Parkour knife ffa mode

I am from the players that find parkour mode a lot of fun. So I suggest making a new mode that can fit a big room for 30 players where the map would be a big parkour map and people will be able to kill each other by knives.
This mode should work with points
So as an example:
-When a player kills another player he gets 100 points.
-When a player moves from a stage to another stage he gets 200 points.
-If the player was killed be a melee attack he would not be able to revive and he loses
-If the player falls from a stage he loses 150 points and he continues.
-The winner wins when he gets the maximum amount of points maybe 2500 points or when he finishes the whole parkour map.
I think this map would be so exciting as players have to focus on
1- always run fast and use their best parkour skills
2- Be aware of other players that can kill them
3- They concentrate on not falling down as they would lose points if they fell down.
I hope that people like my suggestion. I know that it is very hard to make a big map that fits my suggestion but I do not know maybe one day it will be made. That's it and I want to see more people suggesting for new modes as I like to read their suggestions.
