Suggestion for new Monthly Mixup rewards

Hello forumer's,

This time I'm opening this suggestion to raise our hands over the items that we would like to see as rewards in the Monthly Mixup Event.
There is a lot of items that may be helpful despite the temp 1 day stuff we are getting, so 1 day items should be replaced with 7 days at least (so we can have time to use them properly)

The board I would like to see goes like this:

Days Completed

Melee Weapon Temp for 7 days

Cosmetic Item Temp for 7 day

Wave Mode Perfect Stone x1

Reduced Fall Down Item for 7 days

Free Crate Ticket x1

3,000 EP

Slaughter Ticket x1

ZM Unlimited Magazine Temp for 14 Days

Pistol Weapon Temp for 7 days

Free Crate Ticket x1

5,000 EP

Slaughter Ticket x1

Trade System Key x1

Free Crate Ticket x1

Weapon 30 Days

Grenade 30 Days

Bulletproof Vest 30 days

Bulletproof Helmet 30 days

Monthly Mixup Ribbon

Slaughter Ticket x1

Rifle Weapon Temp for 7 days

Special Reward Key Card x1

Cosmetic Item Temp for 7 day

Free Crate Ticket x1

10,000 EP

Slaughter Ticket x1

ZM Jewel x1

Sniper Weapon Temp for 7 days

ZP Crate Collection 5EA

Weapon 10th Anniversary

If you look closely, the temp weapons follow a cycle of 7 days and when the first expires we will get another one to use (this avoids misusing the items). At the end we will get a 7 days temp weapon that will last for the rest of the month. The weapon types may be reordered, just placed them randomly. Melee -> Pistol -> Rifle -> Sniper

Hope to see which items you would like to see!


  • PorBiejin wrote: »
    Hello forumer's,

    This time I'm opening this suggestion to raise our hands over the items that we would like to see as rewards in the Monthly Mixup Event.
    There is a lot of items that may be helpful despite the temp 1 day stuff we are getting, so 1 day items should be replaced with 7 days at least (so we can have time to use them properly)

    The board I would like to see goes like this:

    Days Completed

    Melee Weapon Temp for 7 days

    Cosmetic Item Temp for 7 day

    Wave Mode Perfect Stone x1

    Reduced Fall Down Item for 7 days

    Free Crate Ticket x1

    3,000 EP

    Slaughter Ticket x1

    ZM Unlimited Magazine Temp for 14 Days

    Pistol Weapon Temp for 7 days

    Free Crate Ticket x1

    5,000 EP

    Slaughter Ticket x1

    Trade System Key x1


    Weapon 30 Days

    Grenade 30 Days

    Bulletproof Vest 30 days

    Bulletproof Helmet 30 days

    Monthly Mixup Ribbon

    Slaughter Ticket x1

    Rifle Weapon Temp for 7 days

    Special Reward Key Card x1

    Cosmetic Item Temp for 7 day

    Free Crate Ticket x1

    10,000 EP

    Slaughter Ticket x1

    ZM Jewel x1

    Sniper Weapon Temp for 7 days

    ZP Crate Collection 5EA


    Weapon 10th Anniversary

    If you look closely, the temp weapons follow a cycle of 7 days and when the first expires we will get another one to use (this avoids misusing the items). At the end we will get a 7 days temp weapon that will last for the rest of the month. The weapon types may be reordered, just placed them randomly. Melee -> Pistol -> Rifle -> Sniper

    Hope to see which items you would like to see!

    I can tell from your posts that you are probably the most delicated player here, but it is totally pointless. They will not take your suggestions seriously; I don't even think they read the suggestion posts. Well! I have already uninstalled the game but still hope you find some fun in this.
  • Though the changes are pretty minor I'd say they're good, +1!
  • I really love the reward for 14th day.
    +1 to change 14th day reward to the one suggested
  • +1, All the one day things we get are useless, with 7 days you actually gets to use the item, instead of trying it a couple of times. I also liked that you doubled the EP, which we really need now with fresh new crates. Extra + for the ZM Jewel.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    I can tell from your posts that you are probably the most delicated player here, but it is totally pointless. They will not take your suggestions seriously; I don't even think they read the suggestion posts.

    Not true - we DO read your suggestions and we DO take them seriously.

    Not every suggestion can be implemented for other reason but we appreciate any input!
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6895610]

    Not true - we DO read your suggestions and we DO take them seriously.

