AFKs in ZM solution

So many players experienced this already and we can all agree that AFK players in ZM ruin the game.

I have read many complaints and some solutions which are tbh not that good.

After all I thought of a solution which makes these guys loose everything and give real players there deserved rewards.

​​​​So basically all we need is an automatic kick for idling. Now don't think about the normal not moving, shooting or anything in 2 minutes but a check if the player is actually doing damage and generating points out of it. If he is not getting points out of done damage in 2 rounds in a row, he is getting kicked. This timer for 2 rounds should start at the beginning of the next round after the player joined. So if he is the host he will be kicked after round 3 because he joined in round 1, if the afk player joins later, for example round 10, he will be kicked after round 13 (Round 11 starts the timer).
The timer is needed so players with slower PCs can join without being kicked immediatly due to not damaging someone.

And the best part: If the AFK player gets kicked out of a few games in a row the admins could manually check the persons behavior and swing that sweet banhammer.

Good day fellow mercenaries


  • It's a good suggestion, but way to difficult to implement. +1 either way.
  • Shouldn't be too difficult. All you need is a counter that checks the players scores if the change the value in the round, if so fine and if not, check again next round and if no points gained again you get kicked.
  • They might combine it that kicking is unlocked once that player isnt doing dmg for a while. The team could still decide to keep him if they know hes coming back but also get rid of him if hes botting...
  • The number of players in the game is increasing in this way unnecessary thought.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    Shouldn't be too difficult. All you need is a counter that checks the players scores if the change the value in the round, if so fine and if not, check again next round and if no points gained again you get kicked.

    Well considering in most ZM maps players that stand still will get attacked by the zombies, a player would just have to make sure he implements shooting in his AFK bot and he'll do enough damage to not get kicked.
  • GKVTurkiye wrote: »
    The number of players in the game is increasing in this way unnecessary thought.

  • Utmost wrote: »

    Well considering in most ZM maps players that stand still will get attacked by the zombies, a player would just have to make sure he implements shooting in his AFK bot and he'll do enough damage to not get kicked.

    On most ZM maps yes, but we both know that with the spawns on crater dawn you won't get damaged until the boss round maybe even never...

    They could also track your input and if regularities show up you get kicked as well. Then the AFK bot would have to be random timed with different keys to simulate real movement
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    On most ZM maps yes, but we both know that with the spawns on crater dawn you won't get damaged until the boss round maybe even never...

    They could also track your input and if regularities show up you get kicked as well. Then the AFK bot would have to be random timed with different keys to simulate real movement

    Fair point, though this is exactly the problem we're facing with the AFK BOT issue. If a program would constantly be playing on the background tracking every players movement and finding regularities in it, this would take up a lot of your FPS. There simply isn't one single solution that could solve the AFK-botting problem as a whole.
  • On Crater Dawn the solution is simple: let the bot stay there alone. Just dont play w/ afk "player".
  • buyaka334 wrote: »
    On Crater Dawn the solution is simple: let the bot stay there alone. Just dont play w/ afk "player".

    Okay seems like you are missing some points here. You do not always know before the game that the one player is afk botting. And after that game I would leave the room anyway, but I dislike that others get fooled for this afk botter again.

    In 1 game we tried to get the guy out by letting all Zombies who had gone after him pass. He did respawn like 20 times and we got a little low on our time in the end. So another solution needs to be found.
  • Well, while I'd like for those people to get banned, this won't work, especially on crater dawn. Since people have unlimited ammo, they can make the macro rotate in every place of the map while shooting, if it was another map, the ammo may run off eventually, but don't think it will work on this one
  • iam agree with this suggest but the last event there are many many players gained points doing bot and farming the events its NOT FAIR TO LET THEM WIN 100K ZP BOTTING
  • the_H4XOR wrote: »
    Well, while I'd like for those people to get banned, this won't work, especially on crater dawn. Since people have unlimited ammo, they can make the macro rotate in every place of the map while shooting, if it was another map, the ammo may run off eventually, but don't think it will work on this one

    What does this have to do with the ammo? As I wrote in my suggestion they need to make damage to Zombies and since the spawns in crager dawn are on the top floor there wont be zombies that often. So no damage dealt means no points gained and that equals the kick. Doesn't matter if he has unlimited ammo... The only way around this method would be an afk bot with aim bot LOL.
  • I think they could try using the not moving out of base like in the tdm map mejico then they move to lobby. i haven't played the map in awhile but I think even if shooting but they don't move out of base they move to lobby.
  • GKVTurkiye wrote: »
    Bad ıdea))

    Any reasons why? Normally when you say it is bad you either provide another solution or you at least tell us what so bad about it...
  • skyyblu wrote: »
    I think they could try using the not moving out of base like in the tdm map mejico then they move to lobby. i haven't played the map in awhile but I think even if shooting but they don't move out of base they move to lobby.

    Is this actually a thing? I think I have never played Mejico but I will try this out. I don't think that this exists but I am ready to be proven wrong.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    Is this actually a thing? I think I have never played Mejico but I will try this out. I don't think that this exists but I am ready to be proven wrong.

    Yes this is a thing, there are two versions of the same TDM map. Mexico and Mejico. In Mejico's base there is a damage zone in which players slowly get damaged if they stay there too long. This might also work in some of the ZM maps but considering most of them have players spawn in the middle of the map it wouldn't work.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    What does this have to do with the ammo? As I wrote in my suggestion they need to make damage to Zombies and since the spawns in crager dawn are on the top floor there wont be zombies that often. So no damage dealt means no points gained and that equals the kick. Doesn't matter if he has unlimited ammo... The only way around this method would be an afk bot with aim bot LOL.

    What I meant with unlimited ammo is that they won't have to keep charging the weapons to still be able to make damage.

    Oh, forgot that they spawn on the top, it might work then :v

    +1 :v
  • Hi,

    Yes there are many AFK players, sometimes 25-40% of the players in the room ...

    Good idea.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    Yes this is a thing, there are two versions of the same TDM map. Mexico and Mejico. In Mejico's base there is a damage zone in which players slowly get damaged if they stay there too long. This might also work in some of the ZM maps but considering most of them have players spawn in the middle of the map it wouldn't work.

    they spawn on top in crater dawn so it might work. but even in the tdm other players can kill the idle player (or a zombie kills a player).. I forgot if it affects that timer then though. if other players see someone is idle they can just try to protect them until they get booted from game. Just thinking it was something they were trying in game to stop afk but never tried on other maps
  • skyyblu wrote: »

    they spawn on top in crater dawn so it might work. but even in the tdm other players can kill the idle player (or a zombie kills a player).. I forgot if it affects that timer then though. if other players see someone is idle they can just try to protect them until they get booted from game. Just thinking it was something they were trying in game to stop afk but never tried on other maps

    Yeah it might've not been a success if only implemented on one map.
  • skyyblu wrote: »

    they spawn on top in crater dawn so it might work. but even in the tdm other players can kill the idle player (or a zombie kills a player).. I forgot if it affects that timer then though. if other players see someone is idle they can just try to protect them until they get booted from game. Just thinking it was something they were trying in game to stop afk but never tried on other maps

    Wont work anyway, you can just put something on the W button, and then everytime the player spawns he will go back to the middle.

  • The Best way to avoid, its not enter at host bot game, or if a bot user enter in your room, restart it
  • Vitorjun wrote: »
    The Best way to avoid, its not enter at host bot game, or if a bot user enter in your room, restart it

    Yes and lol at you. As if I know before joining that there is noone afk and they may be already in round 10 which means a pretty fast clearing...