Dear GMs! Please read this.

I have a few suggestions here, please read and consider what I have to say:

1) We should be allowed to "Enter Shooting Range" in our storage and not just in the item shop. We have many guns and we would like to test them first before putting them in our bags for use, especially after a long period of time not touching them.

2) We need "Weapon's Stats Comparision" in our storage more than weapon's stats comparision in the item shop. As abovementioned, we have many guns and many of us want to compare them to see which one is more fitted for a particular tactic or game mode.

3) Weapons from crates, no matter GP or ZP should not drop upon death. Crossfire VN implemented this long time ago and we still don't have this feature. I think this feature will make many players happy, especially the ones who spent alot of money for ZP guns.

4) Give us an option to buy weapon bags permanently. I made this suggestion a while ago and players support this idea. This is the link to the suggestion

5) Increase "Crate Tycoon" max level from 3 to 5 so that spenders feel more confident about winning rate. As you know, many people complain about winning rate already, even though there are new spenders every day but many old spenders got fed up and either quit spending or spend very causiously.

6) We need weapon balancing. For example, semi-automatic snipers are very inferior to bolt-action ones. So I suggest they need Variable Scope; this feature is very useful when most semi-automatic snipers only have one scope phase. Many players aggree with this idea in this post . If you are going to implement this then only implement it on one-scope phase snipers as it's useless on two-scope phase snipers. The fact is many people have Var.Scope AWM but never use it because the gun already has 2 scope-phase which makes var.scope unnecessary. You may want to put this gun in the "Urban Operation" crate; looking at number of collectors for this crate, I can tell many people love this crate but this set only contains 2 weapons.

7) Please give us more weapon varieties on the Ranked Match Red crate. We should have at least one SMG, one MG, one shotgun, one semi-auto sniper, or at least some other riffles instead of AK and AK in the reward please.

8) This is for myself only. Can you continue the "Hearts Crate" ? This ZP crate contains interesting and un-common guns; I really like it. So, please make more of these Heart-skined weapons. I mean more of un-common weapons in this crate. For example, Mac-10, PSG1 etc. These weapons are not only rare but also very good-looking with the skin.

Best Regards


  • 1 and 2: Both +1, would love to see this in my inventory

    3: Don't exactly get what you mean by "should not drop upon death" but I guess you mean should not drop as a duplicate. If so, yes, I'd like to see this. But someone else already suggested it before to which a GM mentioned there would have to be made a lot of changes in the system to implement this. In the end, would not be profiting for the GM's.

    4: +1, would be nice to see!

    5: +1, West players deserve the win rates we had in EU.

    6: +1 on implementing a variable scope on semi automatic snipers, -1 on implementing new ones in already existing crates. Some of the semi automatic snipers that have already been released should jus be fitted with one.

    7: I don't really like the Ranked Match red weapons either. Will probably go for the G3 when I can pick a permanent, though I'd rather like to have the ability to pick the Cheytac Platinum. +1 on more variety in these weapons in upcoming seasons.

    8: As for re-releasing the actual Hearts Crate, this might be a better option to do on Valentines. +1 on releasing more (buffed) versions of (unusual) weapons that only have a Vanilla version though.
  • Utmost wrote: »
    1 and 2: Both +1, would love to see this in my inventory

    3: Don't exactly get what you mean by "should not drop upon death" but I guess you mean should not drop as a duplicate. If so, yes, I'd like to see this. But someone else already suggested it before to which a GM mentioned there would have to be made a lot of changes in the system to implement this. In the end, would not be profiting for the GM's.

    4: +1, would be nice to see!

    5: +1, West players deserve the win rates we had in EU.

    6: +1 on implementing a variable scope on semi automatic snipers, -1 on implementing new ones in already existing crates. Some of the semi automatic snipers that have already been released should jus be fitted with one.

    7: I don't really like the Ranked Match red weapons either. Will probably go for the G3 when I can pick a permanent, though I'd rather like to have the ability to pick the Cheytac Platinum. +1 on more variety in these weapons in upcoming seasons.

    8: As for re-releasing the actual Hearts Crate, this might be a better option to do on Valentines. +1 on releasing more (buffed) versions of (unusual) weapons that only have a Vanilla version though.

    Thanks for your comment Utmost

    For No.3, what I mean is all weapons from crates should not be be picked up by another player when you die, just like VIP weapons. This feature was implemented in CF VN long time ago and people were happy, especially the ones who has to spin the get these weapons.

