Bring more of the WW2 Guns in from the other CF Versions

My Suggestions is to bring more in the Old Guns from WW2, that already are in other Cf Version, i honestly want to Collect them and My Suggestions are the M14 (Not Mini14, i mean M14), MG-13, I waiting for them so long now that they get Into our Cf Version now, Specially for the MG13, and when not in the Item Shop but at least Make like the Mega Gp Capsule a Gp Crate out of it, Like "Old Veteran GP Crate"

Or Like the Remington thats on the Western Map, that could be a cool GP Crate too,
Or MP5 Camo as example.

And my Last suggestion would be like the Functional Backpack, but more likely a "Ammo Backpack" for Mutations Modes, because when you look at other Cf Versions in that Mutation Modes they have with all MG mags, so on over 1000 Reserve Ammo, because i stopped playing Mutation Modes of this, because im Tired that every MG is at 500 Max Bullets together, and i dont like the Drop Boxes because mostly, they just give out Gatling Guns when you cant need them, when you need to be mobile. That Backpack should be for Gp and just should have a use in that Mutation Modes, and give you then 3 or 4 extra Mags, not only for MGs only, because with that you could even then start to use Rifles, Shotguns and Mps more Effectively in that Mode.

There so much more Variety on the other Cf Version on Guns, you dont see that much Variety because as example take Mps, why everyone is using TMP? because its such fast firing and accurate, theres no counter Part, sure Mp5 fires quickly too but that damage compared per Bullet is way less.

And to Finally come ot a End my Last suggestion to Fix this Asynchronous Player Models, So that if im behind a wall again, someplayer with 200 pings still cant hit me because of their delay, im not arround the Corner again, but im already safe by my Screen. And like to Introduce a new Mechanic thats like in Counter Strike, If your Ping Jumps high, you cant move and your "freezed" at this Spot, until their Ping Fixes again back to Normal. That the Chars are not Synchron you can easy see in Knife Mode, You run into someone, you see that he starts the Knife Animation, his Animation ended already, then you knife him, Blood and Hit Reaction already gets Triggered at his Char, But then Suddenly i Die because he was not at the End of the Animation, he did alraedy another Power attack, but its not Synchron, on What the Player are Doing and what other Players see, and that annoying, at least for me, thats why i banned Knife Mode since Years for me.

I Would Like to hear your Oppinion
Greetings BananaJoes


  • My Suggestions is to bring more in the Old Guns from WW2, that already are in other Cf Version, i honestly want to Collect them and My Suggestions are the M14 (Not Mini14, i mean M14), MG-13, I waiting for them so long now that they get Into our Cf Version now, Specially for the MG13, and when not in the Item Shop but at least Make like the Mega Gp Capsule a Gp Crate out of it, Like "Old Veteran GP Crate"

    I'd love to see more World War themed guns, especially the MG13 (never had a chance to win it in EU).
    And my Last suggestion would be like the Functional Backpack, but more likely a "Ammo Backpack" for Mutations Modes, because when you look at other Cf Versions in that Mutation Modes they have with all MG mags, so on over 1000 Reserve Ammo, because i stopped playing Mutation Modes of this, because im Tired that every MG is at 500 Max Bullets together, and i dont like the Drop Boxes because mostly, they just give out Gatling Guns when you cant need them, when you need to be mobile. That Backpack should be for Gp and just should have a use in that Mutation Modes, and give you then 3 or 4 extra Mags, not only for MGs only, because with that you could even then start to use Rifles, Shotguns and Mps more Effectively in that Mode.

    -1 for a ammo backpack that gives 3-4 more magazines. In Vietnam you can buy a item that isn't applied to the character but is normally in inventory, it gives +1 mag to a specific type of weapon (for example, MG, SMG and Rifle). I'd like to see this item implemented in West too, through temporary availability in MP for example.
    And to Finally come ot a End my Last suggestion to Fix this Asynchronous Player Models, So that if im behind a wall again, someplayer with 200 pings still cant hit me because of their delay, im not arround the Corner again, but im already safe by my Screen. And like to Introduce a new Mechanic thats like in Counter Strike, If your Ping Jumps high, you cant move and your "freezed" at this Spot, until their Ping Fixes again back to Normal. That the Chars are not Synchron you can easy see in Knife Mode, You run into someone, you see that he starts the Knife Animation, his Animation ended already, then you knife him, Blood and Hit Reaction already gets Triggered at his Char, But then Suddenly i Die because he was not at the End of the Animation, he did alraedy another Power attack, but its not Synchron, on What the Player are Doing and what other Players see, and that annoying, at least for me, thats why i banned Knife Mode since Years for me.

