We eSport-Rhein-Neckar search Members (GERMAN)
Looking for German Players for our Cup Team
We offer you:
- Lan Room (With Pc's and 144Hz Monitor) (Near Mannheim)
- grant for Lan Partys or Events like ESL One Colonge
- Teamspeak
- Servers for Games
- Coaches
- Discounts (Partners local or Online)
- E-Sport Cafe (near Mannheim)
- Tournaments
- Voice Chat!
- Lan ready! (Boot Camp)
- Rdy to pay 9€ for Organisation/Club (After a the first Bootcamp Training) (Association contribution)
- a good criticism ability
- a good self-reflection
If you dont believe https://www.esport-rhein-neckar.de/
PS: CF is not on the Website now. Cause the Team is not fully created.
Team Leader IGN: KrasseBanane http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/266013
Main Scope : Ghostlyknife http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/8094474
Supporter : Trippy http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/26601330
We offer you:
- Lan Room (With Pc's and 144Hz Monitor) (Near Mannheim)
- grant for Lan Partys or Events like ESL One Colonge
- Teamspeak
- Servers for Games
- Coaches
- Discounts (Partners local or Online)
- E-Sport Cafe (near Mannheim)
- Tournaments
- Voice Chat!
- Lan ready! (Boot Camp)
- Rdy to pay 9€ for Organisation/Club (After a the first Bootcamp Training) (Association contribution)
- a good criticism ability
- a good self-reflection
If you dont believe https://www.esport-rhein-neckar.de/
PS: CF is not on the Website now. Cause the Team is not fully created.
Team Leader IGN: KrasseBanane http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/266013
Main Scope : Ghostlyknife http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/8094474
Supporter : Trippy http://crossfire.z8games.com/profile/26601330
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