I have some questions

Hello GM: - I have some questions: - 1 - Can you play the Egyptian game and I think we deserve it 2: - We have the freight charges inside the game is expensive for us, meaning that 80 $ you have = approximate us 2000 pounds 3: - I have heard that the game will add Patroel Is this true
We thank you for your efforts and your love for us and for the continuous and distinctive updates and I am happy if you are bothered


  • From what I've heard there are already ways for Egyptians to receive ZP in a cheaper way than spending 2000 Egyptian pounds. The Egyptians for now have access to the EU server of Crossfire West but probably won't receive one of their own.

    You'd have to explain what "Patroel" means, I've never heard of it.
  • Hello GM: - I have some questions: - 1 - Can you play the Egyptian game and I think we deserve it 2: - We have the freight charges inside the game is expensive for us, meaning that 80 $ you have = approximate us 2000 pounds 3: - I have heard that the game will add Patroel Is this true
    We thank you for your efforts and your love for us and for the continuous and distinctive updates and I am happy if you are bothered

    1. I'm not sure what you mean but if you are asking for a new version, that is not up to us, unfortunately. If you are asking for a new server, we have no plans for that.

    2. Unfortunately, we do not control the exchange rate. ZP costs the same everywhere, if your currency is worth less than the US Dollar, then ZP will cost more of that currency. If you currency is worth more than the US Dollar, ZP will cost less of that currency. This is how world trade works, and is not something we can change, unfortunately. I recommend checking out something very interesting in that sense called the Big Mac Index.

    3. I'm not sure what you mean by Patrol, but maybe you can explain better?
  • # 3: - is a collection of resources and weapons from the ground and a large map and the presence of many players
    I'm sorry because some words are wrong because I do not know much about English
  • # 3: - is a collection of resources and weapons from the ground and a large map and the presence of many players
    I'm sorry because some words are wrong because I do not know much about English

    I think he mean "a battle royal mode". It has weapons on the ground, a big map and a lot of players in one room.
  • [QUOTE=[GM]Kanadian;n6889447]
    2. Unfortunately, we do not control the exchange rate. ZP costs the same everywhere, if your currency is worth less than the US Dollar, then ZP will cost more of that currency. If you currency is worth more than the US Dollar, ZP will cost less of that currency. This is how world trade works, and is not something we can change, unfortunately. I recommend checking out something very interesting in that sense called the Big Mac Index.


    Well this is not completely true, is it? The OneCard payment method in the Middle East gives ZP at a way lower rate.