Bizarre censorship...

Ookay... I know, I know... "you quit! why are you back" ...
Cuz I decided to see whats the situation. Well... its slightly better. Not as bad as before but still bad.
But... this is not the topic now. I have a friend here AntoPr0digy. And... I cant whisper him in game. While in menu screens its all fine but while Im in a match I cant because of the filter which somehow detects Pr0 as a dirty word... Why? Can this be fixed? You know sometimes we talk personal stuff that dont need to be seen or spammed in the clan chat.


  • Becos pr0 on egybtion mean enta pro but as insalt lik fa*** enta big pro so z8 censar zis oki
    ty for explanatian
  • Uhh... From your bad English I take it its an abusive three letters...?
  • [QUOTE=Winston[BG];n6893492]Uhh... From your bad English I take it its an abusive three letters...?[/QUOTE]

    Yes indeed, I had the same with a friend called Blade, 4 last letters of his name is a offensive word and thereby censored. I'd say your best bet it sending a support ticket explaining this, changes are often made in the censored words in CF. (remember the time welcome wasn't a allowed word?)
  • This is actually a little bit funny:). I have always thought this game is a little heavy on the censorship stuff. I remember, when i played Q2 long ago and almost everyone had IGN's that wouldn't be allowed today. The only thing you'd get a warning for was if you continually terrorised another player in game. Have online gaming become too politically correct and players too sensitive or has it taken a better path?

    On the other hand i remember when i used to play a MMORPG some years ago and the GM's just stopped caring. It was not unusual to meet for example "a whole guild with the members named after most famous Nazi's from WW2" or "players with any anti-religious names you could think of". Add to that, one In Game GM that gave bans to people randomly when he was bored, another that gave Perm Bans to people who anoyed him in game (Like asking anything game related or reporting abuse from another player). Everyday there was a constant race or religious war in global chatting. And last but not least The Owner of the game who did pretty much what he felt for in the game (He once teleported me back and forth in the game when i was AFK and had my char sitting in rest, i was just talking on the phone, so i sat infront of the screen and saw it, and asked why he was doing it. He said he was sorry, but he was bored then he gave me the maximum gold you could trade between players, said have fun and left, pretty nice of him, but still, unprofessional) Even though it was a private server, it had several1000's of players, so it wasn't actually a little home server either. It wasn't really a surprise when they had to shut it all down. Censorship, has trouble of finding a middle ground.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Its kinda ridicilous when u think of it. There are plenty of stinky words that are still used freely in chats.
    @ Painanator U still play Q2? :)
  • [QUOTE=Winston[BG];n6893567]Its kinda ridicilous when u think of it. There are plenty of stinky words that are still used freely in chats.
    @ Painanator U still play Q2? :)[/QUOTE]

    On retro lans only these day's, but it's about 3 years since the last one. We did Q2, Original UT, Updated version of Doom and Doom 2, BF 1942, Jedi Knight and some other games. But outside of Retro lans, this is the only multiplayer game i play.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • On the other hand i remember when i used to play a MMORPG some years ago and the GM's just stopped caring. It was not unusual to meet for example "a whole guild with the members named after most famous Nazi's from WW2" or "players with any anti-religious names you could think of". Add to that, one In Game GM that gave bans to people randomly when he was bored, another that gave Perm Bans to people who anoyed him in game (Like asking anything game related or reporting abuse from another player). Everyday there was a constant race or religious war in global chatting. And last but not least The Owner of the game who did pretty much what he felt for in the game (He once teleported me back and forth in the game when i was AFK and had my char sitting in rest, i was just talking on the phone, so i sat infront of the screen and saw it, and asked why he was doing it. psiphon