Duplicate Usage and New way of Obtaining Weapons [System Suggestion]

I thought I had made this it's own suggestion topic before but it appears I have not yet. or at least i didn't see it within a quick search and look through the suggestions....so here it is:

More or less this suggestion would be adding a new System sided addition which will allow players to 'create' weapons using duplicate weapons.

As people get more and more duplicates, especially from the same crates, and also continue to fail to win the weapon they want they continue to get upset of course and discouraged from the Black Market. Not to mention all of those duplicates then continue to clutter their inventories. As a way to handle this the new system would allow players to take 1 Duplicate weapon (weapon A) that has the skin of the weapon they want, and then take 1 other weapon (weapon B) (ZP or GP) of the weapon type they want, and with a fee which is based on rarity of skin type from Weapon A and if Weapon B was GP or ZP and exchange those/combine them into the Weapon Type of Weapon B but with the skin of Weapon A. Naturally this would be limited to weapons that already exist so one couldn't create new weapons but would introduce a new way of obtaining existing weapons.

Here's a couple of listed out example:
Example 1:
Weapon A: HK417 Carbonized
Weapon B: Thompson
Fee: 30,000ZP* (actual amount to be decided by devs/gms or whoever is responsible for this)
New Weapon: Thompson Carbonized

Example 2:
Weapon A: Kukri-Rio
Weapon B: Desert Eagle-Glorious Phoenix
Fee: 6,000 ZP (again actual amount to be determined by devs/gms however it should be considerably less on this example than example 1 due to turning in a ZP crate weapon for Weapon B)
New Weapon: Desert Eagle-Rio

Now some other options to consider would be:
-the Devs could implement a 'key/blueprint/tool kit' item which is also required which could slow down how often people use this new feature. Though in this case I would say adding 1 of the 'tool kits' per month to the monthly mix up rewards would be logical. As then it limits how many a player can get and still require the ZP Fee in the process. These items could also be added to the trade system as they would potentially be a popular item to see exchanged.
-various weapons such as noble/imperial or other VIP reskin types or other special weapons that are meant to remain extra rare and also perhaps newly added weapons could be restricted out of this system.

Overall the idea here is to essentially kill 2 birds with one stone. The duplicate problem and to increase player confidence in obtaining permanent weapons. While it still requires winning a permanent it gives them a chance to get what they want if the crate keeps giving them what they don't want. This method also means that there wouldn't be any market manipulation and straight trading from alts to main like there would be with a full weapon trading system as it's a system that runs through the game itself instead of also relying with the community too.

Though this is just 1 idea on a way to help with the duplicate issue in a way that could also help players in other ways.


  • +1
    Ixith wrote: »
    Overall the idea here is to essentially kill 2 birds with one stone. The duplicate problem and to increase player confidence in obtaining permanent weapons. While it still requires winning a permanent it gives them a chance to get what they want if the crate keeps giving them what they don't want. This method also means that there wouldn't be any market manipulation and straight trading from alts to main like there would be with a full weapon trading system as it's a system that runs through the game itself instead of also relying with the community too.
    ^ I believe everyone would love something like that to happen
  • That is a really good idea but I think some people will refuse it.
  • +1 I like your idea, anything that will let you get rid of dupes. This way, neither Z8 or the player loses, though it will take a little more programming than many of the other suggestions about dupes.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Wont work, because

    1) Idea is too niche, an idea shouldnt only appeal to a small amount of the community who acctually invest in BM. Should benefit everyone.
    2) Too much work for devs, I will leave it at that.
    3) Licensing issues, China no have, we most likely wont have.
    4) If you can do simple maths, you will know that Z8 indeed do lose money from this suggestion, why let you pay a set fee of lets say 30k zp when they can influence you to buy 30 more crates and still win nothing or the same duplicate.


    Introduce a pity meter to duplicates, maybe after one, the next is guranteed one you dont have?

    Or simply just increase the win rate of black market by double so it becomes 0.02 % (maybe it is).
  • Wont work, because

    1) Idea is too niche, an idea shouldnt only appeal to a small amount of the community who acctually invest in BM. Should benefit everyone.
    2) Too much work for devs, I will leave it at that.
    3) Licensing issues, China no have, we most likely wont have.
    4) If you can do simple maths, you will know that Z8 indeed do lose money from this suggestion, why let you pay a set fee of lets say 30k zp when they can influence you to buy 30 more crates and still win nothing or the same duplicate.


    Introduce a pity meter to duplicates, maybe after one, the next is guranteed one you dont have?

    Or simply just increase the win rate of black market by double so it becomes 0.02 % (maybe it is).