    Not every suggestion can be implemented for other reason but we appreciate any input![/QUOTE]

    If you and your colleagues listen to players then why did you guys remove the old EP crates despite many people begged you not to do so? Can you imagine how pi.ssed many players get when their beloved crate is removed even though they tried so hard to get it prior to the removal? This kind of disrespect is so huge that self-respected players should just quit the game already. Those EP crates surely wouldn't affect your company's income as many of those crates are not included in the blackmarket but unique to the web shop. Additionally, players who want those crates have to grind many hours every weekend in order to have enough EP for some decent amount of crates, but still it does not guarantee a win. I personally opened around hundreds of crates and got nothing. These grinders are the ones you should value as much as payers as they contribute to liveliness of the game as much as payers do.

    I played the game a lot and also contributed to the game financially quite often. And I can't take this disrepect anymore. Thus, the game was uninstalled.
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    If you and your colleagues listen to players then why did you guys remove the old EP crates despite many people begged you not to do so? Can you imagine how pi.ssed many players get when their beloved crate is removed even though they tried so hard to get it prior to the removal?
    We made this decision before some players said they would rather see to keep those, and most players welcome the change. This doesn't mean that we will never bring those crates back as EP.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Celestine;n6895632]
    We made this decision before some players said they would rather see to keep those, and most players welcome the change. This doesn't mean that we will never bring those crates back as EP.

    Then you and your colleagues should bring those crates back as soon as you can. I thank you in advance for that; your words give me some hope and I'm thinking of reinstalling the game.

    Also I think there should be an option on the web shop that allows players to buy EP with ZP (for example: 10,000 ZP for 10,000 EP). This would allow players with money but no time to get what they want from the web shop, as you know: some weapons from the web shop is so unique that they can't be abtained from anywhere except for the web shop. At the end of the day, it's all down to you to decide what is best for the business though.

    Kind regards.
  • +1 for 7 days guns instead of 1 day
    MGTOW wrote: »

    Also I think there should be an option on the web shop that allows players to buy EP with ZP (for example: 10,000 ZP for 10,000 EP).

    Yes!! or add Ep as bonus on Zp charges like the Bp back in the days
  • +1 for all but ZM Jewel Must Be x10 Every Months got x10 i played over 15 games on a day and got only one ??????
  • I want VIP and i will play all time and i'will accept of termes you wanted ....please i need a vip please
  • MGTOW wrote: »

    Then you and your colleagues should bring those crates back as soon as you can. I thank you in advance for that; your words give me some hope and I'm thinking of reinstalling the game.

    Also I think there should be an option on the web shop that allows players to buy EP with ZP (for example: 10,000 ZP for 10,000 EP).

    Thats a way to high Exchange course from Zp to Ep in my opinion, because why should someone want to trade 1:1 it for some Crates, that was "older" instead to spin for new Ones like an QBZ 03 as Example, when it should be, at least a 1:4 Course, that means 1 ZP is worth 4 Ep, and not only should be then a Static numbers be able to exchange, it should be choosen by the players, so that you even can just get such "rest zp" like 500 Zp traded to EP. Another Feature could be that for Players that are "Veterans" here in this Game would get a better Exchange course as example instead 1 zp to 4 Ep, it could be for veterans 1 ZP to 6 Ep, and for Vip Users you could do the Same for ones that Supported this game financially a+2 for every Zp exchanged upon it. So a Veteran Player that is in the Game since over 6 Years and has a Vip Char/Gun etc. can exchange 1 Zp to 8 Ep.

    That Feature for Veterans would be nice at first because every year could "new" players reach that rank and could get a better exchange course, same would be for Players where Supported that Game Financially, Because to be Honest in the "web Shop" that "Vip exclusive" items, are at least in my eyes not worth it and theres since web shop is there nothing permanent in there only Reset K/D and Win/Loss reset for each 10k Zp.(*saw that K/D reset is just 5K Zp but still what use for? buying 10 times K/D reset??)
    There could be done so much more, like for Vip Exclusive some Crates in the Web shop with a discount or someStuff like Char Accesoires like Hats and such stuff where you can Win Permanent from it out. but i got littl hope that there would be something in the next year at least will be changed, to something diffrent, because im waiting for a chance to exchange Doubled won Guns from Black Market for now 4 Years and still it wasnt 1 Time a Chance to Exchange them, into Coupons or Free Crate Tickets, it just got worse with the Storage Limitation that Double Won Skins just now Dump your Storage Full so that you have to spend zp in order to be able to get some space again for new Guns
  • +1, but I would like to see a zm switch bag instead of unlimited ammo.