    I think another person suggested before that damage made on a frozen player due to lag should be registered, I'm however not sure if this can be implemented in the current servers. I would like to see it implemented though.
  • Nothing than can harm was suggested above.
  • I Forgot 1 Weapon, that would be even Fir for a "Old Veteran Gp" Crate and thats the Nade "Stielhandgranate 24" or better Known, in Crossfire China as Example as "Model 24 Grenade"

    and 1 other Suggestion, would be a Crate with Chance to win Bags Permanent
  • Utmost wrote: »

    I'd love to see more World War themed guns, especially the MG13 (never had a chance to win it in EU).

    -1 for a ammo backpack that gives 3-4 more magazines. In Vietnam you can buy a item that isn't applied to the character but is normally in inventory, it gives +1 mag to a specific type of weapon (for example, MG, SMG and Rifle). I'd like to see this item implemented in West too, through temporary availability in MP for example.

    I think another person suggested before that damage made on a frozen player due to lag should be registered, I'm however not sure if this can be implemented in the current servers. I would like to see it implemented though.

    You can already Buy in Item Shop under the Category "Char" and "Waist" i think it was specific rifle, pistol or mg mags, that gives you 1 Clip extra, but like i said in Mutation Modes Max Loadout with an Mg dont come over 500 Bullets, and that SMG Mag dont really bring you much with that 1 Clip, because Mps mostly just do really damage if the DMG Booster are full on, and this mostly when you already have nearby no ammo more with Rifle/Mps/shotguns/Mgs. Thats why i brought up this idea with a ammo Backpack for this Modes
  • Quake444 wrote: »

    You can already Buy in Item Shop under the Category "Char" and "Waist" i think it was specific rifle, pistol or mg mags, that gives you 1 Clip extra, but like i said in Mutation Modes Max Loadout with an Mg dont come over 500 Bullets, and that SMG Mag dont really bring you much with that 1 Clip, because Mps mostly just do really damage if the DMG Booster are full on, and this mostly when you already have nearby no ammo more with Rifle/Mps/shotguns/Mgs. Thats why i brought up this idea with a ammo Backpack for this Modes

    4 magazines is just way too much. Considering you also have the 50% increase of ammo item in Mutation Mode already. That would than grand you another 2 magazines. 1 extra magazine is plenty for f2p players.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    4 magazines is just way too much. Considering you also have the 50% increase of ammo item in Mutation Mode already. That would than grand you another 2 magazines. 1 extra magazine is plenty for f2p players.

    But in that Modes not, specially if you want to play with rifles,smg, or shotguns and not only Mgs, and even some MGs doesnt make much until the Damage Booster is full up, and on that Point youre with Rifles/smgs/shotguns already out of ammo, and like i said the Yellow Supply Boxes, drop so often just Gatling Guns and other heavy Gear everytime when you cant need them, and just need ammo again
  • Quake444 wrote: »

    But in that Modes not, specially if you want to play with rifles,smg, or shotguns and not only Mgs, and even some MGs doesnt make much until the Damage Booster is full up, and on that Point youre with Rifles/smgs/shotguns already out of ammo, and like i said the Yellow Supply Boxes, drop so often just Gatling Guns and other heavy Gear everytime when you cant need them, and just need ammo again

    Rifle and SMG, yes, you often run out of ammo there without using any ZP items. However with some shotguns and most MG's you can easily last the full round. As I said, 1 magazine doesn't hurt but 4 is just way too much.
  • Utmost wrote: »

    Rifle and SMG, yes, you often run out of ammo there without using any ZP items. However with some shotguns and most MG's you can easily last the full round. As I said, 1 magazine doesn't hurt but 4 is just way too much.

