[Suggestion] Nerf the EDP 10th Anniversary

The title itself is pretty self-explanatory, so I'll go into the whys and hows in this thread.

Why is it so OP?
The 687 EDP is an all-in style shotgun, offering you two shots that are almost guaranteed to kill if you hit them. Followed with a short reload and you're ready for another burst of damage.
The problem isn't damage but the rate at which you can shoot combined with the effective one-shot distance of the weapon.
The recoil after the first shot isn't nearly high enough to compensate for the power that comes out of the barrel, making the second shot very easy to land even if you shoot right after the first one.

And why is that a problem? The KSG-15 and SPAS-12 are also very good at fast two-shotting.
A shotgun is supposed to have superior power in close range (like the beforementioned KSG and SPAS, along with other famous shotguns such as the M37), power that drops off at medium range. Of course the slugshot shotguns are also effective at medium-long ranges, but their damage and accuracy drops off significantly and the burst of damage slug rounds offer is half of that of the EDP.
The problem with the EDP is its effective one-shot range (well, two shot, but you get the idea).
The EDP allows users to hold mid-ranged rifle/sniper angles which offer a safe retreat. Unlike the angles conventional shotguns are supposed to hold, which are high-risk high-reward angles which offer almost no escape routes in exchange for the element of surprise and an environment that favors the shotgun user.

Why nerf only the 10th Anniversary EDP?
Because so many people have it.
And yes, that's a bad thing. We all know how annoying the 9A Camo is and free M4 VVIP days are (if you don't use the weapons, of course).
It severely limits the game and forces players to play around it, either by bringing an OP weapon of their own or by adjusting the flow of gameplay depending on the team it's on.
GR will be forced to play more defensively and not take risky angles while BL will have to slowly clear every corner and use smokes and flashes on positions that otherwise wouldn't be risky to push. In TDM and FFA it forces players to use more long-distance weapons and hold their position (and in FFA you're pretty much guaranteed to die if an EDP user spawns behind you).
I'm aware that these problems exist with every EDP, but you rarely see those. The impact of the 10th Anniversary EDP on the game is significantly greater than that of all other EDPs combined. By nerfing it, players who got other EDPs will get to keep the weapon they (most of them) paid for, while significantly reducing the impact EDPs make on the game and how we play it.

How to nerf it while still keeping it an enjoyable gun to use?
I would personally like to see an increase in recoil after the first shot and a greater bullet spread on each shot.
That would reduce its long-range killing potential, which is what makes this gun so gamechanging.
The damage and reload are there to compensate for the weapon's low ammo capacity, so I think those two stats are alright IF the nerfs I suggested above are implemented to a reasonable measure.
I'm afraid that a nerf to damage or reload (while keeping the recoil and spread the same) would turn this weapon into a glass cannon, making the weapon very unforgiving to its user and making it much less fun to use.

That's my suggestion, if you have any other creative ideas on how to nerf it and not nerf it into the ground, please do share them.


  • Personally, the EDP doesn't bother me much in game. Same goes for other long range shotguns such as a slug. I personally out best players playing with these weapons because it's very hard to land the shots correctly in the midst of combat (from my experience).

    I can however understand others are bothered by the use of long range shotguns. But nerfing just one type of the EDP isn't the way, considering there is also a GP version in the CFS packages. On top of that, let's not forget the ZP ones that realod even faster.
  • I personally don't think the EDP needs nerfing. Most won't use it because most have bad aim and the fact you get 2 shots then have to reload, a reload which isn't really all that fast, will get you clobbered against rifle users and smg users if you miss. In the hands of someone relatively accurate it is fairly deadly admittedly beyond that of most other shot guns due to the choked spread causing all the pellets to essentially hit one spot even to solid mid range. Also despite it being a free shotty that tons of people should theoretically have right now. I havent ran into it that much in S&D and the various FFAs i've played. Usually i'm the only one playing with it and most randoms don't even pick it up from me when I die. So I honestly don't think it'll be getting used too often unlike things like the dragon blade and the various temporary TMPs, and the 9a91 camo and others.
  • The playerbase is going to lose their minds if the MTs-255 ever gets released in CFWest and it'll be hilarious.

    But yeah- EDP is fine the way it is. I don't think it needs any nerfs.
  • Everyone has it? Yeah, no. I've seen one other person using it since it dropped. Only one.
    The reload isn't short, it takes as long as a regular M4. You have to load two shells even if you only shot one, and you are constantly reloading it. It's not the Sagittarius variant.
    You need to be able to aim to use it effectively, which (and I'm going to take a WILD guess here) is probably the reason why I've only seen one other person using it.
    Any AWM will kill more reliably at long range, any decent rifle or SMG beats it in sustained fire.
    And to top it all off, it was already nerfed once with a reduced pellet count. It's not game breaking at all; there's no reason to nerf it further.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    The playerbase is going to lose their minds if the MTs-255 ever gets released in CFWest and it'll be hilarious.

    But yeah- EDP is fine the way it is. I don't think it needs any nerfs.

    Fun fact: the MTS-255 actually got removed in CF Russia.
  • No, i don't think it should be nerfed. I don't use it my self though. I prefer to use the KSG if i am to use a shotgun. Other players using it, doesn't bother me so much, there are so many other things to get irretated on instead. I've seen less use of it in only a week and usage will probably drop some more. If they were to nerf a weapon, i would like to see it done to the Dragon Blade, which destroys melee matches.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    The playerbase is going to lose their minds if the MTs-255 ever gets released in CFWest and it'll be hilarious.

    But yeah- EDP is fine the way it is. I don't think it needs any nerfs.

    I'd love to see the MTs-255 here, mostly because its a bloody revolver shotgun! But yeah, it was removed from CF Russia for being so incredibly OP, I can only imagine the heck it would cause here