Does season 8 ending reset Win Rewards for Machete Champion?
It's only mid season now, if they don't make it very short, It's only 8-V, last season was until VIII, if i don't remember completly wrong. So i wouldn't be worried. Im only at 139 wins, because i started a bit late, with the events going on the same time. I still intend to grind for the machete, i know it sucks, but for my collection. I wonder what weapon they will have after that M4 silversmith, or maby they will be lazy and keep it as a price for the rest of the year.JackPain (Sweden)
Painanator wrote: »It's only mid season now, if they don't make it very short, It's only 8-V, last season was until VIII, if i don't remember completly wrong. So i wouldn't be worried. Im only at 139 wins, because i started a bit late, with the events going on the same time. I still intend to grind for the machete, i know it sucks, but for my collection. I wonder what weapon they will have after that M4 silversmith, or maby they will be lazy and keep it as a price for the rest of the year.
After M4A1 noble silver, you wil have this
By the way, will honor point and number of wins reset after a season too? I don't play ranked but i'm curious -
Honor points carry over to the next season, as it is impossible to get 5000 even if you get all the points for just playing and get top-100 rank. But now when you've won the M4, you get no points from just playing, until they change the weapon.JackPain (Sweden)
Painanator wrote: »Honor points carry over to the next season, as it is impossible to get 5000 even if you get all the points for just playing and get top-100 rank. But now when you've won the M4, you get no points from just playing, until they change the weapon.
thank you, that makes sense. But what if i have 1000 hornor points this season and new weapon comes out next season? -
thank you, that makes sense. But what if i have 1000 hornor points this season and new weapon comes out next season?
Then you can get that weapon, if you place at top 100 or master, which is very hard with this lagg and other problems that's going on right now. I think i'll be stuck at Diamond 2 with 143 wins, if they don't do anything about it. At last match, all 4 team mates DC'd when we were at 5 to 5 wins in rounds. Don't know if i should laugh or cry. Stopped playing knife only, cause if your enemy laggs even a little, it will make your timing off and you miss/die.JackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
Then you can get that weapon, if you place at top 100 or master, which is very hard with this lagg and other problems that's going on right now. I think i'll be stuck at Diamond 2 with 143 wins, if they don't do anything about it. At last match, all 4 team mates DC'd when we were at 5 to 5 wins in rounds. Don't know if i should laugh or cry. Stopped playing knife only, cause if your enemy laggs even a little, it will make your timing off and you miss/die.
you dont understand what i meant, but cheers anyway. -
you dont understand what i meant, but cheers anyway.
1000p from this season + next season's End Points (master 2000p) or (2500p Top-100) + next seasons honor points 2000p, you will atleast have 5000 points for the next Honor Point Weapon. Should you not place at atleast Master Rank, your end points won't be enough, as you will need "5000 Honor Points" total for the weapon. I understood what you meant.JackPain (Sweden) -
thank you, that makes sense. But what if i have 1000 hornor points this season and new weapon comes out next season?
Since this is the second season the M4 Noble Silver is available it will be removed next season (you had 2 seasons to get it). -
After M4A1 noble silver, you wil have this
By the way, will honor point and number of wins reset after a season too? I don't play ranked but i'm curious
I really hope they wont doe Scorpion Evo at honor Points Reward, or All Modes like TDM and SnD, etc. will be destroyed because this Mp is really op i know it because i have it for a long time, and players with high pings have then really a advantage with this mp -
I really hope they wont doe Scorpion Evo at honor Points Reward, or All Modes like TDM and SnD, etc. will be destroyed because this Mp is really op i know it because i have it for a long time, and players with high pings have then really a advantage with this mp
It will replace the M4 noble silver, meaning you need 5000 honour points to get it. -
I really hope they wont doe Scorpion Evo at honor Points Reward, or All Modes like TDM and SnD, etc. will be destroyed because this Mp is really op i know it because i have it for a long time, and players with high pings have then really a advantage with this mp
It wouldn't be a problem if they took away the JHP effect from it. But then again, there are lots of JHP guns out now and most players probably have one. The game hasn't fallen because of it yet, nomather the constant complains about the guns. It will probably be used alot for a while and then less and less as time passes by. Personaly i would like to have it just because it looks cool, Noble Silver are one of the most good-looking weapon series in the game.JackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
It wouldn't be a problem if they took away the JHP effect from it. But then again, there are lots of JHP guns out now and most players probably have one. The game hasn't fallen because of it yet, nomather the constant complains about the guns. It will probably be used alot for a while and then less and less as time passes by. Personaly i would like to have it just because it looks cool, Noble Silver are one of the most good-looking weapon series in the game.
