New ticket shop collection

Last time we had Hornet collection, I think next, Octagon Camo would be nice.
M4A1-S O.C.
AK-47-Knife O.C
Barett M82A1 O.C
687 EDP O.C
O.C Name Card

What do you fellow players think? Leave a comment :)


  • I have m4 and 2 ak,only need berette .....
  • -1 since the Hornet collection was a coupon-exclusive set. If anything, they should add weapons that aren't available yet (or add some unskinned weapons from the Item Shop)
  • Wait you want weapons that have already been released previously as ZP crates to be implemented for free as a permanent coupon reward, also rewarding a terribly OP shotgun upon completion of the collection?
    Please, for the love of god, no.
  • I'm all for another coupon collection. But like mentioned let's avoid weapon's that have been previously released via ZP crates especially ones that are parts of collections and certainly shouldn't put up entire collections from a ZP crate.

    I'd be done with something completely new with a perm weapon reward. Like maybe something like WW2 weapon set. Especially if it has a Primary, secondary, and melee as a part of it. Or maybe another weapon set that is based around another a 'Purple People Eater' weapon set. Just something different and not yet released skin wise. and preferably weapons that are unique/not reskinned often.
  • [USER="24236345"]OneTrueMitch[/USER] [USER="10913166"]Ixith[/USER] It also would be nice, if we get some non-disclosed-much interesting weapons, I agree with you guys on that.
    [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] I wouldn't say previously, as of I know it has been released for game's 8th anniversary (hence the octagon, naming schemes ...), and most probably there is no other way for these weapons to surface again, not even with events. Also you say EDP is op, but this weapon already has been given away to everyone attended for 26 days past month, for free... I don't see much difference there. But old ZP crates are open to discussion of course.
  • I think it would be better to have a mix of diffrent skinned weapons, like they have now, not a whole set, like the hornet was. I think old weapons that been unavailable for some time, does best as Coupon and MP weapons. As there are new stuff being released every month, that they can make money on.

    That saying, i wouldn't be complaining if some weapons with any of the Dragon skins, would be in the Coupon shop:D

    The most important thing right now, is that they get changed at all. One weapon for each month until next change would be optimal, atleast I think so. (If they change it once every 6month, then six weapons)
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • [USER="24236345"]OneTrueMitch[/USER] [USER="10913166"]Ixith[/USER] It also would be nice, if we get some non-disclosed-much interesting weapons, I agree with you guys on that.
    [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] I wouldn't say previously, as of I know it has been released for game's 8th anniversary (hence the octagon, naming schemes ...), and most probably there is no other way for these weapons to surface again, not even with events. Also you say EDP is op, but this weapon already has been given away to everyone attended for 26 days past month, for free... I don't see much difference there. But old ZP crates are open to discussion of course.

    The difference between the EDP from the monthly mixup and this one is that this one reloads twice as fast, making it a killing machine.

    If these guns were released as you say they were they should be re-released. But not like this.
  • The Octagon Camo weapons have actually been re-released in sales a handful of times already. I believe they were even in one of the last webshop sales within the last few months. They'll most likely appear again on Black Friday when that comes around if not sooner than that in another sale.
  • [USER="26494620"]Utmost[/USER] Wow, I can't imagine EDP with even faster reload than it already is xD
    [USER="10913166"]Ixith[/USER] Wow man for real? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
    [USER="26494729"]Painanator[/USER] I know right? And it would make it less grind and more people would be able to complete collections month by month, by attending events.
    Thanks for your responses by the way :) Oh also looked cf wiki (don't know if infos are %100 accurate) for weapons I didn't see around much and thought maybe they can add themed collection schemes that makes everyone happy. If you like the idea let me know, maybe can open a new thread for that to convey the rule base and make everyone post their suggestions. We can also refine it if it has any unfeasible points.
    Ok as an example scenario we'll have 3 weapon collection at coupon shop, a char to go along with it at MP shop, and (optional pay to get) (maybe) similar themed different collection weapons and themed char clothes via ZP crates and VIP boxes.
    Cowboy Hitman Set
    Coupon Weapons:
    Mossberg 464 SPX
    Colt SAA
    Navy SEAL (male) or L.A. Swat (female)
    Themed (cowboy) clothing for the specific char(s) and more same themed weapon collection crates can be added (maybe even cowboy beast who knows :D)
    Bonus: 1 more example
    USSR Silent Ops Set
    Coupon Weapons:
    AS Val
    OTs-23 Drotik (silenced version would be nice)
    VVS (male) or Masha (female)

    PS: Among the weapons, Cop .357 (standard 4 bullets mag), FN-FAL, Galil - AK variants, Colt M variants looks ready to get to Item Shop or GP capsule shop depending on the weapon.
  • I like your i idea but i donot like weapons suggested.
  • [USER="25028298"]Great_Spirit[/USER] You can state your reasons and fixes. Also can provide an example so we can refine it.