Buy weapon bags permanently

I have 2 suggestions:

1) Add two more bags so that we can have 9 bags. I checked and there is enough slot for 2 bags.

2) Give us an option to buy the bags permanently, bag 3 and 4 cost 500,000 GP, bag 5 to 9 cost 30,000 ZP.


  • MGTOW wrote: »
    I have 2 suggestions:

    1) Add two more bags so that we can have 9 bags. I checked and there is enough slot for 2 bags.

    2) Give us an option to buy the bags permanently, bag 3 and 4 cost 500,000 GP, bag 5 to 9 cost 30,000 ZP.

    +1, it's strange they haven't made atleast the gp-bags permanent after all this time, it doesn't hurt their income from ZP.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • I wanted some more Bags Permanent for a long time, and i wish they gonna do it, and even Increase our Bags to the other Versions that are up to 9 Bags, and that even for a long time now +1
  • Quake444 wrote: »
    I wanted some more Bags Permanent for a long time, and i wish they gonna do it, and even Increase our Bags to the other Versions that are up to 9 Bags, and that even for a long time now +1

    Yeah, there are so many weapons and only 7 bags, 5 of those are only temporary. This is quite annoying.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    I have 2 suggestions:

    1) Add two more bags so that we can have 9 bags. I checked and there is enough slot for 2 bags.

    2) Give us an option to buy the bags permanently, bag 3 and 4 cost 500,000 GP, bag 5 to 9 cost 30,000 ZP.

    i'll agree with # 2 completely although i wouldn't be surprised if the pricing gets changed up.

    for #1 however.....While I wouldn't mind more bags in terms of having more weapons to choose from in a match.....I do think we need to have a VIP perk cap limit put in place before we expand beyond 7 bags. At the very least they need to cap the bonus ammo perks from VIPs at like 6 (though personally i think that one should be capped lower but so many people have already gotten used to having 6 RPKs or 6 Thompsons to boost their MG and SMG ammo count or lots of deagles to boost pistol ammo counts.)
    As it stands if they add in more bags it'll only distort it further in terms of p2w due to an increase of active VIP perks.
  • Ixith wrote: »

    i'll agree with # 2 completely although i wouldn't be surprised if the pricing gets changed up.

    for #1 however.....While I wouldn't mind more bags in terms of having more weapons to choose from in a match.....I do think we need to have a VIP perk cap limit put in place before we expand beyond 7 bags. At the very least they need to cap the bonus ammo perks from VIPs at like 6 (though personally i think that one should be capped lower but so many people have already gotten used to having 6 RPKs or 6 Thompsons to boost their MG and SMG ammo count or lots of deagles to boost pistol ammo counts.)
    As it stands if they add in more bags it'll only distort it further in terms of p2w due to an increase of active VIP perks.

    VIP perk such as additional ammo for your rifle is in effect even if the VIP weapon is NOT in any bag. You just put it in your storage and it gives any rifles in your bag 2 more bullets.

    So having 2 more bags won't affect anything anyway.
  • GP and ZP players will benefit if this gets implemented so +1
  • +1 but I think zp bags should cost 7200-9600 zp (6-8 months worth of supply for a permanent)
  • We have more weapons than the past, i agree!
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    VIP perk such as additional ammo for your rifle is in effect even if the VIP weapon is NOT in any bag. You just put it in your storage and it gives any rifles in your bag 2 more bullets.

    So having 2 more bags won't affect anything anyway.

    uh no it doesnt. at least not currently. you even CF bruh? In order to get the +7 ammo the tommy VIPs give to SMGs you have to equip them to a bag. If it was just in storage then people could stack 50 tommy VIPs and have unlimited TMP ammo. same with the +2 from rifles and the ammo from MGs. I own plenty of VIPs to know what you've said is lolololol. Unless you're suggesting that to be the case in which case the point still stands that a perk cap is required.