Few points I would like to say
I would like to mention few points and bring them up to GM's attention
First off - This white forum kinda hurt everyone eyes ,please make a black background option (and no this "you will just have to get used to it" is unacceptable answer,we are not some 8 year [Removed] or some thing to shut all of us up by your horrid attitude)
2-The players who abused the web mall EP bug few months ago are still not banned..are you just expecting/want all of us to just forget about it?please take action.
3-The ribbons rewards are still not distributed since the ribbons update in the begin of this month,I just got 50 ribbons on my account more than 2 weeks ago,but still no d.e pink appear on my account
4-The "credit to the clan" is bugged for almost 4 years by my count,and still our "omni devs" can't fix a little ribbon
5.If you brought the dragon blade back because of the EU players,can you please bring back the xuan back for a limited period of time?
6.Support center is currently useless,you either hire new fresh employees to give us "live answer" or remove this center over all ,I don't remember when I didn't get copy paste reply in the latest 3-4 years and I send tickets daily,they just refuse to help,especially when we have issues to get our account unbanned or when we need to face with account administration.
Another thing is a bug report - it's about the 10'th anniversary ribbon event,I have heard about lots of players complaining they completed 2 hours this weekend but the tracker shows "incomplete" in the event page in the "you have played 2h all the weekends on March " section.Plz fix it,we don't want to lose the 10 years ribbon,after complete the wheel because of an issue from your end.
Last but not least - please take action against the hackers in the game,hire more people to watch our reports,let us report lets say 3 or 4 hackers in the same ticket and not the "1 report per ticket" limit that we have right now,ban by hardware the hackers,patch x-trap daily etc ' . Because the game (especially ranked) is currently unplayable,and we really don't want to abandon the game we are in love with because of some air heads kids and a temporary statethat the game at.
Please take care of these issues!
I would like to mention few points and bring them up to GM's attention
First off - This white forum kinda hurt everyone eyes ,please make a black background option (and no this "you will just have to get used to it" is unacceptable answer,we are not some 8 year [Removed] or some thing to shut all of us up by your horrid attitude)
2-The players who abused the web mall EP bug few months ago are still not banned..are you just expecting/want all of us to just forget about it?please take action.
3-The ribbons rewards are still not distributed since the ribbons update in the begin of this month,I just got 50 ribbons on my account more than 2 weeks ago,but still no d.e pink appear on my account
4-The "credit to the clan" is bugged for almost 4 years by my count,and still our "omni devs" can't fix a little ribbon
5.If you brought the dragon blade back because of the EU players,can you please bring back the xuan back for a limited period of time?
6.Support center is currently useless,you either hire new fresh employees to give us "live answer" or remove this center over all ,I don't remember when I didn't get copy paste reply in the latest 3-4 years and I send tickets daily,they just refuse to help,especially when we have issues to get our account unbanned or when we need to face with account administration.
Another thing is a bug report - it's about the 10'th anniversary ribbon event,I have heard about lots of players complaining they completed 2 hours this weekend but the tracker shows "incomplete" in the event page in the "you have played 2h all the weekends on March " section.Plz fix it,we don't want to lose the 10 years ribbon,after complete the wheel because of an issue from your end.
Last but not least - please take action against the hackers in the game,hire more people to watch our reports,let us report lets say 3 or 4 hackers in the same ticket and not the "1 report per ticket" limit that we have right now,ban by hardware the hackers,patch x-trap daily etc ' . Because the game (especially ranked) is currently unplayable,and we really don't want to abandon the game we are in love with because of some air heads kids and a temporary statethat the game at.
Please take care of these issues!
Cryptophile wrote: »What was that EP bug about?
I didn't even know of it.
As far as I know, some people got like a HUGE amount of EP for no reason, enough to buy every crate 1,000 times.
I remember playing and seeing the same people winning like 50 times a day only weapons from the EP shop.... -
I would like to mention few points and bring them up to GM's attention
First off - This white forum kinda hurt everyone eyes ,please make a black background option (and no this "you will just have to get used to it" is unacceptable answer,we are not some 8 year old egy kids or some thing to shut all of us up by your horrid attitude)
I completely agree we could really use at least a 'dark theme' on here. Ultimately the forums aren't THAT important but it's also something that SHOULD be rather simple to do....can't understand why it hasn't been done with yet. Also super saddening to know that we have the worst forums out of the CF versions run by Z8. Looking at CF BRs or CF ES forums and you get super jealous of their themes/skins. That being said....no reason to insult people from other countries just because you have a horrible attitude over this.
2-The players who abused the web mall EP bug few months ago are still not banned..are you just expecting/want all of us to just forget about it?please take action.
