Awakening Jewel

These days, I played zm a lot and I found that the jewel is incredibly hard to be obtained . So I have two suggestions on this topic
1- Many people play this mode and I know that there is a special clear BUT it doesn't matter as the drop rate of the jewel is still the same. So the developers can make higher drop rate when the players clear the final round in 1 and half minutes or less. For an example make the drop rate 40%
And when players finish the final round from 1 and half-4 minutes make the drop rate 20%
And above that time you can make the normal drop rate which exists now

​​​​​​2-This is the second suggestion:
You can increase the number of jewels to upgrade the AK buster maybe 100 to make it silver and 150 to make it gold,and when you increase the number of jewels needed to upgrade the AK buster you increase the drop rate by the same percentage. (This requires some calculations)
This will drop the price of the jewels in the trade market as well (maybe 400 zp or something like that) But this will give us hope when we play the map.
As we will win more jewels and we will play more
I prefer the second suggestion as I played more than 14 or 16 times today and I did not get any jewel. And that's it guys,hope you like my suggestion.