Adding more gp weapons skins to the item shop/Black market

It takes to long to add a new Gp weapon in Gp crates so i suggest making new skins for the Gp weapons and putting it in the black market with a high price 5000 gp per crate. Also adding new gp skins to the gp weapons in the item shop would be great, maybe a weapon may cost 200k gp with the new skin and it would be better if it was capped to certain ranks , because all the weapons can be purchase from a 1 month old account, so it would be better if higher rankings can purchase more weapons.


  • Just no, because GP is easy to get and there are people with tens of millions of GP in game. By the way, do you really think 5000GP = 1000 ZP?

    If GP weapons should have skin, then each crate should cost 50,000 GP.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    Just no, because GP is easy to get and there are people with tens of millions of GP in game. By the way, do you really think 5000GP = 1000 ZP?

    If GP weapons should have skin, then each crate should cost 50,000 GP.

    Well, there are already skin-weps in the GP crate-shop, the Camo's. Don't think it would be too bad with a new skin-series for GP-Weapons, as long as they already can be bought in the GP-shop and isn't too heavily-skinned. Though i would rather like them to release some of the EU-Weapons, that hasn't been released in West or completly new weps.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    Well, there are already skin-weps in the GP crate-shop, the Camo's. Don't think it would be too bad with a new skin-series for GP-Weapons, as long as they already can be bought in the GP-shop and isn't too heavily-skinned. Though i would rather like them to release some of the EU-Weapons, that hasn't been released in West or completly new weps.

    Those camo weapons have been there for so many years, they were in the blackmarket when GP were hard to earn. GP were so valuable at that time but it is not the case now. 5000 GP then must have been equivalent to 100,000 GP nowadays. As far as I can remember, I had to play a lot to have enough GP for a winchester and then realised the gun was so useless.
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    Those camo weapons have been there for so many years, they were in the blackmarket when GP were hard to earn. GP were so valuable at that time but it is not the case now. 5000 GP then must have been equivalent to 100,000 GP nowadays. As far as I can remember, I had to play a lot to have enough GP for a winchester and then realised the gun was so useless.

    Wouldn't mind a higher price, as long as they release some new GP-mall guns, i almost have all of them in my collection. Did the same thing with the winchester, the Thompson was okay though, atleast for running around TDM egypt and Ship. I remember being so happy when i won the Thompson, but it was short-lived. About 2 weeks later i went away to visit a relative. When i came home and tried to log on, i had been banned. Apparently i had been hacked and the one who did it, wrote alot of stuff that the GM's back then, didn't like. Don't actually now what was written, only that it was bad, got no other answer from the GM's. It made me stop playing CF for a long time. When i next felt the urge to play, EU had started and i made this account. Stopped playing pretty early though, because i didn't have the time or will to play online. Started again last August and haven't lost the will to play yet.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • I'd +1 this. I'm always in favour of giving F2P players a means to enjoy the game even a little more. Or, at least give them a reason to keep playing. As long as we dont get a bunch of insanely OP GP weapons, I'd be game to see what could come of new weapon skins
  • GP Crates are always wellcome but separete ones, Mega Crate only gave us Duplicates

    GP Weapon on Iten Shop Too !

    Would be nice Crates with Limited GPs crates one like Awm Invictus