They've already stated they took action but that they can't state what kind of action which is due to their company policy about not telling players about other people's accounts. While I think a blanket statement about it would have been fine....i'm obviously not part of the company to make that decision. The reason they likely weren't banned was because the EP going into their accounts was ultimately a Z8 error and even though the players should have immediately realized something wasn't right and not used it....it's not completely their fault. Thus the probably got some sort of punishment but not an outright ban. We'll never know the full details and unless you talk to those players effected who might know more.
3-The ribbons rewards are still not distributed since the ribbons update in the begin of this month,I just got 50 ribbons on my account more than 2 weeks ago,but still no d.e pink appear on my account.
The weapons which were updated into the ribbon system recently should all be distributed. The DE pink crystal was not part of that and should have distributed already but it's possible due to the massive amount of data going out for awarding ribbons and rewards from the new updated ones that it messed with it's distribution as well. As much as you probably don't want to hear it....submit a ticket telling them the problem and they'll get to it on Monday or maybe as late as Tuesday. Keeping in mind their office hours are like 9AM-6PM EST
4-The "credit to the clan" is bugged for almost 4 years by my count,and still our "omni devs" can't fix a little ribbon
yea not gonna lie. this is kinda disappointing. Not sure if this falls under Z8s jurisdiction or the Devs since it's ribbon related and I think we're the only version with a ribbon system and ribbons are also website sided not client sided. Though it could have something to do with how information from the client is sent to the website or something along those lines so it could involve both. Really no reason they shouldnt have gotten to this if it's really been that long unless people flat out havent been reporting it or it's just that low of priority because there's hardly any clan wars anymore really.
5.If you brought the dragon blade back because of the EU players,can you please bring back the xuan back for a limited period of time?
While it'd probably be nice to see the Xuan sword come back there's likely a reason we might not see it come back. Where as the Dragon Blade was never released in CF EU (any version of the dragon blade i believe at that) they never had access to it. However the Xuan sword was available in both versions NA/UK and EU for at least a few months. They likely released it as there was a large push for them to release the stuff not released on other versions and while we got things like the Drotik and the GP Mega crate among others which were EU weapons not released in NA/UK before....the Dragon blade was one of the few not released to EU already. Personally I just can't wait until the remove the dragon blade and it slowly stops being used.
6.Support center is currently useless,you either hire new fresh employees to give us "live answer" or remove this center over all ,I don't remember when I didn't get copy paste reply in the latest 3-4 years and I send tickets daily,they just refuse to help,especially when we have issues to get our account unbanned or when we need to face with account administration.
This is how support systems work pretty much anywhere. They come up with common 'official' sounding answers to common problems. and are directed to use those. When they don't have one for the issue they look into the issue and come up with a statement for it or just end up saying something along the lines of 'thanks for letting us know this is now under investigation'. Getting an account unbanned is a fun one admittedly but they likely don't respond with specifics on that because they can't divulge what info you're lacking as that would allow a person who isn't you to potentially probe around to find out what info they might still need to try to gain access to your account as well. I've personally have had pretty decent help from the support system but i also don't expect my replies to be anything specific but so long as my issue gets resolved or some kind of info towards it i'm fine. But....i've also never had my account banned or 'stolen' though there's probably a reason for none of that happening to my account. I will also add that often times when they have failed to help me it was because of a misunderstanding which was rectified when I clarified what I meant.
Another thing is a bug report - it's about the 10'th anniversary ribbon event,I have heard about lots of players complaining they completed 2 hours this weekend but the tracker shows "incomplete" in the event page in the "you have played 2h all the weekends on March " section.Plz fix it,we don't want to lose the 10 years ribbon,after complete the wheel because of an issue from your end.
While the tracker might be broken (it will probably update when the weekend ends is my guess didnt really pay attention to when that track updates for the weekend part of it) you still get your crates from playing 2 hours in-game. So if you got your crates each weekend. you're good. If one is worried they could even probably take screenshots of those crates in their inventory if they haven't spun them already. As Tracker being broken just means the logs aren't transferring properly from game to site most likely but those logs can and will be retrieved to verify the event needs. So in other words...if you've done your 2 hours then you're good regardless of what the tracker might say and you can be sure you got those 2 hours in by making sure you get the crates.
Last but not least - please take action against the hackers in the game,hire more people to watch our reports,let us report lets say 3 or 4 hackers in the same ticket and not the "1 report per ticket" limit that we have right now,ban by hardware the hackers,patch x-trap daily etc ' . Because the game (especially ranked) is currently unplayable,and we really don't want to abandon the game we are in love with because of some air heads kids and a temporary statethat the game at.
