A suggestion about duplicate ak busters

Hello all i have a suggestion for you. I saw a lot of ppl having dupes of ak busters i would like a mechanic that will let us to convert those ak buster to awakening gems.

For example 1 ak buster=> 4 awakening gems

What do you guys think?


  • -1 since the gems are way more rare than the ak buster. maybe 10 busters equal 1 gem
  • better to merge 4 AK-`s to one AK 47 Buster Silver for example . So if you have 4 of them upgrade them for one AK 47 Buster Silver
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    -1 since the gems are way more rare than the ak buster. maybe 10 busters equal 1 gem

    You can have at most 7 of the same class busters.
    Sacrificing 7 regular busters and 3 silver ones for 1 gem is counter-intuitive
  • +1 to disassembling AK Busters for gems, considering how hard it currently is to fully upgrade a AK-Buster.
  • Since the drop rate for AK Buster is not that low I think 1 free ZP crate ticket for every AK Buster will do better or even MP/EP points in exchange of every duped AK Buster.
  • They'd never do 1 buster for 4 gems lol, but 1 buster for 1 gem is reasonable. In 150 runs I've gotten 15 gems and 7 busters. Got all 15 of the gems on the days when the event was going, and I did 114 runs total. After the event stopped, I haven't got one in the other 36 runs. And while 150 runs isn't exactly enough to go running hard numbers, 1/10 runs for a gem and 1/20 for an AK seems about right, meaning the AK is actually a more rare item drop than the gems. Considering the only way to get gems is off of the legendary Warmonger reward you get in the mission, it'd be nice to have another way to get them, and z8 would still be getting money from the trade menu too. Plus having multiple of the same gun really serves no point unless its a VIP weapon.
  • Mahakala wrote: »
    They'd never do 1 buster for 4 gems lol, but 1 buster for 1 gem is reasonable. In 150 runs I've gotten 15 gems and 7 busters. Got all 15 of the gems on the days when the event was going, and I did 114 runs total. After the event stopped, I haven't got one in the other 36 runs. And while 150 runs isn't exactly enough to go running hard numbers, 1/10 runs for a gem and 1/20 for an AK seems about right, meaning the AK is actually a more rare item drop than the gems. Considering the only way to get gems is off of the legendary Warmonger reward you get in the mission, it'd be nice to have another way to get them, and z8 would still be getting money from the trade menu too. Plus having multiple of the same gun really serves no point unless its a VIP weapon.

    From what i've experienced personally and from what others have experienced that i've talked to....it seems the ak busters drop faster than the gems usually. I have 4 busters and only 3 gems. Think i'm around like 50 or 60 clears only. I think the ability to dismantle/sell an AK Buster base gun for 1 gem would work out well honestly as it'd only slightly speed up the process but at the same time allow us to get rid of excess duplicates.
  • I dont think busters should be converted to gems at all.
    But what I would like to see is 6 busters be converted to buster silver, and 4 buster silvers to buster gold.