Sochin search Players for our CF Casual/ranked/Scrim Setup

Hello Community

Sochin is a mature fun based but more and more on the Sucess focus community for many games, now we startup a CF Team, its International and we got a handfull strong Players
we are on Discord & Guilded (guilded for scrims if someone not know) and got already 100+ Member our CF Team is a own Section in our Community and im the GameLeader there, we welcome everybody which is focused on fun from Casual to Professional our main language on Discord is english

Heres our guilded link for scrims :
Heres our Website
Heres our Discord (at first you come to speak with me and when i think you would be make a good place in our team the harmony is a must have in our Team we dont want ragers or insulters when i accept you, you get our big Discord from our Community Leader or me)

18+ & International :)