    8) We already have Valentine crate during valentine event, so no need to wait for Valentine to implement new Hearts crate. Besides, valinetine skin is different from hearts skin.
  • 1.yes suggested before
    2. Could swear they had a compare gun option years back unless I’m thinking of another game.
    3. Doesn’t matter to me but ok
    4. Yes please
    5. Yes
    6. Yes
    7. Haven’t done ranked in so long but yes I guess
    8. Lmao
  • for number 1 there's the warm up room to use guns in your inventory
  • Regarding number 3: weapon drops are a good thing. It evens the playing field. If all the good guns were completely inaccessible to free players, it would make it pay to win. *cough*VVIP*cough* Drops allow new players to stand a better chance against high rank players by using their guns. Besides, I doubt they'd want to remove that. Weapon drops are essentially free advertising for ZP crates. You can see the guns in action and it might make some players spend money to get the guns themselves.

    6. Sniper scopes are a pain in this game in general. There should really be more customization choices for all snipers. I don't like double zoom scopes so most of the snipers in the game are unappealing to me.
  • 1. +1 I this is a thing i\ve thought about too, because just reading stats says little about how a gun will handle.
    2. +1 Also a very good thing, even though stats doesn't tell you everything about the gun. But if i had to chose between 1&2, I'd chose 1.
    3. +0 Not really something that i care about one way or another. Only time i pick up a dropped gun, is when my gun is out of ammo. i Don't really care if anyone want to pick up my weapon if i die. it's very irritating and unprofessional when a team-mate rather go and look for cool guns to try out, than play. It often ends with them getting shot in the back too. So for that reason i would be happy to see it implemented.
    4. +1 I Still think this is a good idea.
    5. +1 Anything to give a better chance to weapon winning sound good to me.
    6. +0 Don't really care about this either, but i am not against it. I do dislike double zoom, it has gotten me killed more than once, so i rather see them take that option away from all snipers.
    7. +1 i don't have any real use for another M4 or AK, as i mostly use SMG's. I'll go with something else if i manage to get to master in time. I would like to have the platinum Kriss, if i would be able to choose from the Platinum weps.
    8. +1
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    Thanks for your comment Utmost

    For No.3, what I mean is all weapons from crates should not be be picked up by another player when you die, just like VIP weapons. This feature was implemented in CF VN long time ago and people were happy, especially the ones who has to spin the get these weapons.

    8) We already have Valentine crate during valentine event, so no need to wait for Valentine to implement new Hearts crate. Besides, valinetine skin is different from hearts skin.

    I'd rather see weapons keep being dropped, I often pick up a rifle or a SMG when I'm alone in a S&D game while playing sniper. It could be a new skin too though, doesn't necessarily needs to be hearts. I still strongly relate hearts to Valentines.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    Regarding number 3: weapon drops are a good thing. It evens the playing field. If all the good guns were completely inaccessible to free players, it would make it pay to win. *cough*VVIP*cough* Drops allow new players to stand a better chance against high rank players by using their guns. Besides, I doubt they'd want to remove that. Weapon drops are essentially free advertising for ZP crates. You can see the guns in action and it might make some players spend money to get the guns themselves.

    6. Sniper scopes are a pain in this game in general. There should really be more customization choices for all snipers. I don't like double zoom scopes so most of the snipers in the game are unappealing to me.

    You may have a good point on No.3.

    You are like me, I too don't like snipers with 2 scope-phase. This thing get me killed more than give me kills, so I don't touch these snipers. I like semi-automatic snipers with one scope only; these snipers may be weak but at least I don't get annoyed with their scope.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    Regarding number 3: weapon drops are a good thing. It evens the playing field. If all the good guns were completely inaccessible to free players, it would make it pay to win. *cough*VVIP*cough* Drops allow new players to stand a better chance against high rank players by using their guns. Besides, I doubt they'd want to remove that. Weapon drops are essentially free advertising for ZP crates. You can see the guns in action and it might make some players spend money to get the guns themselves.

    6. Sniper scopes are a pain in this game in general. There should really be more customization choices for all snipers. I don't like double zoom scopes so most of the snipers in the game are unappealing to me.

