Need Help with video recorder button
If by "video recorder" you mean the replay system, up on finishing a match you'll be brought to the result screen. Here, in the bottom right corner a "save" button can be found. Upon pressing this you'll be able to give the replay a name (for example the name of a hacker if it's your intention to report someone) and save it.
Than, in order to watch a replay, you have to be in a channel lobby. Click on the Storage button on top of the screen, click on the Replay button on the right side, then select the replay you would like to watch. URL=""]soure[/URL
You can also activate a option that will automatically save your replay. The replay of the last match you played will than automatically be saved in your Crossfire file under a folder called "Replay". To activate this option go to your options in the top right corner of the screen > "misc" menu at the top of the options > Replay in the bottom of that screen > press "Save". -
If by "video recorder" you mean the replay system, up on finishing a match you'll be brought to the result screen. Here, in the bottom right corner a "save" button can be found. Upon pressing this you'll be able to give the replay a name (for example the name of a hacker if it's your intention to report someone) and save it.
Than, in order to watch a replay, you have to be in a channel lobby. Click on the Storage button on top of the screen, click on the Replay button on the right side, then select the replay you would like to watch. URL=""]soure[/URL
You can also activate a option that will automatically save your replay. The replay of the last match you played will than automatically be saved in your Crossfire file under a folder called "Replay". To activate this option go to your options in the top right corner of the screen > "misc" menu at the top of the options > Replay in the bottom of that screen > press "Save".
so i kind of noticed thats a screenshot of kanadians inventory, mind me asking how you got that screen? lel -
so i kind of noticed thats a screenshot of kanadians inventory, mind me asking how you got that screen? lel
If you click on the source I put next to the sentence it'll lead you to the support center, where I got this guide from, which was probably made by Kanadian. -
HAPPYDEATHS wrote: »Thank you guys for the details I go set it up now ... Also I have 1 more issue with the tracker. the tracker does not count my games I don't know why .. what can I do with tracker issue?
The tracker often takes some time to update, you'd just have to wait a bit. -
HAPPYDEATHS wrote: »Hey about the tracker I wait that issue to fix about 4 months, is not just now I have no idea why not working and I can't see any progress ... I will try to upload the pics soon
For the AK Buster tracker, you needed to have obtain a AK Buster for the tracker to actually activate. For the ribbon tracker it's odd you have 0 progress on every one of them, I'd recommend contacting support if these didn't update yet.
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