But this gun dont have the JHP ammo, i have the Scorpion Evo 3 By my own, it doesnt have this Ammo, but its firing so rapidly that you think it holds you back, because it literally throws a mag in arround 2 to 3 seconds out. And it will complete destroy the rest because, the point on the Evo 3 is that when you face a lagging enemy and spray him full with the Evo you need up to 2 mgas that he get killled but when he laggs and uses that gun he just need to tap on it and he gets you, because the game dont realize that when somebody is lagging that it should still count shots fired at them same like one normal players -
Painanator wrote: »
It wouldn't be a problem if they took away the JHP effect from it. But then again, there are lots of JHP guns out now and most players probably have one. The game hasn't fallen because of it yet, nomather the constant complains about the guns. It will probably be used alot for a while and then less and less as time passes by. Personaly i would like to have it just because it looks cool, Noble Silver are one of the most good-looking weapon series in the game.
Hey Painanator, I have a question please.
If I achieve Master rank in TDM and SD, will I get 2 ranked red match crates? I'm talking about the crates that give you a permanent weapon of choice. Thanks in advance. -
After M4A1 noble silver, you wil have this
By the way, will honor point and number of wins reset after a season too? I don't play ranked but i'm curious
No that's it - -
Hey Painanator, I have a question please.
If I achieve Master rank in TDM and SD, will I get 2 ranked red match crates? I'm talking about the crates that give you a permanent weapon of choice. Thanks in advance.
No, you just get one-crate. You get the price for the highest rank you have in any of the ranked modes. If you have gold in S&D and platinum in TDM, you get the prices and honor-points only for the platinum rank. So it's better to concentrate on one ranked mode.
I started this season of with Knife Tdm, but when the lagg started to become worse, i deemed it unplayable. Then i started to play S&D, but now after the last update, it's almost unplayable too. Every match you get teleport killed by lagging enemies or do no damage because they lagg. Almost every match one or more players get's DC'd. S&D is hard enough already without the lagg. The last two day's i've lost 20 matches and won 3. I am seriously starting to wonder if it's worth playing Ranked at all. It's not fun getting punished, because you don't lagg and your enemies does. II this keeps on, this will be my last season, which i'll probably won't keep playing either. If i keep playing other seasons, it will only be for the honorpoints = not playing seriously.JackPain (Sweden) -
But this gun dont have the JHP ammo, i have the Scorpion Evo 3 By my own, it doesnt have this Ammo, but its firing so rapidly that you think it holds you back, because it literally throws a mag in arround 2 to 3 seconds out. And it will complete destroy the rest because, the point on the Evo 3 is that when you face a lagging enemy and spray him full with the Evo you need up to 2 mgas that he get killled but when he laggs and uses that gun he just need to tap on it and he gets you, because the game dont realize that when somebody is lagging that it should still count shots fired at them same like one normal players
Ok, I tought the Scorpion had JHP ammo, the Crossfire wiki says it has, but i have never used one, so i wouldn't know. It feels like it when they hit you with it (Staggering), is that just because it is fast then?JackPain (Sweden) -
No that's it -
OK, that AK also looks very cool. But these days as i use SMG's more than AR's, i think i would prefer to get the Scorpion. Also for collecting purposes, as i have AK's, i don't own a Scorpion EVO. But I would be happy anyway, as long as my collection grows and i have a new weapon screenshot to save.JackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
No, you just get one-crate. You get the price for the highest rank you have in any of the ranked modes. If you have gold in S&D and platinum in TDM, you get the prices and honor-points only for the platinum rank. So it's better to concentrate on one ranked mode.
I started this season of with Knife Tdm, but when the lagg started to become worse, i deemed it unplayable. Then i started to play S&D, but now after the last update, it's almost unplayable too. Every match you get teleport killed by lagging enemies or do no damage because they lagg. Almost every match one or more players get's DC'd. S&D is hard enough already without the lagg. The last two day's i've lost 20 matches and won 3. I am seriously starting to wonder if it's worth playing Ranked at all. It's not fun getting punished, because you don't lagg and your enemies does. II this keeps on, this will be my last season, which i'll probably won't keep playing either. If i keep playing other seasons, it will only be for the honorpoints = not playing seriously.
1) Thanks for the info, it is very helpful. I will focus on one mode in the next season.
