp in this game really this system lucky single bad lucky this version only change this system to capsules shop like cf europe not west please when someone spining crates my amount 100k zp and no win 110 crate and no win? really i certain if i spining in cf europe will win all guns but in west 0 win rate please change this system gm i playing this game from 6 years and i know all version and vietnam better version in this game really in sales and events and win rate and mods

    i dont believe you at all that you play this game for 6 years long. if i just look at your forum name
  • minorninja wrote: »

    i dont believe you at all that you play this game for 6 years long. if i just look at your forum name

    really ? i don.t playing this version only i was playing cf europe and na and china from 6 years old i have account on cf europe ign legendary1
  • bobo2019 wrote: »

    really ? i don.t playing this version only i was playing cf europe and na and china from 6 years old i have account on cf europe ign legendary1

    So you played only EU, NA, and China... But you think Vietnam is the best?

    So you have an account of CF Europe... But you haven't migrated it to West since CFEU is no longer running?

    Unfortunately, as stated, this system is luck based, and despite what you may believe of the win rates of other games, the luck rates are not set to change at any time in the future. Remember that when you buy a crate, you are agreeing that you might not win the permanent item.