How to post a picture or GIF in the forum
By this guide I hope to explain how to post a picture or GIF on the Z8Games forum. Currently, there is a tool in the visual editor which can be used to post pictures on forum. But this one is often bugged.
TIP: upon uploading a picture on Imgur you can directly get the right format for posting it on the forum. Simply click the downwards facing arrow next to the picture, than "get share links" and finally copy the "BBCode (Forums)" link.
- Upload your picture on a image hosting site such as Imgur or Lightshot.
- Right click the picture (this can also be a picture you find on the web) and select "open picture in new tab"
- The picture will now be opened in a new tab as a .jpg or .png link.
- To post the picture in your thread, copy this link and put it in between the following brackets:
- That's it, you can now post your thread with a cool picture!
TIP: upon uploading a picture on Imgur you can directly get the right format for posting it on the forum. Simply click the downwards facing arrow next to the picture, than "get share links" and finally copy the "BBCode (Forums)" link.
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