    With a KSg youre even struggle to hold full round out,then theres no chance with stakeour,vepr12,armsel striker and so on, and with rifles either only if you run arround without shooting until damage boost is up
  • And with 3-4 mags that was an example, because with like i said all items you can buy to Upgrade mags your max ammo is at 150-450
  • Getting the DPM, MG13, Reibel MG and CSRG in CF West would definitely be a nice addition. Maybe in another one of those limited time GP crates.
  • That gun was made by Saab in 2000, that's more than a few years after WW2 lol.
  • I'm always up to seeing new gun models, so +1 from me
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Kanadian;n6896296]I'm always up to seeing new gun models, so +1 from me[/QUOTE]

    wow a GM replied to such an Thread +1 ^^
  • Can you all link the guns you mentioned from Wiki ?
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Grumpy;n6896740]Can you all link the guns you mentioned from Wiki ?[/QUOTE]



    Here you go. These are all the ones I know of off hand that aren't obtainable. The KAR 98 and C9 are the same era, but there are crates with a lot of different C9s, and the KARs in the mileage shop.

    Edit: Whoops, M14s Cold War, not WW2. There's the Mosin Nagant and 1911 too, but the Mosin's in a crate with the normal KAR, and the 1911's a GP gun. How dare I forget the 1911. I've failed as a gun nut.
  • Thanks for sharing the links, will look into bringing some of them, hopefully soon.

    However the M1A1 Carbine and the DPM we already do have them, so we will see if we can release them sometime soon.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Grumpy;n6896740]Can you all link the guns you mentioned from Wiki ?[/QUOTE]

    Sorry i first looked now into the Forum again, this would be my suggestion for a other Gp Capsule like "Remember the Veterans", that would be an awesome Crate, that even Player could Spin for Gp

    I'm honestly right now Happy to see GM's Responding to this Thread ^^, i would wish to see that more, I was looking for that Model 24 Grenade too, because it would fit into this Crate and would at least have a Fresh look instead the normal Grenade the whole time, because it has the same Damage like a normal Grenade, it would fir into a Gp Crate and wouldnt do much "Pay to Win" aspect to it, even for a Gp Crate, it would be more a "reskin" but would at least make me more happy then to see the whole time that Standard Nade in my Bags ^^.

    Greetings from Germany, im in hope to see at least one of this Guns in our version too

    ps: i found even a new Handgun that would be fitting as a Reward if somebody would get all the Guns if you would do them as a Crate together, it would be a revolver, but it's like a meme Gun, like it was in Battlefield 1 but that would be a funny Gun, and even a awesome reward for such an Crate, and even as First Gp Crate Collection Reward that would be really awesome. The Revolver im talking about is the: Swiss Mini Gun
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Grumpy;n6897003]Thanks for sharing the links, will look into bringing some of them, hopefully soon.

    However the M1A1 Carbine and the DPM we already do have them, so we will see if we can release them sometime soon.[/QUOTE]

    I Hope you saw that Quote from me, because it messes that Up when i Quote a GM, it dont show it right that the name was Correct Copy, but i hope it worked, and it would be nice if we would get a respond if it worked, and if we would see any of that guns soon^^
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Grumpy;n6897003]Thanks for sharing the links, will look into bringing some of them, hopefully soon.

    However the M1A1 Carbine and the DPM we already do have them, so we will see if we can release them sometime soon.[/QUOTE]

    The MG13 should already be available too in this version, since it got migrated out of EU.
  • +1. Adding more guns to the game makes it more exciting to play.
  • We Need more MGs and SMGs, would be awesome to fell in a battle
  • we need german mp40, m1a1 carbine, m14(not ebr), m1 garand, mg42, etc.
  • we need german mp40, m1a1 carbine, m14(not ebr), m1 garand, mg42, etc.

    M1A1 Carabine was for years in the Game, it got Removed with the m37 Stakeout Firewall, Sterling Magma, and other Gun Crates. I wish there would be more "old Guns" in too, but i looked up in what Guns are in other Version and just needed to be "Copy&Paste" but we never had before in CF NA/West, and if you looked up at the front Page, my suggestion was the M14 The Old one already in this Crate that i Suggested