I'm Tired of.....

Hello Guys,

What would you think if they would let give us like in the Crossfire Folder in Documents an Folder, where we could at least change the Killsounds again, because honestly for me im Tired of hearing 9 Years the same and Same Killsounds again and again. Before it was forbidden to Change Killsounds i used this Killsounds Package and would love to be able to use it again, but for that we need a official way to do so.

Heres the Killsounds that i used back in the days before it was forbidden to replace them


with that Killsounds it even made me Smile just to get a Nade kill, or even a Multi Streak kills, but now its everytime the same and i already ignore them, what results for me atleast that its getting boring.

What is your oppinnion about this,would you like to see this too? that were would be able to switch Killsounds again in a official way, or do you say you dont really care?
Write me a short answer under this Thread, because i dont know how to introduce into this Thread a Vote Poll, that would be faster but i have no idea how to do so.

Greetings BananaJoes


  • You can still change the killsounds, but not the killmarks. I was pretty sad about them patching the folder which contained the killmarks and making it protected killed ALOT of ways to inject cheats. You're still able to change kill sounds, for example I have all killstreaks muted by replacing all 80+ killsounds with a blank audio file, but the killmarks can only be changed from the Trade System or achieving a certain rank in Ranked Match.
  • Settings wrote: »
    You can still change the killsounds, but not the killmarks. I was pretty sad about them patching the folder which contained the killmarks and making it protected killed ALOT of ways to inject cheats. You're still able to change kill sounds, for example I have all killstreaks muted by replacing all 80+ killsounds with a blank audio file, but the killmarks can only be changed from the Trade System or achieving a certain rank in Ranked Match.

    But on a legal way, modifing them now is risky, if the Anti Cheat detects it and it Bans you from it, its your fault,they wont unban you then for modifing The Killsounds now, and exactly that shouldnt player do, muting all killsounds because it gives really an advantage, then to normal players or that where use normal kill sounds
  • I got tired of all sounds in this game years ago. Since i begun playing again last summer, i haven't had the sounds on many times, i rather relax with a good audiobook when i am playing. A couple of days ago, i turned on sound again when i played S&D ranked, i actually played worse, because i kept being distracted of the other players firing their weapons. Turned them off again, after a few matches.
    JackPain (Sweden)