[Ranking Mode] Weapon Restrictions

I made this suggestion several times before on EU, but due to the short life time of the servers after my suggestion it became obsolete. .___. (damn you, Katfish, sit on another server next time before killing it)

As many of us know Ranking Matches are the least attractive play mode for many people. Not only because people can use any weapon they like, but also being totally unsportsmanlike by cheating since there's no way to kick those.

But don't worry, Nyumi's here to fight against those things. (ง •̀_•́)ง​​​​​​

My suggestion is it to seperate ranking matches to weapon restricted and not weapon restricted rankings, so we can get some feeling of esports back since CF isn't supported by ESL anymore. Rankings will become more fair and people looking for fair matches aren't required to organize it themself anymore.

My suggestion against cheaters in ranking matches is simple and should be easy to develope. When a ranking match is about to get started, simply start a seperate crossfire32.exe with an enhanced anti cheat software, changed parameters and different algorithms.
Purpose of this? Cheats that work usually on the live server and client
won't work on the (let's just call it) ranking.exe due to totally different parameters.

[Nyumi] ​​​


  • I completely agree with restricting weapons.

    It gets extremely tiring to face people using better ZP weapons and getting the better of the enemy team, abusing it's OPness. Scrims exist, but ranked needs to have the same environment since most people play it everyday.

    As for the anti cheat, well yeah there needs to exist something to prevent the mass wallers in ranked.

    +1 for your suggestion Nyu <3
  • Agreed on a ESL matchmaking, though I wonder if it'll be frequently used or eventually die off.
  • +1 If its that easy to get rid of cheaters but i think its a lot harder than that. About weapon restiction.. i don't think this will fix anything or be helpfull in any way. It will stop a few people from complaining about one reason. They will still complain about something even if this becomes real because losers always complain. :) I think chinawalk should receive more attention than weapons restriction. Good players can win with any weapon not just with an ak. But not being able to hear foot steps because of a bug i think its not ESL style.
  • People be like ............. Ak cfs oooou yeaa ak cfs , colt cfs..... Lol i am really tired of ak cfs in ranked every single person using it , get some vips
  • +1 for the anti-cheat, if that can be done. For the weapon restriction, i don't know. I also don't think it will solve the complaining, people always complain, i know i do sometimes. I also think, that the majority of players would stop playing ranked games, maby so many, that it will be meaningless to have ranked mode. So in separating the modes, you'll end up with a handfull of players to compete in the restricted matches. I think i rather play with cheaters and people with overpowered weapons, as long as i have someone to play ranked with. The alternative being that you have to wait in ready mode for hours to play one match. But still it deserves a try, i can be completly wrong and the mode will be full with players.

    The usage of super weapons is one of the things that irritates me the least in ranked (Or regular S&D). I consider my self, bellow average or average in S&D and most of the times i meet some one with tmp or one of the other cheat-weapons, i take them out. I mostly play with my SR3M or when there are more long range play, i use my M14 EBR (Used to use M4 in S&D, but i don't have the reaction time for it these days, so i need a little handicap). The people that i have the most problem facing are mostly Ak-47 users (and Slug-users, if they are skilled), so cheat-weapons, really make minimal impact to the game, if the player aren't already very good.

    This season's problem, has been the lagg (Which is better now), you almost couldn't do any damage to an enemy, even if you emptied a mag into them, so if you wanted any chance to do some damage, you had to use a spray weapon. Still it was hard to hit them, with them teleporting all over the place.

    When it comes to all complaining of wall-users, 9/10 are idiot complains. I've seen players almost every match thinking they are invisible when hiding, and you can see their weapon sticking out through boxes, walls and corners. Not just weapons either, when the idiots used the sheep hat, that worked like "kill me - i am here" arrow, sticking up over the boxes or ledges they were hiding behind. And as i wrote in a thread before, "There are only a set number of places in which you can hide in a map", and if a player played that more than once before (probably 100s of times), they have a pretty good guess where you could be hiding.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Me and my EVO is the only reason I played SnD ranked to get gold.
    I couldnt imagine giving my enemies a fair fight when I wouldnt enjoy myself. Thats my personal feeling about ranked, at least. Its win or lose, and do anything within reason (obviously) to win. If that means using insanely OP weapons, so be it, haha. Still, itd be cool as a separate ranked mode.
  • This will never happen, unfortunately. From a business standpoint this will not help them financially, therefore they won't do it :D But who knows, maybe people will enjoy the game more so a test phase of this won't hurt.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »
    This will never happen, unfortunately. From a business standpoint this will not help them financially, therefore they won't do it :D But who knows, maybe people will enjoy the game more so a test phase of this won't hurt.

    Words of vizdom from the greatest Moozin the world has ever known.
  • +1. I would definitely like the weapon restriction as it helps to get a fair gameplay