2) There is an option in the setting section that allows you to optimize fps. It really helped my fps drop problem, maybe it can help you too. If you are already diamond 2 then try to climb up to master for the permanent weapon of choice. The raging bull is a beast in my opinion; it's one of the 3 cannon pistols which can only be obtained from ZP crates. In addition, the champion version has faster firing speed and draw speed than even ZP ones.
3) Yeah, You can get really good rewards from ranked match but it's rigged a lot due to hackers. I just started (1st time trying ranked mode), but I already encountered several hackers. I'm doing everymode right now to see which mode is best for next season; knife mode may be the best choice for ranked match cos hacking doesn't make anything difference.
4) There must be occasions when you win because your enemy lag or dced. I played some games where it was 5vs3 and vice versa.
5) Yeah, I'll play for hornor points and the 250 win rewards too. Master ranked is not hard actually (it just takes a lot of time), but I dont see anything interesting from the list of weapon of choice, except for the raging bull. -
Painanator wrote: »
Ok, I tought the Scorpion had JHP ammo, the Crossfire wiki says it has, but i have never used one, so i wouldn't know. It feels like it when they hit you with it (Staggering), is that just because it is fast then?
It does in fact have JPH ammunition. -
Wow what a cool skin, looks even better than most the vip aks
might start playing ranked for the first time if we get that for 250wins..
The noble silver is for Honor Points. For wins we get Champion Items, this season it's a Machete.JackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
The noble silver is for Honor Points. For wins we get Champion Items, this season it's a Machete.
Hey Painanator, do you know how many ranked points is required for master 6? Thanks in advance bruv, I'm noob here - never did ranked before. If you have never reached that rank then pls tell me the point for diamond 2 xD. -
Painanator wrote: »
The noble silver is for Honor Points. For wins we get Champion Items, this season it's a Machete.
Ah right, sounds like a hell of a grind lol but so does 250 wins so..
still, curious about what next season will reward and hopefully something worth getting into ranked -
1) Thanks for the info, it is very helpful. I will focus on one mode in the next season.
2) There is an option in the setting section that allows you to optimize fps. It really helped my fps drop problem, maybe it can help you too. If you are already diamond 2 then try to climb up to master for the permanent weapon of choice. The raging bull is a beast in my opinion; it's one of the 3 cannon pistols which can only be obtained from ZP crates. In addition, the champion version has faster firing speed and draw speed than even ZP ones.
3) Yeah, You can get really good rewards from ranked match but it's rigged a lot due to hackers. I just started (1st time trying ranked mode), but I already encountered several hackers. I'm doing everymode right now to see which mode is best for next season; knife mode may be the best choice for ranked match cos hacking doesn't make anything difference.
4) There must be occasions when you win because your enemy lag or dced. I played some games where it was 5vs3 and vice versa.
5) Yeah, I'll play for hornor points and the 250 win rewards too. Master ranked is not hard actually (it just takes a lot of time), but I dont see anything interesting from the list of weapon of choice, except for the raging bull.
1.No prob
2.I will try and see if it works, i really hope it does and i will try to play up to Master, so i can get one of the weapons. But with all things happening to the game, it is much more work than it is supposed to be. But then again, I am not exactly alone in having problems with the game at the moment, so i shouldn't complain as much as i do.
3.I actually met a player at the beginning of this season's Knife Ranked, that used somekind of speedhack and some kind of other hack. He moved superfast and didn't even swing his knife to kill us, just ran into us and we died. I reported and he hasn't played for awhile, so hopefully, he got banned. That's the only time i can remember someone using a hack in Knife.
4.Of course, but i also had bad luck. Most of the time someone has one ore more players dc'd, its in the team i play in, i had better luck in the last season. Add to that, I'm only a mediocre S&D player, i really am to impatient for it, i'm better suited to TD and FFA, because of the nonstop action. When i play S&D i usually play Scout, trying to check were the enemies is and take as many of them with me as possible before i die. Then write to my team-members of the enemies movements. If i get angry enough, i may change tactics and go on a killing spree sneaking.
5.I already have a Raging Bull Champion, that was the price for 250 wins, last season, i barely made it then, because i waited to long to grind the last 50 wins and i really wanted that gun.JackPain (Sweden) -
Hey Painanator, do you know how many ranked points is required for master 6? Thanks in advance bruv, I'm noob here - never did ranked before. If you have never reached that rank then pls tell me the point for diamond 2 xD.
I have never reached that point, someone else here can probably tell you though. I know that when you hit 3000 you are at Diamond 4 or 5, i checked because you need 3000 to get the achivement, so more than that.JackPain (Sweden)
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