    Though one pro for the weapons not dropping when you die is that you wont have a ton of people blocking you untill you die, just to pick your weapon up then die 3 seconds later themselves

    Should be a GP item in the shop you could buy to choose if you want your stuff to drop or not
  • hwjhwj wrote: »

    Though one pro for the weapons not dropping when you die is that you wont have a ton of people blocking you untill you die, just to pick your weapon up then die 3 seconds later themselves

    That's true. I can certainly see why weapon drops are annoying to some people. I agree that there's problems that arise from it. However, weighing the pros and cons, I would still prefer weapon drops stay the way they are.
  • 1. +1. Enter Shooting Range should be available in our storage besides the item shop. The item shop is amazingly outdated and it just makes more sense for us to test more diverse and unique weapons.

    2. +1. The current weapons' stats we have (blue bars) mean nothing. Some weapons seem stronger or weaker, but it ends up being the complete opposite, hence why we also don't use more unusual weapons.

    3. -1. You have a point, but what if you run out of ammo in a crucial round? I like the way it is now. Only vips and vip reskinned weapons to be undropable upon death seem fair to me.

    4. +1 easily. GP is too easy to earn, and the casual player would feel more motivated to play knowing he had more bags (3 and 4) available. For the ZP bags, I'd say bag 5, 6 and 7 to be sold permanently, while a future 8 and 9 bags would be sold temporarily.

    5. +1. I don't understand why one of the most important game achievements only has 3 levels instead of 5. If implemented, the chances of winning rare items should vastly improve.

    6. +0. I wouldn't mind a release of a semi-automatic sniper with a variable scope, as long as that weapon would be brand new, skin wise. The thing is, some players simply rely more in one shot snipers.

    7. +1. The ranked rewards aren't bad, but they're just too limited, which not everyone likes. More ranked weapons to choose would be welcome.

    8. +1, especially for atractive skins that have few content on it, or from weapons that barely or never got a new skin.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    I have a few suggestions here, please read and consider what I have to say:

    1) We should be allowed to "Enter Shooting Range" in our storage and not just in the item shop. We have many guns and we would like to test them first before putting them in our bags for use, especially after a long period of time not touching them.

    2) We need "Weapon's Stats Comparision" in our storage more than weapon's stats comparision in the item shop. As abovementioned, we have many guns and many of us want to compare them to see which one is more fitted for a particular tactic or game mode.

    3) Weapons from crates, no matter GP or ZP should not drop upon death. Crossfire VN implemented this long time ago and we still don't have this feature. I think this feature will make many players happy, especially the ones who spent alot of money for ZP guns.

    4) Give us an option to buy weapon bags permanently. I made this suggestion a while ago and players support this idea. This is the link to the suggestion

    5) Increase "Crate Tycoon" max level from 3 to 5 so that spenders feel more confident about winning rate. As you know, many people complain about winning rate already, even though there are new spenders every day but many old spenders got fed up and either quit spending or spend very causiously.

    6) We need weapon balancing. For example, semi-automatic snipers are very inferior to bolt-action ones. So I suggest they need Variable Scope; this feature is very useful when most semi-automatic snipers only have one scope phase. Many players aggree with this idea in this post . If you are going to implement this then only implement it on one-scope phase snipers as it's useless on two-scope phase snipers. The fact is many people have Var.Scope AWM but never use it because the gun already has 2 scope-phase which makes var.scope unnecessary. You may want to put this gun in the "Urban Operation" crate; looking at number of collectors for this crate, I can tell many people love this crate but this set only contains 2 weapons.

    7) Please give us more weapon varieties on the Ranked Match Red crate. We should have at least one SMG, one MG, one shotgun, one semi-auto sniper, or at least some other riffles instead of AK and AK in the reward please.

    8) This is for myself only. Can you continue the "Hearts Crate" ? This ZP crate contains interesting and un-common guns; I really like it. So, please make more of these Heart-skined weapons. I mean more of un-common weapons in this crate. For example, Mac-10, PSG1 etc. These weapons are not only rare but also very good-looking with the skin.