They are always taking action against hackers of course. Though I do like the idea of being able to report more than 1 hacker per ticket as long as they are all present in the same replay. That way they would theoretically be able to open the replay and review all of them instead of opening it, reviewing 1, taking action if needed and closing out of the replay...just to open one of the next hack reports to find it's the same replay but a different hacker in the replay. However, the reason they might not would be that this way each ticket is indicative of the reported account in it and can be used for evaluation reasons. I thought a few years ago they were going to start banning by hardware...but it seems that fell through. Though i've heard from other players how that can actually be worked around regardless. As for 'X-trap' we're currently using Xign of course and while neither one has ever worked GREAT really to the exception of maybe a few times in their history. I think we'd be better off trying another anti-cheat at the moment.
Please take care of these issues!
added my notes in red. -
- For EP bug abused the players who used they still play normally with 50 or more EP weapon ((Free )) and no action taken against them.
- For "Credit To clan Ribbon" maybe need 4-5 years more, it takes 3 years to finish but for nothing . Till now no giving approximate time to fix so maybe will not fixed cuz 3 years pass and nothing happen .
- For 10 anniversary event it's bugged from yesterday and no fix till Monday or after Monday .
- Supoort team should be following up and fix bugs immediately -
Y0ungAngie wrote: »
As far as I know, some people got like a HUGE amount of EP for no reason, enough to buy every crate 1,000 times.
I remember playing and seeing the same people winning like 50 times a day only weapons from the EP shop....
What the actual <removed>
And now I have grind every minute to get 20 EP per minute? That is rediculous.
GMs, you have to give me 100,000 EP for compensation. It's still not fair because other people received 10,000,000 EP for free but if you give me 100,000 EP then I'm fine with it. -
- For EP bug abused the players who used they still play normally with 50 or more EP weapon ((Free )) and no action taken against them.
- For "Credit To clan Ribbon" maybe need 4-5 years more, it takes 3 years to finish but for nothing . Till now no giving approximate time to fix so maybe will not fixed cuz 3 years pass and nothing happen .
- For 10 anniversary event it's bugged from yesterday and no fix till Monday or after Monday .
- Supoort team should be following up and fix bugs immediately
Also don't forget billions of GP from opening those crates. In the end of the day, it's not player's fault.
What Z8game should do is to give others 100,000 EP as a consolation. -
I love this game, I rly do! But what i hate is recharging zp every month and being forced to play with hackers. You, gm's should do something. i wonder what would happen to you and your jobs if we all quit playing this game because of the hackers YOU dont do something about. Its absolutely disrespectful the way YOU act. This "we can't say nothing about the measures we took" policy is crap. Give us proof you took care of the hackers we reported. Today, an egyption kid was hacking and after i kicked him he told me that I could report him 10k times. He will always make a new account. HOW IS IT THAT I, FROM MY CIVILISED COUNTRY CAN'T SIGN A NEW ACCOUNT ANYMORE, BUT ALLl THESE turk AND egyption HACKERS CAN????? Give us some kind of response. Work on making the game better, NOT on making new events. You guys got a million times more money than you deserve. All you guys care about is money. A day will come when CF WEST, as you call it now, will fall like CF EU, and that will be your fault because you never do anything about hackers and game faults. I hope you are happy about ruining this game, GM's, because everything that is wrong about it is your fault. We want you to do something about it. I've put too much money in this game to be insulted, and to be playing with hackers. AND DON'T COME WITH THAT "NOBODY FORCED YOU TO RECHARGE ZP" <Removed>. IF YOU WOULD HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT FOR THE PEOPLE WHO PUT FOOD ON YOUR TABLE, YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING. CONFIDENTIAL <Removed>, LIKE WE WOULD ASK ABOUT THEIR LOGIN INFORMATION OR AGE OR ANY OF THAT. ALL WE WANT IS A GAME WITH NO HACKERS, NO BUGS AND,
Already two month over and they still play normally with all EP weapon they won , at the end nothing will happen .
It would be weird these players would be permanently banned for a mistake the GM's made. You don't know if and how these players were punished and I don't really think you have a right to know either. -
It would be weird these players would be permanently banned for a mistake the GM's made. You don't know if and how these players were punished and I don't really think you have a right to know either.
If this was Epic Games we would all get lots of EP compensation. Maybe that's why they have the respect of their huge community, and such revenue. Z8 however.. greedy like always -
It would be weird these players would be permanently banned for a mistake the GM's made. You don't know if and how these players were punished and I don't really think you have a right to know either.
Well ye it is our "right" to know if they take action if we are those who spend that time of our days off weekends to gain barely 10.000-15.000ep each week by stay awake for 2nd prime time while those air heads medos just get hundreds of millions free ep just like that by take advantage of a temporary bug,and the GM's doesn't even seems to care.