    1)Perhaps it is too 'niche' with the duplicate required thing as well but one could argue the trade system to some degree was originally that way and still largely is fairly niche and benefits mostly the people willing to buy ZP/invest money into the game. However, with the weekend crates and various other crates rewards being repeated even people who don't spend money are likely to have weapons they don't want in their inventories, perhaps even duplicates. Some of these people may like to complete a collection but are falling just short and this could help them complete it thus promoting them to spend what they normally wouldn't to get a guaranteed at finishing a collection.

    2)Perhaps it is. But I'd say this would require less work then adding in some of the other systems they've put into the game. the current Trade system was likely much harder to set up than this should be and a trade system which would allow all weapons to be traded would likely be more complex as well when you take into account all of the restrictions they'd likely throw into it. So while it is highly unlikely we'll ever see it just because it might be a lot of work doesnt meant one shouldn't suggest something.

    3)The BM we have now with the revolver shooting the balls and showing rewards and what not....that was a CF NA first then went to other CF Clients. So while it CF CN almost always does get the various new things, especially system updates, first....it doesnt mean they have to get it first and that if they don't have something another version won't get it. I'm sure if I dig around I could find other fairly substantial changes that show CF CN doesnt have to be the first to receive and update.
    But.....okay so let's they do have to be first though. What's to say a suggestion can't reach the devs and they decide they want to do it and end up putting it into CF CN first and then dishing it out to other CF clients. It would have still been added.

    4)Yes that is simple maths. But something a bit more complex to think about is the fact that not everyone is willing to continue spending on crates and have a point where they say enough is enough. Like i'm sure we all know there's some heavy spenders that will and have spent 1million+ ZP to complete a collection. I could name one who did that when the Vulcan crate was first released and he ended up with like 7 AK Vulcans duplicates before he got the weapon he was looking for. So yes it'd cut earnings from people like him out. But it'd likely increase the amount of earnings across the board from smaller spenders as it would encourage them to spend a bit more. And it's not like you can just take any ol' weapon and do this. You still have to win weapons from the crate/skin type you want to create. Which is part of what the duplicate requirement was thought of for anyways as it'd mean you can't just win a Deagle and be like "well i wanted the AK" and then turn it into the AK. But without the duplicate requirement people would still consider spending that extra ZP that they might not have been willing to spend on more crates if they can turn it into the weapon they want and that'd work to increase low level spending as well.
    So for this one, i'd agree with you if the win rate was higher people would likely be more willing to try more in the black market than go this route. But the win rates aren't that good. Everyone knows that so the ability to turn a duplicate or a weapon that they just don't want from a skin collection into a weapon they would want will sell and by diversifying with more low level spending vs just relying on the few mass spenders would be a good thing for the long run as what happens when one of the big spenders quit if they don't find a way to get people who don't spend much to spend just a little bit more? They begin to lose out and that'll only further effect services and servers. As a business i'd much rather see 50 people buy 20k ZP vs 1 person buy 1million ZP overall less risky profit margins.
    And....if this were a thing who's to say it wouldn't encourage more people to try to become collectors? It could end up increasing overall spending in the way of more people trying their luck on a variety of collection crates and then using this feature to help complete those collections.

    And to tie into #4 and your 'Alternatively' line...the addition of a pity meter to duplicates would likely eliminate profits far more than this idea. Though I had talked about an idea similar to the pity meter with some people before including Grumpy. That idea was more or less if a 2 weapon crate had Weapons A and Weapons B and each one was 50% chance then if you win Weapon A your chance of getting Weapon A again would decrease to 40% while Weapon B's chance would increase to 60% chance and would continue to adjust like that if you do win another duplicate. It could be applied to 3 and 4 weapon crates as well. The issue with that of course is they'd have to change how the BM works in general. But that option at least left it open for multiple duplicates and less risk to their profits.

    Certainly at the end of the day there are far simpler solutions to the duplicate weapon issue. But it's fun entertaining ideas like this one.
  • There is a simpler idea which is letting us choose what weapon we get when we hit jackpot.
  • All the ideas would lead to frustration in the community itself and a financial crisis for Z8games, which should not be the case.
    As one of those who has tons of dupes rotting in the my storage it'd be a fair deal for everyone being able to exchange those dupes for something like Crate Tickets, Coupons, ZM Tickets or maybe getting a whole exchange system made for dupes.
    Like 1 dupe exchanged for 1 Exchange Ticket, those tickets can be used to get some valuable and unique weapons. There are plenty of weapons in the file we actually never had or were just exclusive to other Versions like CF EU.

  • MGTOW wrote: »
    There is a simpler idea which is letting us choose what weapon we get when we hit jackpot.

    That would be really good, wouldn't be so against spinning boxes in the same set i already have a weapon in, if that were so.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    That would be really good, wouldn't be so against spinning boxes in the same set i already have a weapon in, if that were so.

    same here.
  • It must be able to trade rare weapons like fox dress, green muzzle, awaiking jewels, m4a1 meow, kill marks, bla bla vs vs .