    Best Regards

    My 2 cents:

    1) and 2) would be very useful along with a new option to sort our storage guns, this is a must have
    3) will definitely enhance the game experience as random/newbie players would stop hanging around just looking for guns in the ground
    4) not so sure if this would be the best idea at all, it may be useful but I would like to point out this suggestion (which is not formal yet) but personally I liked more: -> made by Quake444 in page 2 comment #19
    5) This is a must have definitely (focused on ZP crates)
    6) Overall I agree with this, should give less focus on the regular favorites and will let us try other models without losing the good stats.
    7) Not Ranked player but sounds good to me, would like to see more models rather than AK's/M4's only
    8) Lots of crate skins / collections that have potential to grow, I personally dont like Hearts skin but it will be good to see new weapons added into it that are seeing regularly.
  • More suggestions, GMs please read:

    9) We should get a consistent amount of EP per minute during weekend parties, e.g 20 EP per minute instead of 10 EP here and 50 EP there because many players can't play during bonus time and many players feel forced to play during bonus time for the bonus EP.

    10) Create a marketplace where people with maxed crate tycoon level can trade/exchange their unwanted weapons; people without maxed crate tycoon level can still buy permanent weapons there. The purpose of this is to prevent influx of weapons from events or free crates that could possibly hurt the market. To be honest I want everyone can use this kind of market but Z8games may want to restrict access for their financial stability.

    11) Increase time limit on trade market from 2 days to 1 week. Most of us players can't sell anything on there and have to keep listing stuff back in. This is annoying.

    12) SND Knockout mode should give players only one chance to be rescued by teammate instead of many.

    13) ARCH character that could only be obtained by Marshall ranked players, so this character need to be "Skilled character". We could give her some skill as a bonus for all Arch's equipments equiped.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »

    That's true. I can certainly see why weapon drops are annoying to some people. I agree that there's problems that arise from it. However, weighing the pros and cons, I would still prefer weapon drops stay the way they are.

    It feels bad when you die so fast and then your enemy picks up your gun and kill several more of your team. It makes you think you are so noob even with ZP guns.

    I think most players with premium guns prefer their guns can't be picked up when they die. ZP guns are not cheap and in many cases they are even more expensive than VIPs, but why VIPs can't drop when ZP guns can drop? It's not fair.
  • 1-2) Dont care
    3) Definitely not. I usually dont pick up dropped weapons, but I can see it being a problem if I was last alive sniping and needed a rifle (this is currently a issue in pistol matches. If you run out of ammo, you're left to knife until you die.)
    4) Yes, I left my reply in that thread.
    5) Sure, although I stopped buying zp for years now, greater chances are always welcomed.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    More suggestions, GMs please read:

    9) We should get a consistent amount of EP per minute during weekend parties, e.g 20 EP per minute instead of 10 EP here and 50 EP there because many players can't play during bonus time and many players feel forced to play during bonus time for the bonus EP.

    10) Create a marketplace where people with maxed crate tycoon level can trade/exchange their unwanted weapons; people without maxed crate tycoon level can still buy permanent weapons there. The purpose of this is to prevent influx of weapons from events or free crates that could possibly hurt the market. To be honest I want everyone can use this kind of market but Z8games may want to restrict access for their financial stability.

    11) Increase time limit on trade market from 2 days to 1 week. Most of us players can't sell anything on there and have to keep listing stuff back in. This is annoying.

    12) SND Knockout mode should give players only one chance to be rescued by teammate instead of many.

    13) ARCH character that could only be obtained by Marshall ranked players, so this character need to be "Skilled character". We could give her some skill as a bonus for all Arch's equipments equiped.

    I recieved Infraction message for making suggestions LOL.

    This is the last straw; I won't be commenting or making suggestions on the forum again. By the way, the game just got uninstalled. This game is already trash and the mods (or GMs) are even trashier.

    I took effort to make these suggestions in order to make the game better but you treat me like a criminal. I now realise this is not worth my time and money.
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    I recieved Infraction message for making suggestions LOL.

    This is the last straw; I won't be commenting or making suggestions on the forum again. By the way, the game just got uninstalled. This game is already trash and the mods (or GMs) are even trashier.

    I took effort to make these suggestions in order to make the game better but you treat me like a criminal. I now realise this is not worth my time and money.

    I think you might've gotten a infraction due to multi-posting. I got it once or twice before. I'd be surprised if you got a infraction for suggesting something.
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    I recieved Infraction message for making suggestions LOL.

    This is the last straw; I won't be commenting or making suggestions on the forum again. By the way, the game just got uninstalled. This game is already trash and the mods (or GMs) are even trashier.

    I took effort to make these suggestions in order to make the game better but you treat me like a criminal. I now realise this is not worth my time and money.

    wow thats idk :(