Also we are those who spend that time of our day to report the users we are suspect to abuse any kind of bug in the game (when we see some one win ep 50 weapons a day for example) .I mean it's not our/the players responsibility to keep the game clean am I right?so ye it is out "right"
Also please stop mini modding - I never seen any one farm 1200 posts in 2 months. -
Well ye it is our "right" to know if they take action if we are those who spend that time of our days off weekends to gain barely 10.000-15.000ep each week by stay awake for 2nd prime time while those air heads medos just get hundreds of millions free ep just like that by take advantage of a temporary bug,and the GM's doesn't even seems to care.
Also we are those who spend that time of our day to report the users we are suspect to abuse any kind of bug in the game (when we see some one win ep 50 weapons a day for example) .I mean it's not our/the players responsibility to keep the game clean am I right?so ye it is out "right"
Also please stop mini modding - I never seen any one farm 1200 posts in 2 months.
Firstly, I post to whatever thread I like.
Second, I figure you'd do exactly the same if a bug like this would happen to you.
Third, GM's never share if they've taken action against any player. This is against the privacy of these players. -
Firstly, I post to whatever thread I like.
Second, I figure you'd do exactly the same if a bug like this would happen to you.
Third, GM's never share if they've taken action against any player. This is against the privacy of these players.
Not at all, IGN has nothing to do with privacy, other games release names of banned account all the time. An example is League of Legends, you often received messages from Riot saying the person(s) you reported have been banned for 30 days, permanently, or just chat ban. -
Cryptophile wrote: »
Not at all, IGN has nothing to do with privacy, other games release names of banned account all the time. An example is League of Legends, you often received messages from Riot saying the person(s) you reported have been banned for 30 days, permanently, or just chat ban.
That's another game, might have other rules. -
Why are people here obsessed with knowing who get's punished and even more obsessed with the EP Bug. Sure i would also liked to have millions of EP (Though i wouldn't use it, before getting a go order from the GM's), but i didn't. I don't really care either if the people who got it and used it, were punished or not. It was the GM's fault that it could happen, but the player's fault that they were stupid enough to think it was supposed to be like that. In the end, what does it matter? Acting jealous about it and complaining is childish, are you going to complain about when other people win stuff from boxes and you don't too. Grow up, accept it and move on. It's just a game in the end.JackPain (Sweden)
Painanator wrote: »Why are people here obsessed with knowing who get's punished and even more obsessed with the EP Bug. Sure i would also liked to have millions of EP (Though i wouldn't use it, before getting a go order from the GM's), but i didn't. I don't really care either if the people who got it and used it, were punished or not. It was the GM's fault that it could happen, but the player's fault that they were stupid enough to think it was supposed to be like that. In the end, what does it matter? Acting jealous about it and complaining is childish, are you going to complain about when other people win stuff from boxes and you don't too. Grow up, accept it and move on. It's just a game in the end.
like they wouldve sent a ticket to report the bug and not abuse it at least a bit lool -
Painanator wrote: »Why are people here obsessed with knowing who get's punished and even more obsessed with the EP Bug. Sure i would also liked to have millions of EP (Though i wouldn't use it, before getting a go order from the GM's), but i didn't. I don't really care either if the people who got it and used it, were punished or not. It was the GM's fault that it could happen, but the player's fault that they were stupid enough to think it was supposed to be like that. In the end, what does it matter? Acting jealous about it and complaining is childish, are you going to complain about when other people win stuff from boxes and you don't too. Grow up, accept it and move on. It's just a game in the end.
It's right to compare this game to other games such as Fortnite and League, the triplet are free, fun (?), have transactions and have some sort of following. Having played all 3 games for a long time and spending considerable amounts of money on each, its easily understandable why people would get angry over the EP glitch from 5/6 months ago (don't quote me on this). In a game such as crossfire where chance gets to decide whether you have more fun or less its annoying, sure, you are able to increase your chance by spending money but many have to grind for any kind of reward, then there are those who get 'lucky' and fly pass that grind and get a glitch allowing them rewards many would have to play 10s if not 100s of hours for. Sure as hell then its fine to be jealous and annoyed.
"That's another game, might have other rules."
Sure as hell they have other rules, rules keeping hackers in line and a mandatory workforce to deal with reports, server issues, technical problems. Perhaps that's why those games catch plays in the 8 digits daily and this game scratches maybe 6 digits on it's prime time.
Its not bad being nosy either, for a game such as this which is so secretive (or perhaps scarce of content), we should be able to find out something as minor as people being punished for doing something.
Anonymity isn't given up through an announcement about people getting banned.
Don't get me wrong, i still enjoy the game in my free time, but the way its ran is another story in itself.
No idea what some people have risen up to recently, perhaps our unneeded White knight wielding the rusty sword of cringe.
If the wise words of e33ffws23 are true, our hero has slayed 20 wrongful posts a day! wow, record!
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