[EU] 21y/o veteran player looking for team to train and compete with
Hello, I'm Fit
I'm 21 stationed in Estonia, 9+ years of CF experience with room for improvement. I speak English and Dutch fluently.
I believe in teamwork and constructive criticism, helping each other get better at the game without being toxic and adjusting your personal game play to fit the needs of the team.
Looking for a supportive team that wants to play serious, EU based with voice comms.
AK player, used to awp long time ago but rifling suits me better.
Can take any role necessary that uses AK.
Favorite map/position: Subbase GR AC / A down
Let me know if you're interested in recruiting me, tests are ok, I know I have much to learn and room to improve, but without a serious team to train with I'll never get as good as I can be.
Thanks for reading and I hope to play on your team soon!
I'm 21 stationed in Estonia, 9+ years of CF experience with room for improvement. I speak English and Dutch fluently.
I believe in teamwork and constructive criticism, helping each other get better at the game without being toxic and adjusting your personal game play to fit the needs of the team.
Looking for a supportive team that wants to play serious, EU based with voice comms.
AK player, used to awp long time ago but rifling suits me better.
Can take any role necessary that uses AK.
Favorite map/position: Subbase GR AC / A down
Let me know if you're interested in recruiting me, tests are ok, I know I have much to learn and room to improve, but without a serious team to train with I'll never get as good as I can be.
Thanks for reading and I hope to play on your team soon!
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